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Hey guys, I just started vaping about a week ago and I love it. 1.) I started with the Nicotek Metro Kit and I have to say that its not a bad ecig. I like the taste and I get a decent amount of vapor with it. Now yesterday I purchaced the V2 Economy Kit and although the full flavor cartridges taste pretty identical I am not getting nearly as much vapor with it as I am with the Metro. What is your input on these two brands. 2.) Today I ordered a few bottles of liquid from litecigusa.net so I can try different flavors. Is there a way to clean the old cartridges to use the new flavors. 3.) I know that if i do need to get blanks for the flavors that I can get ones from v2, but Metro does not have them. Is there a site that I can order blanks for the metro or am I SOL. I don't know if it was a bad cartridge that i have on the v2 but as of right now I like the Metro alot better. Any input would be greatly appreciated.


Not familiar with either of those so I can't say on the refillable carto's.You would be ahead of the game to go ahead and get an Ego ,so many options to go with those and no guessing games.You can Youtube the Taryn spin for cleaning carto's and Youtube Condom method for refilling them with your liquid.

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