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I'm a rookie, in regards to ecigs, and was wondering if anybody could help me. I'm thinking of switching to ecigs for the better health benefits and to fully quit my addiction. I was concerned because I tried this before and I think the Blu ecigs got me really sick with a chest cold in the summer.

Is this possible or was it just something else? Also, are there any dangers to ecigs? Like I said I'm trying to quit but I was concern about getting sick. If anybody could reply it would be greatly appreciated.

On a final note: Any tips on a cheap product other than blu that i could use...the best cig simulation. I really want to quit smoking.


Well, one thing to keep in mind is that a chest cold is caused by a virus. An eCig or eJuice is never going to be the cause of a cold. They don't cause pneumonia and should, generally, be free of germs that would cause a cold. If you're already a smoker, you're doing far more damage to your lungs by inhaling tar and what amounts to burning pollutants than you ever would do with an eCig. My recommendations for an eCig kit that would be similar to Blu but far less expensive would be the following, with the 510 kit having the most overal capabilities for future upgrades or additional options.




Posted (edited)

Vision Spinner or Ego twist will get you further if you don't need a 'cigarette-shaped device'.

Variable voltage will give you that "kick" some e-juices need.

And mega-welcome from a fellow Pennsylvanian, welcome to VT!!

Edit: I DID get a headache the first time I ever used an e-cig.

It was a gas station disposable and I think it was too much nicotine.

I agree with Synther you can't blame the e-cig when you get a virus.

Edited by ninjabat
Posted (edited)

I agree with Synther and Ninjabat. Don't think you got the chest cold from Blu cigs. And I think going with the eGo models is a better place to start off. They've been around awhile and are still a go to device for me.

Edited by DarthVaper

I like the ego series, however, my boyfriend is very concerned with having the most cigarette-like product himself (he is old and stubborn! lol) so he sticks with the Blu. They are the most user friendly, when I smoked blu I had no idea what cart or atties or any of that were. I just had the battery to charge and cartidges to replace ever so often. It was nice. Now I smoke the Joyetech Ego-c, and I am still constantly having to ask questions and experiment with things but I will say it's cheaper and has a better quality vapor than Blu produced in my opinion, though my boyfriend disagrees with that.


I AM a nonsmoker!!! :yes

Alright, so what's the difference between pg/vg liquid. I sorry for asking noob questions but I really want to try this. The blu didn't cut it for me, so i'm looking at the ego. Should I go with a tank system?


I would get the clearomizer. I hated using the atty and cartridge combo, I made a complete mess of trying to fill it and I think it leaks. I used my first clearomizer all day today - 1.2 ml worth - and no leakage. I take long slow puffs, I don't know if that makes a difference. My bf takes hard drags because I think he likes the TH factor ... I detest throat hit and like max vapor.


Alright, so what's the difference between pg/vg liquid. I sorry for asking noob questions but I really want to try this. The blu didn't cut it for me, so i'm looking at the ego. Should I go with a tank system?

PG liquid is known to carry the flavor better while VG is thicker and produces more vapor. In my DSE901 cartridges and cartomizers, I find a 50/50 mix to work best. However, I have read that VG liquid, or liquids that are 100% VG, can gum up the atomizer in some tanks or cartomizers. Best to research the tank you plan to use before hand and this is a great place to ask.

If you're looking to go analog free, something that looks and feels like a cigarette may work best (and is what worked for me). However, be aware that you'll likely be wanting to upgrade in the very near future. I'm already to the point where I'm looking at an eGo with a CE4 Clearomizer tank on it.

As for whether I would consider myself a nonsmoker or not, I would say no. I don't consider myself a nonsmoker...mostly because this implies a level of douchbaggery towards smokers that I just don't feel. I do feel that I have quit smoking, though. :)


Thanks everybody for the responses. Another question:

Do you feel like a nonsmoker now that you vap?

Yes, indeed. I am not smoking analogs anymore, My sense of smell has already returned, as well as my sense of taste. No, there are no ill feelings towards smokers because I can fully put myself in their shoes. If I didn't find the world of vapor, then I would undoubtedly still be there myself.


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