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Introducing the Vapor Talk Hotline!

Update 2!

Here are a few calls that came in. (This is just the preview video to get everyone going!)


Update 1

To make it easier and more interesting we are going to give away Vapor Talk Juice to whomever leaves the funniest joke. (or something equally funny) Just leave your name ( but not your number!) We will ring you back if you have won. (The software will keep track of calls) Make sure you shout out Vapor Talk.com before you hang up! We will be giving juice away to multiple members not just one. The more people who call the better :)


Alright guys so I have setup a temporary Vapor Talk Shout outline! SWEET! This should be fun :D (And perhaps an online forum first? What now ECF! :lol: Kidding )

I'd like everyone to call in and leave either a thank you message or just a shout out to Vapor Talk, whatever you want. I'm going to take all the messages and create a Youtube video. It can be funny, serious or just a quick thank you. Just make sure it's Vapor Talk related. You can drop a message to either Sean, Royce, Myself or just Vapor Talk in General. Let's go with the flow and see what happens!

Suppliers are welcome and encouraged to call as well. Feel free to mention what supplier site your from. (Can't beat free PR!)

The number is: (951) 223-1515

(Line is open 24 hours)

Can't wait to hear the voicemails! :D :D


By the way there is no secret behind about this, I just thought it would be cool to do.


Idea for those of you who don't know what to say on the Voicemail. (A few of you PM'd me asking what to say)

1. Hey what's up it's *yourname here* just wanted to say what's up to Vapor Talk! Peace! (easy)

2. Hey it's *yourname* from New York I've been smoke free for x amount of weeks thanks to the ecig

3. Hey it's *girlnamehere* from Youtube just thought I say how good looking Chris is!

4. Why did the chicken cross the road? (Hopefully you come up with something batter than that)

You get the idea. There really isn't any rules to the message so just leave whatever you feel like leaving.


I just got done listening to some of the voicemails some are pretty funny! :D I hope to hear more

By the way for those of you wondering the line is open 24 hours.


Hey! Thanks for including my ramblings, was fun! Hope you all could hear my reference to a Cali Gov that 'finally did something good'! :mobile:


Hey! Thanks for including my ramblings, was fun! Hope you all could hear my reference to a Cali Gov that 'finally did something good'! :mobile:

I sure did, your in the video above :)

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