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New here to vapor talk..

I have a question. Getting a vamo v2 shortly and was wondering what I should put on it.. I've been reading a lot about cartomizer tanks not fitting properly on them. I never used a atomizer attachment on any. Is an atty the safest bet to go with a vamo?


Don't know much about them but thier webpage makes it appear you can use about anything on it.A lot of people consider thier ecig a fashion statement and if something doesn't look right to them it doesn't work.


A lot of people consider thier ecig a fashion statement and if something doesn't look right to them it doesn't work.

I resemble that remark. :yes


I have a Vamo and love it. The only problems I've had with fittings is the Kanger MT3, remedied by using a 510 to ego adapter. Also, I just got my Smoktech locking DCT and the airflow is tight, remedied by an air flow controller. Everything else works great, my Vivid Nova, CE4's and my standard (nonlocking plastic) Smoktech DCT.

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