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Hi everyone! I'm Lyrical. I'm very new to e-cigs.

I started vaping last month by first trying a GreenSmoke disposable e-cigarette, then moving on to their locally available starter kit and a few days later, I ordered their Pro kit from their website. I was thrilled to have menthol AND vanilla flavored cartomizers!! I smoked cigarettes in addition to using the e-cig for about a week, not believing that I could quit smoking cigarettes easily after 38 years! February 2nd, I decided that was it, I was going to get serious about the e-cig...and I haven't had a cigarette since!!

A week later, I went with my neighbor to a small, privately owned e-cig supply store. I was instantly drawn to all the available flavors of e-liquid and all the colorful batteries and cartomizers! Since they weren't compatiable with the GreenSmoke setup I already had, I bought a few e-liquids and figured out how to refill my GreenSmoke cartomizers.

3 days later, I was back at the store, buying a new setup, more e-liquids and different kinds and colors of batteries and cartomizers! (And I'm already making a list of what else I want to buy!)

It's been a crazy crazy road for me. I never ever thought I could just QUIT cigarettes just like that. Heaven knows I've tried and tried and tried over the years! Even when my mom died of COPD from smoking 16 years ago, I couldn't quit...even when I was diagnosed with COPD last summer, I couldn't quit...even with pills, gum and patches that are still here in front of me...and yet, I did, 12 days ago!

I've read a lot online so far. It can be pretty confusing but I'm learning. I've read a lot of the posts here and have gotten great information, so thank you all for that!

I'm still trying to figure out what brand(s) of equipment I'm using here, it comes from the store and website move2vapor.com if anyone's familiar with them...**great people there, very friendly and patient!

Sorry for writing a novel here, I promise I am not usually this long-winded...maybe I've been vaping too much of my new french vanilla e-liquid tonight!

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Well first of all, Congratulations! Quitting cigarettes was always extremely hard for me, until my husband and I decided to try e-cigs to cut back on our cost of smoking (plus going outside in cold & rain was not fun, since we didn't smoke in our home). The same thing happened to us when we did a little research online and found the world of flavors.

Last week I slipped and bought a pack of cigarettes because of life's stressors building up. I couldn't even take more than three drags on the first one. The taste that I got was just absolutely horrible. Mind you I quit numerous times since I picked them up as a kid. The taste that I encountered was never that bad. Possibly I just got use to getting my nicotine fix with my sweeter flavors, and subconsciously my brain was telling me "What the...?"

Anywho,it sounds like you're enjoying your vaping experience. Check to see if there are any meets in your area. My hubby and I are going to our first vapor meet this Saturday. Looking forward to the experience and the knowledge that we can gain from people that have vaping much longer than the two of us.


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Just set up my signature banner. I'll be happy once my amount saved is more than what I've already spent in e-cig parts and supplies!

You will get there but if this turns into the hobby your amount spent will be close to what's saved. Not near as much but it can cost a bit. Welcome to the forum and to vaping! :D

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You will get there but if this turns into the hobby your amount spent will be close to what's saved. Not near as much but it can cost a bit. Welcome to the forum and to vaping! :D

Thanks for the welcome!

Hobby...addiction...whatever it's called...I believe I'm already there!

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No doubt, it's like it's own addiction. Trust me, many of us are there with ya. Shiny syndrome is a hard thing to reign in. ;) It's ok at least this money spent isn't killing you like the analogs. :D

Edited by mse12
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