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I got so many liquids....... but e510 T does not do it for me anymore... even tried to custom liquid but it does not hit me any more...... got even the new cotton thing free liquid holder things....

I need lots and lots of vapor and a nice hit.... PLEASE HELP new new e cig which will do the job and maybe some new e liquids which will help me get off cigs again LOTS OF SMOKE and a nice hit!!! PLZZZZ lol back on a pack a day and cant breath in the morning

ANY advice would be appricated!

Posted (edited)

Pick up vision spinner battery and something like a vivi nova or carto tank. you can't go wrong that way. I'd also pick up some 18mg juice and you should be in vaping heaven. :D also 90% of the analog craving is in your head so just tell yourself you're done when the time comes and your vaping away!

Edited by mse12

I like a Vision spinner or an Ego Twist with a punched duel coil cart and a tank. That is what does the job for me.My wife likes a standard Ego battery with a lr atty. Thats what works for her. Sometimes it takes a while and a few purchaces to find what works for you. You could also try raising you nic level.

Posted (edited)

unfortunately, people can make recommendations all day long about their favorite ejuices and u might not like them. the best way to go is sample them and see what u like. good luck!

Edited by shaker13

I need a like a pro kit that gives you super vapor, the regular 510 is a good starter kit but i need something which has high vapor from the start! tank and bat! plz link me to a good kit so its all their


I need a like a pro kit that gives you super vapor, the regular 510 is a good starter kit but i need something which has high vapor from the start! tank and bat! plz link me to a good kit so its all their

The kit that Jeffb linked to looks like it'll fit the bill for you. Now you'll need e-liquid. The amount of VG content in the e-liquid is what will give you the most vapor BUT! keep in mind that with higher VG the thicker the juice and you'll have more of a chance of gumming up your clearomizer/cartomizer. I'd suggest going with a juice that's either 50 PG/50 VG or 40 PG/60 VG. That should give you plenty of vapor. My personal recommendation would be to go to EC Blends to get your juices. They allow all kinds of customization.


I need a like a pro kit that gives you super vapor, the regular 510 is a good starter kit but i need something which has high vapor from the start! tank and bat! plz link me to a good kit so its all their

Did you look at the vision spinner kit? That's two vv batteries. I mean you could go drop hundreds on mods but I doubt they will be any more satisfying than those. If you're determined to spend more money get a Provari or a Darwin. I think the juice delivery is the most important aspect. I would check out maybe a vivi nova or carto tank. There are also rba's but those take a little learning curve to get optimal performance. Listen to the members here, we don't recommend things that aren't good.

Posted (edited)

try reddvapor.com... ive got a kit i tried them out with their disposable first... i recommend you do the same if interested... they have tobacco menthol and vanilla... its a nice hit every time

Edited by solitude90

The Spinner kit that was suggested earlier, is spot on for what you need. It is Variable Volt... that means that if 3.7volts isn't doing it for you, just turn it up a notch or 2 or 5 until you find the ooooooommmmmph that is right for you at the time. Turn it back down for another juice or another time.... it's your call. Can't go wrong with a Spinner.

Also, as suggested, try juice that has at least 20% VG added to the mix.

Posted (edited)

Poor you...My husband smokes 3packs a day. He couldn't breathe. He got a kit at ihavenoclue.com and 24ml marbo liquid. In a first 2 weeks, he still needs to chew gum in the morning. Now he doesn't need gums anymore. Now he got all kind of kool e-cig at imadouche.com at super cheap prices to show it off to friends:). Now he loves it and he didn't smoke real cigar for almost 2months. You only smoke a pack a day so I think you can do it with the kit and liquid at ihavenolife.com. I'm not using it so I don't know what kind of kit or liquid but my husband smokes 3 packs a day and he can quit. Then anyone can do it. Good luck to you.

Edited by jeffb
Posted (edited)

Poor you...My husband smokes 3packs a day. He couldn't breathe. He got a kit at (spam removed) and 24ml marbo liquid. In a first 2 weeks, he still needs to chew gum in the morning. Now he doesn't need gums anymore. Now he got all kind of kool e-cig at (spam removed) at super cheap prices to show it off to friends:). Now he loves it and he didn't smoke real cigar for almost 2months. You only smoke a pack a day so I think you can do it with the kit and liquid at (spam removed) I'm not using it so I don't know what kind of kit or liquid but my husband smokes 3 packs a day and he can quit. Then anyone can do it. Good luck to you.

Spam is annoying.

Edited by jeffb
Posted (edited)

since more volts is a better smoke which kit has the highiest? and whats a good atomizer as well?

Edited by RaXavier

More volts is NOT better if you have a low-resistance atomizer/cartomizer.

I think the highest volts i have seen require 2 batterys stacked (like Tenergy RCR123A).

This seems a bit more dangerous IMHO...

Atomizers seem to require a learning curve, so start small and cheap ($5ish).

Work up to re-buildable once you have the feel of some burned-out ones.

Unless you want a tank atomizer, but i have no personal experience with vivi nova yet.

Posted (edited)

So far i like the eVIC but it only goes to 5V while the other one shown is 6V

Im thinking of getting tank since i like it more then the cotton stuff. AGA-T PLUS Rebuildable Atomizer looks cool and its with mesh so all i need to do is wash between fluids instead of boiling ><

Added: but again need help since i have not used these new systems and have not read up sinc ei got my original 510t

Edited by RaXavier

What about a higher nicotine juice?

Its not really the nicotine but the smoke for me. I smoke more when i design stuff or driving, and its that smoke which sooth's me.

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