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You know, I started reading this thread thinking, "why the heck is this still alive?", especially after the paid reviewer got booted (haha, that was funny). And then I see people showing up saying how long their cartridges last. How many of us have tried the actual e-cigs with cartridges, or KNOW someone who has, and says the cartridges do NOT last as long as they are advertised to? Well, I guess they might if you picked it up, took 10 drags, and put it down again, but most of us don't do that, do we? Yeah, I'm a heavy vaper - heavier vaper than I was a smoker, and I laughed when I read that review that a cartridge was the equivalent of a pack of cigarettes. I smoked 2 packs a day.....if not more. Yeah, that cartridge would last me a real long time. :rolls eyes

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