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My wife made an interesting statement last night. She said when people see somebody vaping in public they think they are smoking crack or weed or something. I said that I get nothing but positive responses and loads of questions. Her response was that they are questioning because they think your an idiot for doing drugs in public. "Your aren't smoking crack in front of my kids are you?". This is a new one on me. Anybody ever get those types of questions or ever feel like that?


The guys at work make fun when I reload my cart. I use a brass screen mod and I found the best way to refill it is with a syringe that I got from my diabetic sister-in-law. I can only imagine what to cars next to me at the stoplight are thinking when I am loading up the syringe.


I suppose in time this could become an issue, but bright lights and LED's are not very conspicuous. Most people are intrigued when they see the devices that Sean, Royce and I use. I think if some of the custom mods stopped using LEDs then it could become a problem as the unit looks like something a drug addict would use. Hence the reason I'm not a big fan of the prodigy. It just doesn't look like something that's built to be a tobacco alternative.

It's something that given time and knowledge will have to become socially accepted. We as e smokers have a duty to make sure that we fulfill questions correctly and help promote social acceptance by being courteous to others and having a positive attitude when asked the same questions over and over. Right now we are setting the bar for social acceptance of these products although many of you may not resize it.


During a recent football tailgate party I had a person run up and ask what the hell that was, obviously he thought it was something else.When I told him what it was they thought it was the coolest thing!!So i guess like Chris said the better job we do with PR the more acceptance and support we get..Most people love the fact that there is no smell and thats what sells them on it..


Yeah, last week at my pool league I had a guy ask me if it was my crack pipe, but he's kind of an idiot anyway!!


I guess it all depends on where you are and how many people know about it. I take mine to the casinos all the time and most people know what it is and just ask me questions about it. How does it work? Where did you get it? How much does it cost? etc...etc... I'm actually pretty careful where I take mine. If I know I'm somewhere where people don't know what it is and can mistake it for drug paraphernalia then I won't take it there.

This is probably another reason why most people prefer the ones that look like analogs. So they won't be hassled as much. A lot of people already know about e-cigs, but just don't know enough about it. I think in time as more people get educated, this won't be as big a problem.

Posted (edited)

I feel the same way when driving in my car, I wonder what people are thinking. Generally, when talking to people about it, they are very intrigued and ask a lot of questions; they always offer to buy mine. I agree with Chris though, with time things should get easier. As with this community and others of the sort, most e-smokers are very nice and informative. From what I can tell, the e-cig community has a good number of spokes people at the moment.

Edited by NeRo9k

I've two people ask me if it was a drug thing and once I answered no, they wanted to know if they could put drugs in it. I just tell them that if they could that it wouldn't be very efficient.

I think I agree about the cigarette looking devices getting less attention. Anything that people don't understand always brings up the worse case scenario first.


I've two people ask me if it was a drug thing and once I answered no, they wanted to know if they could put drugs in it. I just tell them that if they could that it wouldn't be very efficient.

I think I agree about the cigarette looking devices getting less attention. Anything that people don't understand always brings up the worse case scenario first.

I get the same... a few people asked if it would work with drugs, but how the hell should I know?

Just the fact it delivers nicotine is good enough for me... but I am curious if it could be used as a caffeine delivery tool.


I get the same... a few people asked if it would work with drugs, but how the hell should I know?

Just the fact it delivers nicotine is good enough for me... but I am curious if it could be used as a caffeine delivery tool.

Interesting idea there. If it could be used to deliver caffeine it could help give you an energy boost if you need it.


There is a way to add caffine to ejuice. Trust me ;) The problem is, is it really needed to add one more thing to the liquid? Less is more if you ask me :) (Especially when dealing with the FDA)


So far I've only had my co-workers comment on it. They all think it's great and that I have been analog free for 22 days. Still a little leery about using it in a public place, though i do use it in my car and have a bumper sticker about ecigs.


I touched on the drug paraphernalia thing in another post. Not that I have had any experience as of late with illegal narcotics, I do have children and I try to keep abreast of what is what in case something is staring me in the face and I don't know it. An e-Cig functions much in the same manner as a crack pipe, although I would think that it would be much more inefficient than the antenna tube/Brillo pad configurations that I have seen. I can't see how you would get the rock below the screen around the heater to get it to vaporize.

I direct drip my e-Juice into my e-Cig, quite often I do this at stop lights and wonder what, if anyone seeing me do this, is thinking. I pulled up to a traffic light next to a cop this afternoon and I was vaping my VP2 with an 801 atty. The cop was looking at me, but he didn't act suspicious nor did he make any effort to investigate what it was that I was doing. E-Cigs are not too common here and I only know of one other person that vapes and I have never seen anyone else vaping anywhere that I have been. All that to say, I'm pretty certain that the cop hadn't seen an e-Cig before, but he didn't make a drug connection as he sat looking at me.

I have two different approaches when explaining my e-Cig in public places. Depending on the attitude of the person raising the question of what it is that I am doing. If the person seems bent on putting me in my place or if they act defensive or authoritative when I've been spotted vaping, for example "What do you think your doing? You can't smoke in here!" Then I tell them that I am not smoking, there is no fire or flame and I'll touch the end of the e-Cig and thump it to show that it's not a cigarette. I don't generally smoke the e-Cigs that look like cigarettes just to avoid any confusion or misconception of it being a cigarette. I explain that it is an alternative nicotine delivery system used in lieu of smoking cigarettes and that the "smoke" that they see is nothing more than water vapor and it contains no tobacco and is totally harmless. I was in Wal-Mart (no "s") a few weeks ago and one of the employees who was working with a crew, restocking shelves. He seemed like the "crew leader". I was vaping a black DSE901 with a blue light on the end. He saw me exhale and saw the vapor rise, he forcefully threw down the box he had in his hand and shouted at me "HEY!, YOU CAN'T SMOKE IN HERE!" and came running over to my wife and I, like he was going to kick my A$$. Wanting to diffuse the situation, I calmly said "I'm not smoking, this is not a cigarette", holding up the unit I said, "See, no fire, no flame, no tobacco". I took a drag and said "It's only water vapor". He had this huge look of absolute relief on his face and patted me on the shoulder (which I thought was a bit odd) and said, "Man, thank goodness, I thought you were smoking a cigarette in here!" I just smiled and said "Nope" and he went back to his business and we went on our merry way.

Most of the reactions that I get are positive and curious reactions that lead to questions as to what the unit is and how it works. I was at the B&B Drive In (a hamburger joint) in Versailles, Missouri last week. After we finished our lunch, I whipped out my "Super-E" from Totally Wicked. It looks like a cigarette and it was all I had that was charged. I started vaping and continuing my conversation with my wife and a friend we had met there for lunch. I noticed several patrons looking at me and whispering amongst themselves. After 15 minutes or so the manager came out of the back and approached our table just at the time when I was dripping some e-Juice into my e-Cig. She said "That's not a cigarette!" "They told me you were smoking out here." She called the girl out from behind the counter and said "Look, it's not a cigarette!" and then she asked me "What is it?" I told her it was a Personal Inhaler that it just looked like a cigarette. It only emitted water vapor, it was how I quit smoking and that it is totally harmless. it has no fire, flame or tobacco. She was satisfied and returned to her cell and all was good. Upon leaving, I went to the counter to top off my Dr.Pepper (because they didn't have Coke, only Pepsi (communists!)), the girl said "That thing is pretty cool, where did you get it?, I took out one of my business cards and wrote on the back VaporTalk.com and AwesomeVapor.com, I told her that if she was interested she needed to research the product on VaporTalk before deciding to buy one.

The week we spent in Missouri, I handed out 20 of my business cards with those two links scrawled on the back. Every restaurant we were in, the waitress asked about my e-Cig. We generally sit in the bar or the smoking section out of habit and to avoid any confrontations with "vaping" in the non-smoking section. Here locally, we have our favorite restaurants that we frequent weekly, at each one we have "our" waiter or waitress that always serves us. Everyone of our favorites has been really intrigued by my e-Cigs and no one has had any problem with it.

No one has raised the question about drug paraphernalia or accused me of smoking dope in my e-Cig. But, I don't look like the kind of person that would smoke dope anyway.


I used to live with a crackhead,and I can tell you that your missing one VERY important point.The E-Cig costs way way too much to use for a crackpipe!!!!!!!They'll use a soda can or lightbulb,or damn near anything they can find for free!Money is reserved for crack!Nothing else,not even food.Can you tell I'm just a tad BITTER?May I add also very very anti-crack!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsdown:



I used to live with a crackhead,and I can tell you that your missing one VERY important point.The E-Cig costs way way too much to use for a crackpipe!!!!!!!They'll use a soda can or lightbulb,or damn near anything they can find for free!Money is reserved for crack!Nothing else,not even food.Can you tell I'm just a tad BITTER?May I add also very very anti-crack!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsdown:


Goodness, looks like I touched on a nerve there, I certainly meant no implication that I have ever "smoked crack" in my e-Cig. I have never smoked crack in anything and I haven't smoked pot since May of 1986 when I graduated high school, because I thought I was going into the Sheriffs Academy (that didn't happen). When I was an apprentice electrician, I was put under a journeyman electrician who was the boss' son, he was a crack head, coke head, pot head, drunk and ***** chaser. My boss, his Dad needed someone to look after his son and make sure he made it to work alive everyday. If I wanted to work and draw a paycheck, he (the boss) knew, that I would see to it that his son made it to work also, because I couldn't work unless he was there. Believe me you, I have been through the inveritable ringer with that guy. After I made Journeyman, he had no one to babysit him and he soon found his way in and out of prison several times until he died in a car accident about eight years ago, yes he was stoned and so was the driver. By the way my apprenticeship was four years, I spent the next six years continuing to work for the same company. I was running the office at the time he was killed and guess who had to make the funeral arraignments for a person that I hated having to work with?

I apologize if I offended you, that was absolutely not my intention, neither was my intention to suggest an alternative manner that an e-Cig could be used. Please accept my most humble apology.

Posted (edited)

I dont think she took offense, Smokingman. I think the flashback of her roommate just raised her hackles, and she was just making a point. While reading thru all the posts, I got to worrying "Gee, thats next. The druggies are gonna find a way to ruin this for us". But she brought up a point that I overlooked as well, they have no ching, much less a credit card to order this stuff. An empty coke can and a brillo pad is much more cost effective for them. :dribble:

Edited by keenan

I dont think she took offense, Smokingman. I think the flashback of her roommate just raised her hackles, and she was just making a point. While reading thru all the posts, I got to worrying "Gee, thats next. The druggies are gonna find a way to ruin this for us". But she brought up a point that I overlooked as well, they have no ching, much less a credit card to order this stuff. An empty coke can and a brillo pad is much more cost effective for them. :dribble:

My lot in life is not to offend, what can a guy do?

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