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Hello! I'm new to the forum, but have been vaping for over a year now. Thanks to ecigs, I am completely off analog cigs! Anyway, I LOVE vaping, but am desperately in need of something new. I live in a small town, and stumbled upon the "21st Century" ecig a while back at a gas station. I immediately fell in love with the vaping experience, but got tired of the ridiculously low battery life of the admittedly generic 21st Century ecig. I have since tried 5 or 6 other brands of ecigs, including the popular Blu brand, and am still left wanting more... more battery life, more vapor, and a stronger throat hit. I've only tried cartomizer style ecigs, and have only recently found out about mods, and other ways to customize the vaping experience.

So in short, what would you recommend to give me a the longest battery life, biggest cloud of vapor, and a strong throat hit? Any recommendations are appreciated, and I'm open to just about anything if it gives me the experience I want. Thanks!!!


Thanks for the quick responses! It seems that you both have suggested similar options. Being a heavy vaper, how long would you expect one of those batteries to last? Also, do the tanks come with everything I will need to vape, except for the juice?

Is this the setup that you currently use?

Sorry, but I have MANY questions as I am a total noob to anything but generic batteries and disposable cartomizers...


Yes everything but the liquid.The Vivi comes with three different resistance ohm elements so you can test drive them and decide which you like best .I get 4 to 6 weeks from an element before I change them.They are still making lots of vapor but the flavor quality starts to go down.Not sure about the Kanger.Both will work well I am sure.The battery should last most of the day.Most starter kits come with two batteries so you can carry a spare and a charger and atties or a tank in the case of the T or C Ego. would get one of the Clearomisers outfits as they are far superior .You can get good vapor from what comes with the kit just a little more hassle.


jeffb and mcquinn offer good advice on "something more". With today's easy-to-use designs coupled with low prices on variable voltage PVs, why not go ahead and get something that will take your vaping experience to the next level and beyond?

I'll toss another similar option your way. At roughly the same length as an eGo-C Twist 900mAh, the $21 Vision Spinner 1300mAh goes a really long time between charges. You'll need the charger ($2.99), and I'd recommend Boge 3Ω cartomizers ($5.50). With a 3Ω cartomizer, the maximum power you can achieve using a Twist/Spinner is slightly little less than 8 watts...a great vape IMO without much risk of burning out the cartomizer's coil.

Total cost at VapeLite for the Vision Spinner, charger, and a box of five cartos...$32.49 shipped.

PS - Don't forget the e-liquid. :no


Thanks for all the great advice! I will seriously consider them all. What is the advantage of variable ohms? I assume with variable voltage, the greater the voltage, the more vapor volume? Where does resistance come into play?

Thanks for all the great advice! I will seriously consider them all. What is the advantage of variable ohms? I assume with variable voltage, the greater the voltage, the more vapor volume? Where does resistance come into play?

hello Jerky! lowering the resistance has a similar effect as upping the voltage. low resistant cartos/attys make a standard 3.7v e-cig hit like a 5v. The perfect voltage/resistance is debatable. If I'm not using a variable volt device I prefer low voltage and low resistance.


I love the Vision Spinner! While the eGo Twist is wonderful, one draw back is that it's next to impossible to see the numbers and what voltage you're vaping at. The Vision Spinner is just like the Twist but with easy to read numbers. My new 1300 Spinner is wonderful. It lasts for a loooooong time between charges.

You'll find we all have our favorite toys and we give similar yet different recommendations. I think all of the recs are pretty good for starting out. In the beginning it's good to get something that just "works" and is easy to use. Then, you'll start branching out and trying other things. The easiest for me would be a CE4 (also called a Vision Stardust), Vivi Nova/Vivi Nova Mini, or the new T3 or MT3. You just fill, wait a few minutes so the wicks can get soaked through with e-liquid and vape.

For throat hit on the juice you'll want either more nicotine and/or more PG. For more vapor you'll want the higher VG. I'd say go with a 50 PG/50 VG. The higher the nicotine you get, you'll also sacrifice a little on the flavor. If you smoke full flavor I'd suggest 18 or 24 mg of nic. If you smoked lights, 12 mg of nic. Ultra-lights, 6 mg. Just keep in mind that we all seem to vape more than we smoked so in order not to get a nicotine overdose, you'll want a lower nicotine juice for when you're chain vaping. A higher mg juice for when you're not.

There are wonderful people on this forum who will answer any question...no matter how many. Good luck! :)


I just wanted to say thanks for all the great advice! I ended up ordering a 1300 mah Spinner and a 650 mah Twist (so I'd have a backup.) They should arrive this week, and I can hardly wait! I also got a small selection of clearomizers/cartomizers (probably on the generic side, but they were what were suggested by the websites when I ordered.) since I am a total noob except for the gas station automatic ecigs, I will probably be needing more cartomizers soon. Any more advice on some relatively inexpensive ones that will work well with the Twist and Spinner? I can't wait to do some serious vaping!!


I don't know what a Spinner is but the 650mah Twist is one of my favorites. I like to use eGo changeable coil clearomisers on it (by Kanger, also called T2) and also drip attys or other clearos like Vision or Vivi Nova. Do yourself a favor and don't try to read those tiny numbers on the twist dial, just know that all the way to the left is 3.2v all the way to the right is 4.8v and 4.0v is in the middle. You will find a sweet spot on the dial for almost any resistance. Start at the low end and then twist it up a bit, if you get to the point where the flavor is suffering you are too high.

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