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Lets See Your Vaping "toys"


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My collection as of now.


eVic VV/VW w/ KPT2, Kamry X6 VV, K100 w/ RSST, a box full of juice, iClear30 (got rid of 3 the other day), X10, Cobra clone RBA, and an IGO-W.

Not as big as some of these guys collections, but there is time and space to acquire more in the future. :D

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You can't use that logic with me, Medic. I don't collect shoes, or purses, and very rarely jewelry. I never understood why someone would need more than 2 pairs of shoes in whatever color (flat and heels), and more than one pair of tennis shoes. Although I understand about wanting one for each tank......but that would put me at um, 13 APVs if you count my mini pro tanks? No, 14. Granted, I don't think I can vape all the flavors I have now, well, I haven't tried the chocolate in a while, but I can't vape the strawberry or cinnamon roll right now - I tried those both yesterday and this morning, and those tanks are being emptied out and cleaned tomorrow to make space to try out a couple flavors I haven't tried in a while.

Whether you do it or not doesn't flaw the logic. You have 14 tanks.... Why?! One would suffice.... But you want to be able to switch flavors now. Not empty the tank then clean it then fill then vape. And same goes with anything you collect. You have more then one because it provides something different. I have 8 guitars but they aren't the same. I have 2 electrics, a jazz, an acoustic, and acoustic electric, and arch top jazz, and 2 tin tops. They all play differently and give me a different sound. So either way.... The reason is because it's a hobby for me and for the vast majority of people because it keeps you interested. I don't stick with things very long as I grow bored when I feel I have learned the vast majority of what there is to know about the subject. Guitars, vaping, electronics in general, are always growing and changing and adapting to the times.

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My collection as of now.


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eVic VV/VW w/ KPT2, Kamry X6 VV, K100 w/ RSST, a box full of juice, iClear30 (got rid of 3 the other day), X10, Cobra clone RBA, and an IGO-W.


Not as big as some of these guys collections, but there is time and space to acquire more in the future. :D

I got that same exact k100... Great mech mod for the price

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Whether you do it or not doesn't flaw the logic. You have 14 tanks.... Why?! One would suffice.... But you want to be able to switch flavors now. Not empty the tank then clean it then fill then vape. And same goes with anything you collect. You have more then one because it provides something different. I have 8 guitars but they aren't the same. I have 2 electrics, a jazz, an acoustic, and acoustic electric, and arch top jazz, and 2 tin tops. They all play differently and give me a different sound. So either way.... The reason is because it's a hobby for me and for the vast majority of people because it keeps you interested. I don't stick with things very long as I grow bored when I feel I have learned the vast majority of what there is to know about the subject. Guitars, vaping, electronics in general, are always growing and changing and adapting to the times.

Okay, more than one musical instrument is TOTALLY different than having more than one of other things (my son himself has two trumpets, hubby has two drum kits, regular one and an electric kit, but only one guitar), like cars, or the same color shoes, or different purses (okay, I used to have 2 purses - one for more formal occasions, when my larger purse would look um, wrong - and my normal every day one). But I remember even as teenagers (and early teens at that), my BFF had at least three purses that she would interchange on a daily basis, depending on what she wore. I didn't understand that then, and I don't get it now, lol.

Yes, I have 14 tanks, lol. But I don't think it's the same - if I want to change flavors in the middle of tank, pouring that juice out would be a waste, and then there's the fact that you have to clean the wick, and if you don't have a spare, you have to dry burn it, and well, could possibly burn the wick doing that. Well, okay, it could be...plus the mech mods don't cost as much as APV's, do they? At least not the clones, right?

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BTW, Dayvape, how long have you been a member that you have over 2k posts?

I have been here since the beginning of time pretty much! December 29th, 2009 to be exact... wow that sure sounds like a long time ago! It's quite amazing to think that I've basically been free of the analogs for that long!

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We'll spider it's the same thing with musical instruments as it is with mods . Each one works differently. And my caravela clone was an eh pro clone that cost more then your zmax. But the point is it acts deferent lay then my nemesis with voltage drop and use. It's just a different thing. And I didn't say switch in the middle of the tank. I did however say that if you wanted to switch a flavor you would have to empty the tank(vape it down) and then switch. But regardless it's the same philosphy.

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Here's everyone!


Left to right..

Provari AGAt2 - Rainbow Elite Hybrid - Vmod XL - MVP w/ IBtanked - Evic w/ Lil Mama Black cartotank - Provari Mini with Fogger - Nzonic Clone w/ Nimbus - Custom Sigelie Mini w/ Bella Tank

Edited by Proetus
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My current collection of wide-bodies.

Left to right:

  • Sigelei Zmax w/ HH.357 Atty & Drip Shield
  • Smoktech Natural w/ AGA-T2 RBA
  • Kamry KTS+ w/ AGT RBA
  • Rainbow Heaven Hybrid Elite
  • Kamry KTS+ w/ AGI RBA
  • Grand Vapor Sentenel V3 (clone) w/ Kicked Tatroe Tank
  • Telescope Rocket w/ AGA-S RBA
  • Grand Vapor Private V2 (clone) w/ Cobra (clone) RBA
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Rixter, that's a ZMax, not a Sigelei mod? How did you get it to look like that? And have you had any of the evidently common button problems?


It's a Sigelei Zmax wrapped with a mahogany wrap from Vapor Skinz. They have a pretty good selection of Zmax wraps,

As far as the button issue goes, sometimes it doesn't fire when I press the button, or starts going through the menu. When it happens, I just rapidly press the button (like I'm scrolling through the menu) about 10 or 15 times, wait until the menu goes away, and everything is fine. I just figured the switch had gotten a little e-juice residue (from my fingers) on it, but I don't know how to take it apart (okay...I'm afraid to take it apart.) to clean it.

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It's a Sigelei Zmax wrapped with a mahogany wrap from Vapor Skinz. They have a pretty good selection of Zmax wraps,

As far as the button issue goes, sometimes it doesn't fire when I press the button, or starts going through the menu. When it happens, I just rapidly press the button (like I'm scrolling through the menu) about 10 or 15 times, wait until the menu goes away, and everything is fine. I just figured the switch had gotten a little e-juice residue (from my fingers) on it, but I don't know how to take it apart (okay...I'm afraid to take it apart.) to clean it.

That is so cool looking. Mine just got to the point where by the time I went to bed at night, it was.....difficult. So I researched it before I contacted Discount Vapers

I need to buy a wrap for my MVP. Zombies!!

I THINK, once I buy my MVP in a little bit, that I MIGHT get a Tardis wrap for it. And I'm hoping I can find a holster that doesn't hook on to a belt (as I rarely wear a belt), but to a belt loop instead. But that will have to wait, I would have to see how often I would actually USE it, since it's not like a lanyard I can hang around my neck, and then still use....and prevent me from dropping it all over the place.

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They make lanyards for the MVP.......

Must find.....

Edit: Lanyards that just hook onto a belt loop or holster, or an around the neck lanyard? Here at the house, the belt loop thing wouldn't get much use, but an around the neck option would. But alas, my google-fu is weak, so if you know of a direction to look, point me that-a-way.

Edited by spydre
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Must find.....

Edit: Lanyards that just hook onto a belt loop or holster...

How about a flip-top cell phone holster with a belt/pocket/waistband clip on the side? You could make a cutout on one end for your juicer. Gnome sane?

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