timesplitter Posted January 18, 2013 Posted January 18, 2013 just started vaping 2 weeks ago , first day was awesome . next day , omg ! high as a kite , pressure behind eyes , dried out eyes , headache , lungs felt like they were coated with whatever is in these carts . freaking out . stopped for a week , ( took two days to return to normal ) . this was with blu zero nicotine so it wasnt overdose . then i tried majic mist zero nicotine as it has different ingredients , same result , ok at first but at the end of the day , here we go again . there has to be others that have experienced these symptoms . no breakouts , or sickness so it cant be allergies .seems like once it builds up in my system all hell breaks loose . really wanted to vape and quit analogs but obviously thats not gonna happen for me . anyone else ?
pvholders Posted January 18, 2013 Posted January 18, 2013 Wow never heard of that, do you know if your using a PG or VG based liquid?
timesplitter Posted January 18, 2013 Author Posted January 18, 2013 blu ingredients are , distilled water , natural and artificial flavors , usp glycerin , citric acid . made by johnson creek . Christopher 1
timesplitter Posted January 18, 2013 Author Posted January 18, 2013 majic mist ingredients are , propylene glycol , glycerol ,flavors are listed as extracts .
mse12 Posted January 18, 2013 Posted January 18, 2013 Hmm...no clue but why the zero nic? Just curious. As far as the health effects go I've got nothing. Maybe check with your doc? Welcome to VT btw!
timesplitter Posted January 18, 2013 Author Posted January 18, 2013 (edited) i chose zero nic to quit analogs plus the first i tried was a blu disposable and after getting all these side effects i decided to go with zero nicotine to eliminate nicotine as the cause . but obviously it isnt whats causing these symptoms . no need for a doc though as everything is fine when i dont vape . but i do understand getting answers here might be difficult as nobody wants to talk about negatives due to the fear of bad publicity and to give the fda and political fools any ammo to further their agendas . Edited January 18, 2013 by timesplitter
Deckyon Posted January 18, 2013 Posted January 18, 2013 I am wondering just how much you are vaping in comparison to when you would smoke. I found I vape more than I ever smoked, and no matter what the ingredients, any injested/inhaled substance in the right amount is a poison. You can die from drinking too much water. I think you just may be over doing it. The one thing I can say for Blu, I love their vanilla cartridges - still my favorite. their ingredients are normal, nothing overtly chemical. I would get an upset stomache from any juice with more than 18ml of nic. my sweet spot is between 10 and 18. A friend of mine cant do the PG, only the VG, and another friend is the opposite. For me, 50/50 is fine (which is nice as that is the most common.)
Krystal68 Posted January 18, 2013 Posted January 18, 2013 Just out of curiousity, how much fluids are you taking in? I have done lots of research and found that PG can dry a person out, (dry throat, dry mouth,dry eyes, dry cough) Perhaps you are dehydrated and/ or this is just your body adjusting to vaping. None the less, everyone has/ will have different experiences. Personally, I'd recommend investing in some eye drops (some great gel brands out there) and would put up with dry eyes before going back to analogs.. Dont give up!! Dry eyes aren't as bad as lung cancer..
Deckyon Posted January 18, 2013 Posted January 18, 2013 Good point as I have noticed the dry throat part (all jokes aside ) when I went back to the 50/50 VG/PG from the 100% VG. Just think Moderation when easing in and you may notice a different experience.
Viper Ron Posted January 18, 2013 Posted January 18, 2013 Krystal is right, with vaping you need to hydrate, may be the whole problem right there btw I use beer....lol j/k
mse12 Posted January 18, 2013 Posted January 18, 2013 no need for a doc though as everything is fine when i dont vape . but i do understand getting answers here might be difficult as nobody wants to talk about negatives due to the fear of bad publicity and to give the fda and political fools any ammo to further their agendas . I don't give medical advice because I'm not a medical professional. Would you take gardening advice from a plumber?
timesplitter Posted January 18, 2013 Author Posted January 18, 2013 well , as far as overdoing it , thats not it either , lets say i take one puff every 2 or 3 hours , maybe 5 puffs in total during the day . i drink plenty of water as well but by evening im experiencing all the symptoms . i have always been a pack a day analog smoker with no side effects. the dry eyes last two days at a minimum , headache gone by morning , buzz feeling gone by morning . yesterday i only took 2 small puffs all day and only experienced the dry eyes . havent had any today and all is back to normal . now if thats all my system can handle thats not going to cut it to satisfy my smoking needs . then its back to analogs and throw away $ 200 worth of supplies . guess vaping isnt for me . must have a weird metabolism . but im going to try something , starting tommorrow im going to take one puff for the whole day , next day two , next day 3 , etc and see if i can build up a tolerance to whatever ingredient is causing this . there has to be an explaination for these symptoms . i cannot be the only one .
Krystal68 Posted January 19, 2013 Posted January 19, 2013 It is absolutely possible you are allergic to something, and taking one puff here and one puff there, isnt going to change it.. Before you give up you need to try a "PG free" juice. If at first you dont succeed, you try, and try again.. (if needed) Uma 1
timesplitter Posted January 19, 2013 Author Posted January 19, 2013 yes im going to be trying the majic mist carts ( vg based ) and see if theres a difference . going to give it a couple days to get the pg out of my system . if that solves the problem ill step up to low or medium nic if i feel the need and see how that goes . if i still get the side effects then that pretty much tells me that vaping and me aint gonna happen . which will really suck .
Krystal68 Posted January 19, 2013 Posted January 19, 2013 Vg based? I do believe Vg based products can still contain pg (to carry flavorings etc) You will want to look for something that is "PG free" in order to truly test your theory or your results will be skewed. Unless of course, you are looking for a reason to go back to smoking..
mse12 Posted January 19, 2013 Posted January 19, 2013 I agree with Krystal. The only true tests you can do at this point is order both full PG liquid, try it. If no reaction try full VG and do the same. You could have an issue with either and will not know until you try them totally separate. I hope you figure this out for your own benefits. You know smoking will kill you so in reality you have nothing to loose by at least trying. Don't give up without a fight. It's far too easy to give up without one.
timesplitter Posted January 19, 2013 Author Posted January 19, 2013 (edited) blu ( johnson creek juice is pg free ) according to their website . after a lil more research i found that magic mist is both pg and vg so since neither agrees with my system i see the writing on the wall .im obviously allergic to both . i appreciate everyones help on this subject but as far as buying juices and mixing and refilling carts / buying more equipment etc . and ending up with the same results hundreds of dollars later thats not for me . if i cant just screw a pre-filled cart on a battery and enjoy without side effects then so be it . it wasnt meant to be . i can deal with that , lesson learned . Edited January 19, 2013 by timesplitter
Jeffb Posted January 19, 2013 Posted January 19, 2013 offers 100% VG liquidhttp://www.sweet-vapes.com/shop?page=shop.browse&category_id=1 Offers 100% VG liquid
mse12 Posted January 19, 2013 Posted January 19, 2013 (edited) You can go to many shops and select your mix ratio. I know www.thevaporroom.net has 100% vg offerings. They may have 100 pg as well. Not sure on that though. I think ecblends also allow you to select ratio as well. Edited January 19, 2013 by mse12
Chris2tine Posted January 19, 2013 Posted January 19, 2013 (edited) I love their vanilla cartridges - still my favorite. Edited January 19, 2013 by Chris2tine
Krystal68 Posted January 19, 2013 Posted January 19, 2013 Let me just say this, and then Ill be done.. I have always loved to eat seafood, I was one of Red Lobsters most frequent visitors, one night I ended up in ER after eating lobster.. Anaphylaxis .. Ok..so I had developed a shellfish allergy. I didnt just give up, and throw in the towel, I went back.. After several times of eating Snow/ King Crab, I once again, found myself in ER.. I was allergic to hard shell seafood. Ahhh. But could I eat shrimp? a soft shell? I loved Scampi too... SO... you guessed it.. I went back, ordered me up some scampi and feasted like a queen with NO reaction..Ive been eating shrimp since.. Moral of this story, I didnt make assumptions as to what was wrong, or what I was allergic to, I investigated, and kept trying and found something that worked for me, that didnt serve up with a side of death.. ( For those of you wondering, Yes, I now carry an EPI pen i'm also allergic to Bees/wasps/ etc) It just kinda seems to me, that you are looking for reasons to give up, and if you so choose, thats perfectly fine. But its hard because EVERYONE here wants to be supportive, and helpful in directing you to a better life.. (giving their time to respond, post links, etc) You asked... we tried.. You can do what you want, you certainly dont need anyones approval here to smoke, to vape or to give up. But if you cared enough for yourself to purchase 200 dollars worth of "equipment", It bewilders me, as to why you would just give up so easily..
Uma Posted January 19, 2013 Posted January 19, 2013 It sounds to me like you might be allergic to something, either the PG, the VG or the Flavoring or Sweetner. Try vaping just pure PG (kosher, food grade), with no flavoring. (get empty carts, and fill with). Try this for a few days. If okay, then: Next, try vaping with just pure VG (kosher, food grade), with no flavoring. If okay, then" Next, try vaping with a 50/50 mix of NON flavored VG/PG. If okay, then, Next, add one drop, and one drop only, of a flavoring from your "stash" on hand. Any symptoms? If okay, then add two. .... etc... There's one thing you must know about us vapers. If something is not right, we brainstorm it! We don't "hide" it, we want to get things figured out. We are all individuals, we all have different reactions to the air we breathe, the food we eat, the lotions we dab... You just need to chill out and figure out what works best for you personally. Good luck Krystal68 1
timesplitter Posted January 19, 2013 Author Posted January 19, 2013 well for miss know it alls info im not looking for excuses to go back to analogs . ( and even if that was true which it isnt ) its none of your dam buisness . ive tried both types of e-cigs available and i dont like feeling like im going to die if thats ok with you . neither type works for me so why be stupid and throw away more money on something thats trying to kill me ? and as i said before im not interested in buying liquid to spend hours mixing this and that . i cant be bothered with all that . im not going to dedicate my entire life to playing with liqiuds and bottles and pipes that look like retarded bazookas . this is why i choose the e-cigs . to each their own but i have a life and its not going to involve running around playing with juices or whatever . when i could just piclk up an e-cig pre-filled and smoke hassle free ? no brainer . and fyi sweety i havent smoked an analog since starting the blu , nor do i even feel the desire . i asked for intelligent opinions and ideas and got those from everyone else . certainly didnt ask for childish negative critisism . but the female had to get on her throne and show her typical female bs . thanks to everyone else for the helpfull intelligent info . unfortunatly this will be my last post on this site as i found another site/forum to try to get opinions from without the influx of an ignorant female troll flapping her gums about things she knows nothing about . and save your lil typing fingers there girl as by the time you read this i will have deleted my profile and will never see your ranting and raving . you accomplished your goal , you ran off a new member . hope you choke on it .
mse12 Posted January 20, 2013 Posted January 20, 2013 well for miss know it alls info im not looking for excuses to go back to analogs . ( and even if that was true which it isnt ) its none of your dam buisness . ive tried both types of e-cigs available and i dont like feeling like im going to die if thats ok with you . neither type works for me so why be stupid and throw away more money on something thats trying to kill me ? and as i said before im not interested in buying liquid to spend hours mixing this and that . i cant be bothered with all that . im not going to dedicate my entire life to playing with liqiuds and bottles and pipes that look like retarded bazookas . this is why i choose the e-cigs . to each their own but i have a life and its not going to involve running around playing with juices or whatever . when i could just piclk up an e-cig pre-filled and smoke hassle free ? no brainer . and fyi sweety i havent smoked an analog since starting the blu , nor do i even feel the desire . i asked for intelligent opinions and ideas and got those from everyone else . certainly didnt ask for childish negative critisism . but the female had to get on her throne and show her typical female bs . thanks to everyone else for the helpfull intelligent info . unfortunatly this will be my last post on this site as i found another site/forum to try to get opinions from without the influx of an ignorant female troll flapping her gums about things she knows nothing about . and save your lil typing fingers there girl as by the time you read this i will have deleted my profile and will never see your ranting and raving . you accomplished your goal , you ran off a new member . hope you choke on it . We tried helping. You can't help those who aren't willing to be helped. No loss to VT we don't need those who start drama. Good luck to you if you continue vaping but if not very well. I hope you go over to ecf, you sure will fit in. Krystal68 and Uma 2
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