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Hey all. Introductions are allways needed, so here we go.....

Most people know, and call me Vesuvius, since I am most known for making the Praetorain Super mod, a 10,000 mAh vari volt custom mod (not trying to spam here, or promote, just explaing my history and background).

How did I get to that point? My wife! lol

Long story, but, she asked me to make a mod out of lithium polymer battery I was using for professional RC car racing. That was maybe four years ago, and I was not vaping.

Fast forward to November of 2010, and I finally got around to building the mod, and liked it so much, that I finally got rid of the analogs, and went digital. Now, I vape my own mods, my own juice (I do not sell it, and only make juice for fun), and love every minute of it.

Moding..... it got me into vaping, especially my first vari volt, was my own mod. Strange how that works! lol

As we in the community all know, vaping is CONSTANTLY evolving, and even being a modder, I still have all kinds of questions that I am always wanting to ask. I love the community, and the ideas that are always tossed around and discussed. Not to mention to mention, the unity we have as a community.

My mods, and devices?

Preatorian Super Mod X 2


Lavatube V2

5volt box mod with 2 X 18650

Ego Mini


I am looking to buy in a couple weeks, a Sigelei ZMAX, to replace the Lavatube V2, since it has so many problems. I would suggest not getting a Lavatube V2, if you are in the market for a new mod. The thing sucks. Way to many issues. Customer service was good though (I have a Volcano Cafe not too far from where I live, and their warranty/return policy is great, so no worries there. I still will not buy any of their stuff again).

Anyway, you want advice, a custom mod, or to just shoot the ****, I always welcome it.

Now, I am off to air a serious *****, about how we as vapers, are being screwed with, and discriminated against.

Oh, and very glad to be here, where I can post with freedom. :)


10,000mah!!! You need to invent a 30ml delivery system for that so you can fill it and forget it all week long. Welcome to VT. :D

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