Jimbo Posted January 13, 2013 Posted January 13, 2013 Greetings! I smoked a pack a day for 45 years, although most of that was on ultra-lights. I quit almost four years ago with Chantix, but I have gained a bunch of weight and am now on anti-anxiety pills for my nerves and jitters. I always make a point of parking at the other end of the parking garage at work, so I can walk through the smoking section. They still smell so good, but I haven't had a puff since I quit. I never had these kinds of problems when I smoked. Other than my taste and smell improving, I haven't noticed any other benefits. I'm still as short of breath as I used to be and I think I'm eating more to replace the pleasure and habit of smoking. For those reasons I have decided to give E cigs a try to see if I can cut down on my appetite and medications. I bought an Apollo Standard Starter Kit, in part because they had a 25% coupon and it comes with a PCC. I chose their 12mg variety flavor pack and also bought some of mse12's flavor bottles too. They should both be here tomorrow,so I'm ready to give them a shot. Have any of you been in the same boat after being off analogs for so long, and has vaping helped? Thanks, Jim
Jeffb Posted January 13, 2013 Posted January 13, 2013 I went straight to vaping from smoking. The vaping made me forget smoking all together. That was over 3 years ago.
Christopher Posted January 13, 2013 Posted January 13, 2013 Dido, when vaping you will not have those cravings. I think it's been almost 4 years for me now.
Tam Posted January 13, 2013 Posted January 13, 2013 Tried to quit more times than I care to admit. This time I went to vaping instead and haven't looked back. So far so good with none of the other 'quit smoking' symptoms I've had in the past.
Mike Posted January 14, 2013 Posted January 14, 2013 I used to smoke and vape and I then I lost interest in smoking. I quit without having to try very hard but I tried hard in the past and couldn't do it, even with chantix. Vaping made me want to smoke much less until I got to the point when I said it is now time never to buy cigarettes again. That was 3 years ago. In your case, I don't see any harm in it. Using an eCig and hanging out with the smokers can be a pleasurable activity. Just don't over do it by chain vaping all the time and what ever you do, don't go back to smoking! Tam and Jimbo 2
BHam Posted January 14, 2013 Posted January 14, 2013 I smoked for 8 years, not nearly as long as some people, and I went straight to vaping. I did however transition slowly over, having a few analogs a day but now I exclusively vape. Good luck to you with your vaping journey!
Jimbo Posted January 15, 2013 Author Posted January 15, 2013 Thanks for all the replies and support guys. My Apollo Standard Starter Kit and the juices I bought from mse12 (plus extras!) both arrived today. I have tried a couple of the flavors in the variety pack so far and have to say I am thrilled with the experience. I am already hooked on vaping and since I hadn't smoked for four years, I can't see myself ever wanting a "real" cigarette again. mse12 1
mse12 Posted January 15, 2013 Posted January 15, 2013 Glad you received the package! I hope the extras prove beneficial. Feel free to ask as many questions as you need!
nana Posted January 15, 2013 Posted January 15, 2013 I smoked for 34 years - went straight from smoking to vaping. It's been a wonderful 3 years & 3 months of being smoke free for me. For the first few months I liked the smell of smoke, but any more I don't. Congratulations on quitting smoking on your own!! That's something I never could do. Good luck with your new ecig!!
Rixter Posted January 15, 2013 Posted January 15, 2013 My dad, 72, quit smoking cold turkey when he was in his forties. When I turned in my cigs and started vaping, he was curious about it and asked me if they made anything that tasted like cigars but with no nicotine. I told him about some cigar flavored juices I'd heard about that were nic-free, and he now "cigar-puffs" EC Blend's Cuban Gold 0-nic for taste only. Synther and Uma 2
seaspine Posted January 17, 2013 Posted January 17, 2013 I smoked for 30 years or so,was up to 3 packs a day when I started vaping. I had my last cigarette around 3 years ago. Vaping is the only thing that worked for me,Ihope it works for you.
sweet7 Posted January 23, 2013 Posted January 23, 2013 Smoked 1-2 packs a day for 48 years. Quit once for 2 mos, gained 50lbs. Started smoking again lost the weight....That's why I never tried to quit again. Been vaping for 6 days, no analogs at all...Absolutely no cravings, not eating any more than usual. Even after this short period of vaping, coughing is gone. Lungs feel like they've been FREED. I don't know if this happens to everyone that quickly, but I can't believe how much better "I" feel!...I actually enjoy vaping more than I EVER enjoyed smoking. It really feels like dream to me. I'm afraid I'm going to "wake" up and there will never be any such thing as an e cig.
maustypsu Posted February 3, 2013 Posted February 3, 2013 Jimbo, you've done an amazing job. Hopefully, your Vaping will enable you to replace the symptoms and meds with just nicotin. Uma and Jimbo 2
Jimbo Posted February 3, 2013 Author Posted February 3, 2013 Thanks again guys and gals! I'm starting my fourth week of vaping and couldn't be happier. So far I haven't tried a flavor that I didn't like or couldn't stand. It's great to be able to sneak into the bathroom or an empty staircase for a few stealth puffs when the stress builds up at work. Now I've started thinking about how much I enjoyed the taste of those little Back & Mild cigars. Someone linked to this concentrate: http://vapingzone.com/product-info.php?Black___Mild_Concentrated_Flavor_-pid535.html but I don't think I'm ready to start mixing my own yet. Has anyone found a good pre-mixed Black & Mild cigar flavor that they like? mse12 1
connienguyen23 Posted February 5, 2013 Posted February 5, 2013 (edited) I got a mega twix double clearomizer for only 13.95 tax included and free shipping at ilikespam.com which look very cool and you can have one flavor in each. If you vape alot you should get it here because they give you wholesale prices for retailers too. Edited February 5, 2013 by jeffb spammalot
mse12 Posted February 5, 2013 Posted February 5, 2013 (edited) I got a mega twix double clearomizer for only 13.95 tax included and free shipping at (spam removed) which look very cool and you can have one flavor in each. If you vape alot you should get it here because they give you wholesale prices for retailers too. Spam Edited February 5, 2013 by jeffb Jimbo and Uma 2
Uma Posted February 5, 2013 Posted February 5, 2013 My hubby quit smoking in the 70's, but he couldn't quit the hand-to-mouth addiction. He began popping food into his mouth,.. grapes, cheerio's, nuts, gummybears, .... and became a food popper addict lol. Then he decided to vape some Zero nic fruit and desert juices, to help satisfy not only his new love of food, but to satisfy his hand-to-mouth addiction. In less than 3 months, he happily retired his little Old Goat pv and has his addictions back under control. Well, had them back under control, until these last few months when the Doc had him go back to popping nuts ... and with boredom driving him nuts too, from being off work for 3 months, ... he became a food popper again. He doesn't want his Old Goat pv back... now he's eyeballing the new Marble Camo BAMs coming up. Which means, that if I can just talk him into the purple one, I'll have ME a new mod after 3 months. (he hates addictions and is a strong fighter, bless his heart). Tam 1
DavidBowser Posted February 6, 2013 Posted February 6, 2013 I smoked for almost 50 years but only 1 pack on a good day to about 1 1/2 packs if it was a stressful day. I knew I had to quit but could not bring myself to do it. I even started to roll my own to save a ton of money. Anyway, one day I picked up a disposible throw away e-cig to try because I heard of people doing them. I would give it a 6 out of 10 rating. But decided to keep them up anyway, SO I got a re-chargeable cartonizer kit, it was a lot better. With one I cut myself down to 1/2 a pack of analogs. I went ahead and ordered a Re-chargeable thingy with a Clearomizer tank and a bottle of menthol e-juice. The unit and clearomizer I give a 10 out of 10. The e-juice about a 8 out of 10. I have used it for about a week now and am very happy I switched I am down to 3 or 4 analogs a day, usually 1 or 2 in the morning then 1 or 2 through out the day. TOMORROW, I plan on stopping them alltogether. We will see how it goes. I have been looking here on the forum for a decent menthol recipe for a DIY e-juice. I guess I will just have to go with a tobacco flavor and add menthol flavor to it. Good luck with the vaperizing to releave the stress ! DON'T go back to analogs.
ninjabat Posted February 6, 2013 Posted February 6, 2013 (edited) Grats David and good luck on quitting tomorrow. The first 3 days of quitting were a bit scary for me that i could stay quit. The first 3 days were hell and i was really 'on-edge'. I had vape to get me through, however. The chemicals were gone from my system after that and my next week was awesome. Now i celebrate 3 weeks tobacco free, just hang in there and think how yucky cigarettes will be after enjoying all the variety available in the vaping world. Edited February 6, 2013 by ninjabat DavidBowser 1
ninjabatgirl Posted February 6, 2013 Posted February 6, 2013 Congrats on quitting to begin with, and good luck with your new adventures in vaping. I can say that I tried quitting multiple times, with one success of several months after my back surgery. Vaping is comparatively much better than smoking, and the taste choices far surpass cigarettes. Jimbo 1
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