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Is that your ry4 I take it? If so I'm down! :D
It is and was my all day vape for quite awhile when I first started vaping. Think I have a bottle of 24mg strength in my tackle box actually. My favorite RY4 had to have been from Backwood's Brew. I don't think you could actually call it an RY4 (even though they did) but it was damn tasty. They no longer make it though for some god forsaken reason.
Posted (edited)

I just opened my package from Janty, which was supposed to contain one 15 ml. bottle of Elixir RY4 PG 24 mg. It did not. It contained one 15 ml. bottle of Elixir RY4 VG 24 mg.

I never buy 100% VG any more because it doesn't have the same strong taste or throat hit that PG offers, but while the flavor is great, it's really weak. This juice packs one hell of a throat hit, however, and produces some of the thickest vapor I've ever seen!

I emailed Janty and let them know about the mix up, so I'm hoping that they'll send me out the PG version quickly.



I just got off the phone with a very nice lady (with a very British accent) from Janty. She was very apologetic and told me that they will ship out a bottle of Elixir RY4 PG straight away. They are including a return envelope for me to send the wrong product back in.

Edited by Rixter

I just opened my package from Janty, which was supposed to contain one 15 ml. bottle of Elixir RY4 PG 24 mg. It did not. It contained one 15 ml. bottle of Elixir RY4 VG 24 mg.

I never buy 100% VG any more because it doesn't have the same strong taste or throat hit that PG offers, but while the flavor is great, it's really weak. This juice packs one hell of a throat hit, however, and produces some of the thickest vapor I've ever seen!

I emailed Janty and let them know about the mix up, so I'm hoping that they'll send me out the PG version quickly.


I just got off the phone with a very nice lady (with a very British accent) from Janty. She was very apologetic and told me that they will ship out a bottle of Elixir RY4 PG straight away. They are including a return envelope for me to send the wrong product back in.

This is the second time I've heard of a vendor requesting juice to be shipped back. I ask myself why would they possibly want this product returned? They can't or shouldn't resale it. They are losing time and money asking for it's return. I don't get it. Why can't they just ask for a picture of the defective product and just leave it there? I had a cherry vapes drip tip crack once and all they asked for was a picture showing the cracks and they replaced it no questions. It's no big deal but I just don't get why they want it back....? :unsure:

Posted (edited)

This is the second time I've heard of a vendor requesting juice to be shipped back. I ask myself why would they possibly want this product returned? They can't or shouldn't resale it. They are losing time and money asking for it's return. I don't get it. Why can't they just ask for a picture of the defective product and just leave it there? I had a cherry vapes drip tip crack once and all they asked for was a picture showing the cracks and they replaced it no questions. It's no big deal but I just don't get why they want it back....? :unsure:

Yeah, it did seem a little odd, but in their defense, I did ask them if they wanted me to send it back once they told me they'd ship out a replacement. To be honest, I kinda figured they'd say, "Nah...it's our bad...just keep it". Surely they won't resell it. It sort of creeps me out now that I think about a juice vendor taking returns. :nuke:


In the future, if you send the wrong product to a customer, it's probably a good idea to just write it off and fast-ship the right product to them.


Edited by Rixter
Posted (edited)

Wow....call me neurotic, but that's scary enough that I'll be crossing out Janty as a future liquid vendor to try out. Though, it is good news that the Vapor Talk store is re-opening. Hopefully, they won't run out of Dulcis before I get paid, LOL!!

Edited by CascadianExotics

I have been waiting to get my hands on some Dulcis since I first heard the hype. I found out about it on an English language Russian vaping forum of all places. Apparently, word travels pretty far about a good RY4.


Dulcis is great, it's more of an all day vape. Most of the others are good for a few hours only. (except the old Janty and I haven't tried the IKV and other one yet).

Posted (edited)

So, like, I went to IKV and they were sold out in my mg and size.... so I bought an SS Vamo at VaporBank lol. I'm only 40 bucks over my budget for this payday, no problem right. Hopefully next payday IKV will have some more in stock. Wish me luck!

me and my silly distractions! why oh why can't I ever stay focused?! and on budget! Hubby's gonna disown me if I keep this up. :(

Edited by Uma

Budget? Whats a budget? :lol:

It's a magical, elusive, even esoteric, guideline we foolheartedly try so desperately to follow when we are craving some really good RY4!

not gonna happen when the metallic pink LTV2 keeps yelling at me too... omg

never tried ry4 You may try it out, it has turned into many all day vapes for a lot of us. :D
"May" try it out?? More like "should" try it out....heavy emphasis on the "should." :lol: BTW, mse12....I couldn't resist, and broke into the Ginger's RY4. So far, I'm really liking it. Dulcis is next on my list.

Imo I love Mr. E's Ry4 and AltCigs(local vendor) Ry4. To me they taste more on the sweet side

Their RY4 isn't bad, I agree. It's not Janty's, or IKV (probably), etc... but it's not bad. I really really like their Bob's Krave Kutter which is like a Ry4/555 mix. I probably already said this lol, I should take a peek at my earlier posts, but too lazy. Anyway, AltCig.com is having a superbowl 20% off sale til Monday for those who might like to try out their flavors (and for those who already love their flavors, of course). Coupon for this superbowl sale is: 49ers or Ravens either one.

Posted (edited)


Just gettin' ready for "Rixter's RY4 Shootout". So far, the contestants will be Dekang's RY4, Janty's Elixir PG RY4, Vapor Talk's Dulcis, and Ikenvape's RY4 PG Gold. I'm planning a blind taste test with a few of my vaping friends once everything arrives. Stay tuned...same vape time...same vape station!

Edited by Rixter

I think the reason they want you to return the wrong product is because they are afraid you will mix them into a 50/50 blend or even a 60/40 blend. Twice as much product for the price of one.


I'm gonna reserve my judgement on Dulcis for the time being because I've been vaping Janty's Elixir RY4 PG (a lot) in my favorite dripper, so I can't really tell where Janty's ends and Dulcis begins.

Dulcis-only tomorrow, though...when I settle down tomorrow evening, I'll know a little more about it. I can say that even though I can still taste the Janty's sweet vanilla-ness (fruity?) shining through, I can definitely taste something richer and more tobacco-y in the mix now...and caramel, obviously.

I've been wanting to try this for a really long time now.

I think I'm going to have a good day tomorrow. :thumbup:

Posted (edited)

My Dulcis arrived with today's mail. So, I cleaned out and put a new head in my Vision 2.0, and will be vaping this all day. So far, it's better than that Dekang crap (though very similar). Unlike the Dekang (which was practically unvapable), I will reserve final judgement until I'm through a tank of this.

Edited by CascadianExotics
Posted (edited)

After vaping nothing but Dulcis through a dual-coil 1½Ω 306 atomizer at 15 watts (7½ watts per coil) a little today and a lot this evening, I have to say that of all the desert vapes I've tried, this just might be my favorite one yet. :thumbsup:

I don't even know if Dulcis is supposed to be categorized as an RY4-styled e-liquid, because it doesn't seem to project "Vanilla" like other RY4s typically do. It does have the "Caramel" needed to be grouped in the RY4 box, but it's really a different animal altogether. :horse:

For me, Dulcis tastes like a really rich, warm, caramel-marinated medium-dark tobacco blend with lots of flavor. It is not wimpy on the tobacco, either...that part stands right out in the mix. The sweet caramel is also recognizably apparent from the beginning of the draw and stays put right through to the end. :smoke:

As I mentioned earlier, "Vanilla" did not seem to be a component of this juice, but honestly, it wasn't missed at all. In fact, even though the flavor gives you the impression of vaping a really good RY4, the lack of vanilla is a definite plus for Dulcis in that it makes it stand out in a crowd. It's bold without being too complicated. Good stuff. :yes

I will be ordering more of this for a fact. I hope there will be some bigger bottles available because I think a well-steeped 50 ml. bottle of Dulcis would be a real treat. :dribble:

Oh, yeah...at an unusually light (for me) nicotine level of 16 mg., Dulcis packs one hell of a throat hit, too. :unworthy:

Edited by Rixter

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