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I want to take the e-cig plunge, but am daunted by all the phony review sites out there. Was hoping that Consumer Reports would have something, but they only report on FDA findings against e-cigs.

I'm confused by all the brands and options. I ordered Smoke 51 two wks ago but they never arrived and I'm about to get socked with a big hit on my debit card (I'm planning on canceling it tomorrow to avoid that). I don't want to get suckered again.

I don't want to hear from distributors. I really would like to hear from e-cig users who can send me to a REAL review site where I can see the e-cigs objectively rated in a side-by-side comparison.

Any help would be appreciated!



I want to take the e-cig plunge, but am daunted by all the phony review sites out there. Was hoping that Consumer Reports would have something, but they only report on FDA findings against e-cigs.

I'm confused by all the brands and options. I ordered Smoke 51 two wks ago but they never arrived and I'm about to get socked with a big hit on my debit card (I'm planning on canceling it tomorrow to avoid that). I don't want to get suckered again.

I don't want to hear from distributors. I really would like to hear from e-cig users who can send me to a REAL review site where I can see the e-cigs objectively rated in a side-by-side comparison.

Any help would be appreciated!


This Forum is the best place i found when i was looking to start vaping youll see honest answers and noone from here has steered me wrong yet. I have a dse 901 i purchased from the jeff at wordupecig and i love it. my hubby has a 510 from arno at awesomevapor and he is in vape heaven. lol. Both places have customer service you dont expect these days. They will bend over backwards to make you experience great. they will answer any question without making you feel stupid for asking. And they have both replaced bad attys for us as fast as the postal service will let them.

good luck and happy vaping



I want to take the e-cig plunge, but am daunted by all the phony review sites out there. Was hoping that Consumer Reports would have something, but they only report on FDA findings against e-cigs.

I'm confused by all the brands and options. I ordered Smoke 51 two wks ago but they never arrived and I'm about to get socked with a big hit on my debit card (I'm planning on canceling it tomorrow to avoid that). I don't want to get suckered again.

I don't want to hear from distributors. I really would like to hear from e-cig users who can send me to a REAL review site where I can see the e-cigs objectively rated in a side-by-side comparison.

Any help would be appreciated!


Good luck getting smoke51 to cancel. I have yet to get them to respond to me. I suggest sending them a couple emails now before it shows up just in case. Their number just directs you to their email address. And then call your credit card company also. They will try to hit you for the $89.95 plus $29.95 a month also.

I suggest doing some research yourself to see which unit you would prefer. But try to stick to the tried and trues 510, 801 and 901.

A great place to start your research is on the info page of this site. Info Area


I want to take the e-cig plunge, but am daunted by all the phony review sites out there. Was hoping that Consumer Reports would have something, but they only report on FDA findings against e-cigs.

I'm confused by all the brands and options. I ordered Smoke 51 two wks ago but they never arrived and I'm about to get socked with a big hit on my debit card (I'm planning on canceling it tomorrow to avoid that). I don't want to get suckered again.

I don't want to hear from distributors. I really would like to hear from e-cig users who can send me to a REAL review site where I can see the e-cigs objectively rated in a side-by-side comparison.

Any help would be appreciated!


Well first let me welcome you to the forum :) I understand your frustration, companies like Smoke 51 and Smoke Everywhere spend lots of money filling up PR spots and raises their page rank on Google. So of course when you research you end up purchasing a crap product. It's sad that these companies screw people so bad.

That being said, this is where Vapor Talk comes in :) Check out some of these links that will help get you started. Then when you have questions come on back and we'll help you out.

Here are the video reviews that myself and Sean do, it's what really gave Vapor Talk it's name: Click Here

I suggest the following suppliers

http://www.dietsmokes.com/ (This guy has been around for a while and is always in stock, he also offers overnight shipping)

http://www.awesomevapor.com/ (Arno from Awesome Vapor doesn't have the best looking website but he's trust worthy, many of the member order from him)

http://www.electronicstix.com/ (Another great supplier named Jason. Also a trusted supplier)

I suggest you purchase a Joye 510 as your starter ecig. It has a manual battery which will be important later on and the starter kit comes with 2 atomizers rather than one.

Hope that helps! :D

Posted (edited)

Welcome to the vaping world!

I got a Smoke 51 from the mall and it sucked! Don't waste your money. Just call the bank and cancel it through them.

A good starter e-smoke is a standard Joye 510 available at: http://www.vaporkings.com or Diet Smokes or Awesome Vapor

These guys will treat you right. Just order a Joye 510 starter kit and the following extras:

1 - 510 Atomizer

1 - bottle of e-liquid, 24mg

The total with shipping should be around $70 and keep you busy for awhile.

And don't forget to hang around here! Somebody can answer all your questions when you are learning about vaping.

Edited by jmhester

I want to take the e-cig plunge, but am daunted by all the phony review sites out there. Was hoping that Consumer Reports would have something, but they only report on FDA findings against e-cigs.

I'm confused by all the brands and options. I ordered Smoke 51 two wks ago but they never arrived and I'm about to get socked with a big hit on my debit card (I'm planning on canceling it tomorrow to avoid that). I don't want to get suckered again.

I don't want to hear from distributors. I really would like to hear from e-cig users who can send me to a REAL review site where I can see the e-cigs objectively rated in a side-by-side comparison.

Any help would be appreciated!


Welcome! There is a lot of really good information here and everyone is friendly. The suppliers that were listed will treat you right, you shouldn't have to worry. Good luck and happy vaping.


Welcome to vaporing. I too was confused after buying a disposable, just to see if I thought I would be interested in these products. I first did alot of reading here and at e-cig forum before finally making a decision. These forums are THE BEST for anything you need to know, and it's true, they're very nice people here. B)

Posted (edited)

Don't worry. You sound like the rest of us when we got started vaping. In a week or two you'll be a pro at it with the help of the forum.

Hang in there, it's worth it to quit the cancer sticks. I've been a non smoker for 2 months now and it feels great.

Edited by thegreen
Posted (edited)

I want to take the e-cig plunge, but am daunted by all the phony review sites out there. Was hoping that Consumer Reports would have something, but they only report on FDA findings against e-cigs.

I'm confused by all the brands and options. I ordered Smoke 51 two wks ago but they never arrived and I'm about to get socked with a big hit on my debit card (I'm planning on canceling it tomorrow to avoid that). I don't want to get suckered again.

I don't want to hear from distributors. I really would like to hear from e-cig users who can send me to a REAL review site where I can see the e-cigs objectively rated in a side-by-side comparison.

Any help would be appreciated!


Hey, Derek! Welcome to Vapor Talk, if you stick around you will find that this is a great place to get help (as you can see with all of the replies you have received thus far). You will find that the members here are eager to help you be a success in your endeavor to quit smoking analogue cigarettes. So, again welcome, we're glad your here!

I understand exactly how you feel about the daunting amount information and misinformation on the internet about e-Cigs. A person can be easily overwhelmed with it all and just give up for fear of making the wrong decision. Everyone is going to have a personal preference from one brand and style of e-Cig and then they are the multitude of different flavors of e-Juice or e-Liquid out there. I am by far no expert on this subject, I just stopped smoking and started vaping on September 17th.

I cannot give you first hand information about Smoke51 because I have never tried their product, but I do hear a lot of negative stories about the company and their lousy methods of doing business. If you paid with a debit/credit card, you can have your bank cancel the transaction with one easy call to the banking center. Your excuse is that the product never arrived and you think that you have been defrauded.

This forum helped me immensely when it came time for me to make my initial purchases of e-Cigs. I chose to do business with Arno at AwesomeVapor.com and still do business with them regularly, I received a package from them today. Arno's website is not the most professional put together site, but he has passed that savings on to his customers and he is not a fly-by-night supplier. He really takes care of his customers and quite often I get a little bonus in my shipments that I never asked for. If in the event that there is something wrong with the order, they do their utmost to make sure you are informed as soon as possible, they will not leave you wondering what the hold-up is. I have purchased two of their models, the DSE901 and the DSE801 and have not any problems with either of them. I also have purchased a fair amount of e-Juice from them and it is much better than the Johnson Creek Juice, although I personally prefer the Vapor Talk Juice. Chris and Sean have specifically developed their flavors to produce a better amount of vapor and flavor and they are spot on with their mix. Their e-Liquid is marketed at dietSMOKES.com along with several other good juice suppliers. I have also purchased other models from TotallyWickedE-Liquid.com. The initial starter kits that I purchased from them performed well, but I ordered some replacement batteries from them that were cheap and defective. I have ordered the same batteries from Arno and they were as good quality as the original.

Look over the reviews and see what fits your lifestyle. But if you want a long lasting battery unit that will take a beating then you should investigate the VP units at VaprLife.com. Jesso makes these units in his shop in New York State and they are the only US made e-Cig on the market that I have found. I have two of the VP2 units and man do they put out the vapor and the batteries get me thru a full day at work. Although the initial investment was higher than others, I don't have to buy a lot of extra batteries and accessories and therefore have come out ahead with this unit.

Once again welcome to VaporTalk, any question that you may have can be answered here.

Edited by TheSmokingMan

I seocond most of what's been said. I've been vaping for just under 2 weeks, and here's my take on getting started:

The Joye 510 is probably as reliable and effective e-cig to start with as anything out there. You will know within a day or two of getting one whether vaping is for you. Don't go nuts buying modifications, exotic e-liquids, and different models of e-cigs. Stick to the basics, get used to vaping, and spend some time reading forum posts from those who've spent tons of money and time figuring out what works for them.

I recommend getting:

  • Two complete 510 setups: battery and atomizer

  • Five pre-filled cartridges, either in 18 mg strength or a variety of strengths (I don't think it matters)

  • A battery charger

  • A few small (5 ml) bottles of different e-liquids, such as VG-based ones like Ecopure or some flavored ones.

That should all come to no more than about $75.

Don't worry if you buy your stuff and find out you could have saved $10 by going somewhere else. If you figure what you're blowing on analogs, $10 only buys you a day or two of those filthy things. And if you get into e-cigs the way I and others have, you'll forget about the $10 when you start stocking up on stuff! (I've spent maybe $175 in the past two weeks, but I have enough supplies right now to last me easily three months.)


I seocond most of what's been said. I've been vaping for just under 2 weeks, and here's my take on getting started:

The Joye 510 is probably as reliable and effective e-cig to start with as anything out there. You will know within a day or two of getting one whether vaping is for you. Don't go nuts buying modifications, exotic e-liquids, and different models of e-cigs. Stick to the basics, get used to vaping, and spend some time reading forum posts from those who've spent tons of money and time figuring out what works for them.

And if you get into e-cigs the way I and others have, you'll forget about the $10 when you start stocking up on stuff! (I've spent maybe $175 in the past two weeks, but I have enough supplies right now to last me easily three months.)

I'm one of those people that went nuts the first week, I'm glad I did though, I'm a lot more wiser to e-Cigs now than before. I'm kind of embarrassed to tell how much I've spent and all of the things that I bought that I'll probably never use.


I'm one of those people that went nuts the first week, I'm glad I did though, I'm a lot more wiser to e-Cigs now than before. I'm kind of embarrassed to tell how much I've spent and all of the things that I bought that I'll probably never use.

Yeah don't worry about it. I think a lot of us are in the same boat. These things are supposed to save us money, but I think I spent more money on e-cigs during my first month than I would in a whole year with analogs. :unsure:


I am going to put in my 2 cents--

I have had very good service and product from http://shop.rockymountainvapor.com I have used them for parts and liquid. their prices are very good. the have a great selection. they have recently made a move to another state, but look like they have things settled.

I also use Totally wicked. They are a bit pricier but the do have some nice starter kits--especially the PCC starter kit. With the PCC starter kit, it is a good idea to order an extra main charger and of course extra battery/atomizers.

always buy some extra liquid.

definately the 510 started kit--an extra battery and atomizer, and a PCC. I love my PCC and it goes with me everywhere. :)


Yeah don't worry about it. I think a lot of us are in the same boat. These things are supposed to save us money, but I think I spent more money on e-cigs during my first month than I would in a whole year with analogs. :unsure:

I haven't. I spent an obscene amount on analogues every year. I will not spend that much on e-Cigs, guaranteed! But I have spent about one quarter of what I would have spent on analogues in a year the first month on e-Cigs. But now I know what I like, want and will reorder. Now I have to figure out what to do with the stuff I'll never use that is brand new in the box!


I haven't. I spent an obscene amount on analogues every year. I will not spend that much on e-Cigs, guaranteed! But I have spent about one quarter of what I would have spent on analogues in a year the first month on e-Cigs. But now I know what I like, want and will reorder. Now I have to figure out what to do with the stuff I'll never use that is brand new in the box!

Yeah well my first kit was a smoking everywhere, so I got ripped off in the beginning. Then I went crazy buying different models: Joye510, The Dragon from Truesmoker and a Janty Stick. I have a 901 on it's way just cuz I want to try that model out. I also counted my bottles of juice today and I have at least $150 worth of different flavors and brands just sitting there waiting to be vaped. Some might not even get vaped. My problem is I keep buying new flavors before I even get through a bottle. I'm gonna have to work on that. lol

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