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Posted (edited)

Thank you all for your suggestions. It has been a bit overwhelming to say the least and I've changed my mind so many times; I'm starting to piss myself off. :)

I have some prefilled cartos and some empty ones for the V2 from myvaporstore (Smooth tobacco and RY4) and a 10ml bottle of juice (free from vapedudes) on the way to hold me over until I finally make up my mind about what gear to get.

The problem I have is; I want them all... Two nights ago; I was set on getting the eGo-T kit and taste testing juices on it until I find what I like... But every suggestion you guys make, every thread I read over at ECF, every YT video I watch... They all make me want to get everything. I'm getting some sort of "pre-buyers remorse" where I put everything into the shopping cart and I can't make myself push through to the checkout... It's my OCD telling me: "YOU CAN DO BETTER".

Case in point: I'm at ECF earlier today, just browsing around and trying to learn.... And I run into a thread about these "Caravela" stuff... That word immediately caught my eye (I was born and raised in South America and we learned about Columbus and his three caravelas in middle school history) and I went in to check it out... Let's just say I spent about two hours just looking at the pictures and drooling all over my keyboard. Now; I know that the chances of getting one of them things are slim to none at the moment, but man... Sexy is not even close.

Now; I know I'm going to need some sort of a atty/tank system if I want to do flavor testing since doing that in cartos would just be too much of a waste... I know that the Vivi Nova tanks have been recommended a couple of times on this thread, but I also read on this thread (I think it was Uma) that certain flavors will damage plastic tanks (clove, citrus, cinammon, etc) and as far as I can tell; the Vivi Novas are plastic. I see some metal ones, but not sure if they are just a metal sleeve around the plastic tank or if they are full metal... That's the stuff that goes through my head right as I am about to do the checkout and stops me from going through with it.

Edited by Seebs

If you want to do some flavor testing I'd suggest direct dripping with an atomizer. I believe you can use those with clove flavors without any damage. Then, once you find the one you like from a certain vendor you can fill up the tank of your choice. Tanks and clearomizers have come a long way in a short amount of time. You might get lucky and not have them crack from the liquid. I know that when I first started the T2 and CE4s would crack periodically because I liked the Mojito flavor which was high in citrus. Now? No problem whatsoever and I haven't had one crack lately.

There really are a LOT of choices out there. Trying things and experimenting is half the fun with vaping. Good luck! :)

Posted (edited)

See... That's where I get confused. I thought that the eGo-T would be something that I could drip into. Or is it only for filling the tank and vaping that way?

If that type of kit won't do... What is it that I need? Remember; I'm after simplicity to get started... Not interested in fussing with voltages, watts, etc.

I just want a good, decent battery with an on/off button and something to stick on top of it... I was convinced eGo-Ts would fit that bill, but if I'm mistaken, please do point me in the right direction.

Edited by Seebs
Posted (edited)

The eGo T is a type or model of battery as far as I'm aware. When I first started vaping in May 2012 I bought an eGo T battery, it was a "passthrough" which allows you to plug it into a USB port to charge it and still be able to vape while it's plugged in and charging. Shortly after that eGo came out with the eGo C battery that was a bit better (or so they said), than the eGo T. There are regular eGo batteries and there are passthroughs. They use different kinds of chargers.

I really do understand your frustration with all these choices and just wanting to get what you want so here is my recommendation to you. It's based solely on my opinion and experience with various vendors I've bought from and continue to do business with - complete with links. :)

Well, darn. I'm going to send you to Brian at The Veteran Vaper but he doesn't carry the passthroughs. I've bought from him many times and continue to shop there. I'm sending you his way because he's trustworthy and honest, gives excellent customer service and also is great about communicating with his customers. He's also a long time member of this forum, which is how I found his store. You can read my review of The Veteran Vaper in the vendor review section of this forum to hear what others have experienced in the comments.


That's an eGo C starter kit (not a passthrough but with two batteries you can always charge one while using the other). It also comes with two atomizers so you can direct drip if you want. It looks like it also comes with five pre-filled cartomizers (those are like atomizers with a filler inside that holds a fair amount of e-juice). Many on this forum love them but you have to keep the filler/batting inside wet or you get a burned taste that's pretty bad. :) It comes with a charger and AC wall adapter and an eGo cone. You screw the atomizer into the battery, put the cone over the atomizer and...you need a drip tip. Looks like a drip tip isn't included in the kit. No matter. Those things cost next to nothing. More on that later.

Okay, so, for $49.99 that's a great starter kit.

Just a tip -- I've found that some atomizers come with some kind of liquid in it that needs to be blown out before use. Take one and blow gently but firmly into the large open end. Hold a tissue or napkin lightly over the tiny hole near the threaded end of the atomizer to catch the liquid as it comes out. Keep doing this until no more liquid comes out. Dab the end to dry.

When direct dripping it's easy to flood the atomizer if you get happy with putting too many drops in at once. I do this all the time. Even now. *rolls eyes at self* When you get a gurgling sound unscrew the atomizer, blow into it like what I said above and also dab the tissue into the connection of the battery. You'll see liquid there, too. Screw atomizer back on and you should be good to go.

Now, if you're direct dripping you really need a drip shield to keep things from getting messy as there will be liquid seeping out of the air holes in the atomizer. For that you need to go to Empire Mods. You can also get drip tips there.

Not all drip shields cover the threads on your battery. There are two that do and they say directly in the name that it's for eGo batteries. The others (most but not all), will fit but they'll stop at the top of the threads on your battery. I prefer that those are covered but that's for purely aesthetic reasons.



I prefer the types in the second link because there are four air holes in them instead of the standard two but pink and purple are the only colors available at the moment. I don't know how you feel about those although Jeff seems to like pink and has no problem with it. :lol:

Any of the drip tips that are for 510 will work for your set up. I prefer anything that isn't metal because I tend to chain vape when direct dripping and the metal can get...warm. Another thing I'd suggest is the universal drip tip.


You can use it by itself (inserted into your atomizer), or you can insert a separate drip tip into the universal. It's funny looking and will make your set up long but I love it because it keep you from sucking liquid into your mouth when vaping. This sometimes happens when you direct drip and is very unpleasant. Because of its extra length, it also cools the vapor, which I prefer. You might feel differently.

Before direct dripping I would suggest you read the threads that are there about it to get tips. Or you could just ask questions here. I'm sure lots of people will chime in. They're wonderful about that here. :D

Then, with this stuff, all you have to do is get the e-liquid from the vendor of your choice.

Sorry this comment was so long but I hope it's helpful to you. Hang in there. It does get easier! :yes

ETA: You can also get the Vivi Nova tanks at The Veteran Vaper. That's where I go the Vivi Nova mini and it works great, no leaking!

Edited by Tameiki
Posted (edited)

Thank you very much for the explanation Tameiki.

Let me see if I have this figured out..

- Use the eGo battery.

- Screw the 510 atty to it.

- Screw the empty carto to the 510 atty.

- Screw the drip shield over the carto/atty combo.

- Attach drip tip.

So the eGo type atty units that are used on their eGo-T kits are not used on this setup as they are designed to be used with their own little tanks.


We use the 510 attys instead since those will accommodate normal "empty" cartos on top and I can drip into those.


And then after that I can "graduate" to the more sophisticated tank+carto combos like the Vivi Nova everyone talks about.

Did I get that right? I think I did. :) The kit you pointed to seems to be just what I'm after then...

Thanks again


Edited by Seebs
Thank you all for your suggestions. It has been a bit overwhelming to say the least and I've changed my mind so many times; I'm starting to piss myself off. :)

I have some prefilled cartos and some empty ones for the V2 from myvaporstore (Smooth tobacco and RY4) and a 10ml bottle of juice (free from vapedudes) on the way to hold me over until I finally make up my mind about what gear to get.

The problem I have is; I want them all... Two nights ago; I was set on getting the eGo-T kit and taste testing juices on it until I find what I like... But every suggestion you guys make, every thread I read over at ECF, every YT video I watch... They all make me want to get everything. I'm getting some sort of "pre-buyers remorse" where I put everything into the shopping cart and I can't make myself push through to the checkout... It's my OCD telling me: "YOU CAN DO BETTER".

Case in point: I'm at ECF earlier today, just browsing around and trying to learn.... And I run into a thread about these "Caravela" stuff... That word immediately caught my eye (I was born and raised in South America and we learned about Columbus and his three caravelas in middle school history) and I went in to check it out... Let's just say I spent about two hours just looking at the pictures and drooling all over my keyboard. Now; I know that the chances of getting one of them things are slim to none at the moment, but man... Sexy is not even close.

Now; I know I'm going to need some sort of a atty/tank system if I want to do flavor testing since doing that in cartos would just be too much of a waste... I know that the Vivi Nova tanks have been recommended a couple of times on this thread, but I also read on this thread (I think it was Uma) that certain flavors will damage plastic tanks (clove, citrus, cinammon, etc) and as far as I can tell; the Vivi Novas are plastic. I see some metal ones, but not sure if they are just a metal sleeve around the plastic tank or if they are full metal... That's the stuff that goes through my head right as I am about to do the checkout and stops me from going through with it.

The Caravela is a real beauty in looks and performance. There is a long waiting list for it, about 3 months long I believe. If you're not ready for the Caravela now, you will be ready by the time your order is due. :)

The Caravela had zero competition until the Poldiac arrived. :)

The Wizards Apprentice was close, in looks, but not in performance.

The Caravela and the Poldiac both excel. Some of the Caravela users are saying that the Poldiac has it beat in the performance dept. (and subjectively, some say in the looks, some don't).

Bookmark that page honey, and treat yourself to a super fine mod on your 1st vaping anniversary.

He has his own forum, I think it's Caravela.com or something.

Oh! And save for the Poldiac too. After you see mine, you'll be blown away. :)


Funny you mention the Poldiac. Last night, after I was done drooling over the Caravelas; I got to thinking and realized that I have a number of friends that own/run machine shops... So I jumped over to onlinemetals and started looking at prices on Stainles Steel, 6061 Aluminum and Titanium round bar (see where this is going?)... :)

For now; I'll get me a "starter kit" and start cooking up stuff in Solidworks. :)


It would be awesome to have that available. I often think of how awesome it would be to make tube mods like that if I had the tools.


Yup... My other "hobby" involves large chunks of copper machined into containers, lots and lots of liquid Nitrogen and computer hardware. The machining involved is on a larger scale, but I'm sure they can manage with the smaller stuff too.

Voiding warranties is our life. :)




-126 C cool enough for you? :) See? It's not just vapers who are crazy. Us geeks have a crazy side too.

Let me see if I have this figured out..

- Use the eGo battery.

- Screw the 510 atty to it.

- Screw the empty carto to the 510 atty.

- Screw the drip shield over the carto/atty combo.

- Attach drip tip.

So the eGo type atty units that are used on their eGo-T kits are not used on this setup as they are designed to be used with their own little tanks.


We use the 510 attys instead since those will accommodate normal "empty" cartos on top and I can drip into those.


And then after that I can "graduate" to the more sophisticated tank+carto combos like the Vivi Nova everyone talks about.

You *almost* got it right. Think of an atty as an engine you put into your car. The cartomizer is also an engine so if you have one under the hood there isn't room for the second one. You use one at a time. Notice how I didn't even try to make a reference to, "...you don't want to put the second engine under the hood." :D

The Vivi Nova and Vivi Nova mini aren't hard to use at all. Open top, pour juice in making sure none go into the center post, screw top back in. Screw onto battery. Let the tank sit a few minutes to allow the wick to soak up the juice and vape. Not hard at all. Same goes for the Vision Stardust/CE4, T2, T3... :)


Thanks again Tameiki. I'm quite sure I got it now.

The two 510 attys included on the kit you recommended will heat up the liquid soaked into the 5 "mboro flavor" cartridges included. And if/when I want to do some dripping; all I do is replace those "mboro flavored" cartrdiges for clean ones, clean the atty and go for a new flavor. Seems simple enough. :)

And after that; it's just a matter of seeing how deep into the hole I want to go with this. If previous experience in my other hobbies is the reference point; I'll give it a few months before I'm hobbled over a lathe, turning some metal into a shape. ;)

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