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The FDA Seeks Your Opinion
on Electronic Cigarettes

The FDA has announced its intention to issue regulations deeming electronic cigarettes to be within the scope of FDA jurisdiction under the Tobacco Control Act. These regulations may affect the manner in which electronic cigarettes are sold and could have the effect of making these products more expensive and/or less accessible.

You have the opportunity to have your opinion heard regarding this matter.

The FDA is accepting public submissions via the Internet through next Wednesday (January 16th, 2013).

If NJOY’s electronic cigarettes have had a positive impact on your life, we encourage you to share your story with the FDA and to urge the FDA not to take any action that would make these products more difficult or expensive to obtain than they are currently.

Comments are limited to 2,000 characters. If your comment is longer, you can upload a file to fully share your story.

Your opinion does matter, and we know that collectively our voices will be heard.

Thank you in advance for your time and support.


How can we find out how many public comments were submitted?

How can this be passed under the Tobacco Control Act when it's not a tobacco related product?

It's a bit of a long story but a federal judge ruled that e cigarettes be classified as a tobacco product. It's actually what the industry wanted. Well, I can't say wanted, but it was the lesser of two evils. The other option was drug delivery device, in which case the FDA's plans where to immediately remove e cigarettes from the market pending approval. (which wouldn't have happened for a very...long time)

Suppliers fought tooth and nail not just one year ago and because of that, we're all still vaping today.

Though the FDA is trying their hardest to gain control and probably will eventually, the industry has made it a bit of an uphill battle for them. (And frankly they're not happy about it)


But when the FDA tried to get them classified as a drug delivery device it was shot down by a federal court. The judge stated something on the line of if they classed ecigs as drug delivery devices than cigarettes would also need to be classed as such.


Honestly, if they wouldn't tax the hell out of them or place all kinds of restrictions on them I wouldn't be opposed to some FDA regulations regarding what goes in to e liquid. But we all know their restrictions wouldn't stop there.


Filled in my quit story yesterday. Would just point out this is open to all countries and not just the USA.


I've been spreading this info too. We need more vapers to submit their responses to help our collective cause. We're in this together!

  • 4 weeks later...

GUess I missed this.

OK E-cigs was an option for me. From smoking, issues in air around Houston combines with my reaction to Polacriliex (I believe is the material), I lost vision in my right eye (foggy vision).

I turns out, I am sensitive to smoke sensation aids, which includes nicotine gums and some of the lozenges. The crilex/ silix bases caused a formation and deposit into the cornea of my right eye. So I can not use those products without risk. At least not long at all,

So the e-cig was the only thing I could use and have no reactions to. I am not allergic to PG or VG. Which I was actually tested for. If I use Silix bases, I run the risk of acute reaction and my body depositing a part of it in soft tissue. IT was found in my eye, mucous membrane, and glands.

Unfortunately patches are not an option (regardless if nicotine or other, I can't where pain patches either due to sensitivity.

SO I will be damned if they take away the only thing I do not react to to relieve stress and cut down.

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