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Posted (edited)

It's been a while since I was last here, but I wanted to stop bye and thank all my old friends here at Vapor Talk.

I'm coming up on my third year analog free and I wouldn't have made it this far without a lot of help and support from the folks here.

Chris, this is my forum home. I know I haven't been around as much as I use to be, but I haven't forgotten where my friends are. Without this place in the beginning I don't believe I would have lasted this long.

For this I give you a big thank you! This forum and the support you give people is a big asset.

"O" ( iamofortuna), Skruff (skruff77), your love, support, and friendship has meant the world to me. All those nights at first on the chat were really a lot of fun, and I got a lot of information at the same time. Love you guys.

Mark, you've been a great friend and a big help in my getting where I am today in vaping. Having someone close to go to is a big help when someone is just getting started. I thank you so much.

Jeffb, BD, Brian, Kitsune, Uma, Joe2003, and so many others, thank you for being there when I needed answers or just someone to talk with. The friendship you all have shown me is greatly appreciated.

All in all this place is the best place for any one who is just getting started with this vaping thing to be at.

The help and support you all give is something you all should be very proud of.

I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Much love to you all!!!! Snubber

Edited by snubber

Happy Annivapesary Snubbers!! Three great wonderful years of vaping and VT. Whoda ever thought quitting analogs could be so fun eh. Congrats!!!

Posted (edited)

congrats snubber!

We really need to get chat up and going again

It's so much better to be able to hear folks and learn

about the way they express themselves.It really adds

a lot to the way you read their posts if you have an

idea of the type of inflections they use.

My own personal southern charm just doesn't come thru

as well in print for example lol :harhar:

Besides I really miss talking with all of you!

Edited by joe2003

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