MenopauseMolly51 Posted January 7, 2013 Posted January 7, 2013 Well here I am for this on-line Support Group with the Vapor e-cigarette! I am on my 3rd day now~ Yesterday I just stayed in my room, no coffee & creamer, just rested all day. Did this new Vapor cig the night before and I believe I did it a bit too much. Did not feel very well the next day. Now as of this day I did make myself 3 cups of coffee & creamer and did the Vapor e-Cig...The coffee just did not taste good. Nor the Vapor e-Cig. My head hurts, and when I do take a puff a few times, my Chest hurts! But I have not had a regular cigarette. I just don't know how this is going to work or make me feel. Perhaps I will know more by Friday.... Sure hope so, because if not then something is very wrong here. I could have gone Cold Turkey and used the other on-line stop smoking services I guess. I don't even Vapor much and this cost a Mint to buy the device~ Any other suggestions by anyone on this Support Group? Because I would like this to Help me not lit up a cigarette....But it is making me feel kinda Sickly. Thanks.... Menopause Molly
Viper Ron Posted January 7, 2013 Posted January 7, 2013 Welcome Molly, what type of e cig are you using and what strength e liquid? MenopauseMolly51 1
Jeffb Posted January 8, 2013 Posted January 8, 2013 Hi Molly, welcome to VT. Your body is going to be going through a lot of changes. Keep it up, you wont regret it. MenopauseMolly51 1
MenopauseMolly51 Posted January 8, 2013 Author Posted January 8, 2013 Hello ~Viper Ron~ Well...I have not a clue as to what to think about this~ Have not had a Vapor hit since I wrote this up there earlier~ Perhaps I am allergic to this~ Been really feeling sick feeling actually. The product is from a place called The VAPOR HUT. The people there were really helpful and so forth. They got me started with the eGo pack- Starter Kit...I have the 2 Silver long adapters---18 mg. And 2 E Juices. One juice is RY4. ( Peach ) colored for that one~ And a (Purple) one for the Fuzzy Navel~~~But the peach colored Tastes like a regular cigarette~ The other is Fuzzy Navel~ And I have not used that yet....That will be for later~ But I do have two silver adapters for both....As well as 5 pcs Coil Unit...CC Clear Cartomizer. A Nice Aqua Blue Case to carry both in....with a Charger~ So all in all they did fix me up~ ____________It is just me that is having a bit of a problem with it I guess...Now I just have had a few hits of my Vapor as I am writing this to you~ It has been a few hours since I last did so~ I do know I can adjust the intake of the Vapor~ as it is on the right setting for me~ Not the 4.0~ But in between that~ And I am taking it easy when I do take a light drag~ _________________So there you are~ They did say that it would take me awhile to get used to this, and boy where they ever Right about that~ Tell you one thing~ I will Not be having Coffee & Creamer in the morning with this~~It was just awful this morning doing this Vapor thing!!! Just not the Same when I had my Coffee & Virginia Slim Super Slims in the mornings~For that is when I enjoyed my Coffee & Cigarettes the most~ Had about 7 in a row with my 4 cups of coffee~~~~~~ And I have 2 un-opened packs of those left in my drawer~ But those Days are now Over with this New Contraption I now own~ I just do not want to get Sick with doing this~ And the odd thing is that I have hardly even done this since I bought it? ________________I just do Not understand? Am I having a Allergic Reaction to this? It is nice that now I can take it out and have a smoke when the nicotine urge comes my way~ Just a few Vaps~ And anywhere I can do this~ But as I said~ 3 Days~ Someone explained to me in their store that it would take about one week~ And then I would never lit up a reg cig again~ But if I felt the need to, go on ahead and just ween off of my cigarettes all together~ That is one reason why I got started on the RY4~ tastes like a Cigarette flavor~ _____________Well I hope you will have some suggestions for me with this Viper Ron~~~And anyone else that has experienced the effects of the First Time Try~~~Thank you~ Perhaps I will get it going as soon as I hear from others on here for Support~ This is a real different Experience ~ I would just like to eventually STOP Smoking all together with the help of this Product~ Is that even possible???
robv1978 Posted January 8, 2013 Posted January 8, 2013 I went through something similar when I started. Sick, light headed, anything I ate or drank got me nauseous. It went away after a few hours though. I vaped to much and after research discovered I wasn't alone in having a mild nic OD. If you bought a high mg eliquid you may be going through the same thing. Either that or you have the flu that's going around. MenopauseMolly51 1
Jeffb Posted January 8, 2013 Posted January 8, 2013 Maybe its the menopause MenopauseMolly51 and Tam 2
MenopauseMolly51 Posted January 8, 2013 Author Posted January 8, 2013 Hi Molly, welcome to VT. Your body is going to be going through a lot of changes. Keep it up, you wont regret it. Hello there~jeffb~ Well that is what I was a bit Worried about~ I am going through the Change of Life~ That's Cool~ All Natural~ Just this Change seems to be really a Strange Feeling~ 3 Days now~ And If you have the Time to Read up there what I just had fully Explained to Viper Ron~ Well either you have just had a Real Laugh and cannot Stop~ or have simply fell upon the Floor Laughing!!! Yes...Looks to me like I should have never ever started smoking in the first place~ At 16~ Have had a really Rough past 6 years where I have smoked more than the usual~ But I will be 51 this year~And I look 30~ as many people tell me~ Young looking & feel 25~ Yet It is Time to take Care of my Heart~ My Insides~ I am needing to Super Cleanse in Body & do some Serious Changes Right Now!!! So if there is anything I need to know of or what to watch out for Please jeffb~ guide me through the steps~ I do want to Do this or I would not have made this Choice~ Glad to have found this Support site~ I do not want to back out & just quit this~ Because this did cost quite a lot of money~ And it was a Christmas present~ So there you are~ And here I am and I need & want to be a Non Cigarette smoker!!! ~ Thank you!
MenopauseMolly51 Posted January 8, 2013 Author Posted January 8, 2013 Maybe its the menopause ~That is a understatement~ You could not Imagine~ My Menopause is at a Humorous level~ I have already walked over the hills & valleys~ Now I just want to do some Serious Life Changes with my over all Self~
MenopauseMolly51 Posted January 8, 2013 Author Posted January 8, 2013 Hi Molly, welcome to VT. Your body is going to be going through a lot of changes. Keep it up, you wont regret it. Already happened for Day 3~ But as of right now~~~I think somethings have Passed~~~I am on here talking my Head off about all of it~ Already thew up my dinner tonight~ Just got sick to my stomach~ And not even Vaped! But then I got on here after all these hours of not Vaping~ And here I am with all of you Supporting me as this~ Then I stopped to get my Vapor....took a few & kept on writing~ Now I am Better & on a Roll~~~~~~~~~~~~
MenopauseMolly51 Posted January 8, 2013 Author Posted January 8, 2013 I went through something similar when I started. Sick, light headed, anything I ate or drank got me nauseous. It went away after a few hours though. I vaped to much and after research discovered I wasn't alone in having a mild nic OD. If you bought a high mg eliquid you may be going through the same thing. Either that or you have the flu that's going around. Hello~ robbv1978~~~Hummmm~~ You might be Right about that~ The first night I had got this Contraption I did Over do it~ To say the least~ But the next day I stayed in my room & did not much~ But then here is the 3rd day~ Quite different~ I got the idea that I could have over loaded on the Nicotine~ That is Not a Healthy thing to Do! Heck~ I hardly even smoked my reg cigs later in the day for quite a long time~ The mornings more so with my then Coffee & Creamer~ I enjoyed~ Not anymore! No Coffee for me if I do this! So 2 Major Changes here now~~~ I had got the 18mg & I can adjust the Silver Vapor e-Cig~ to a different strength~ Like I had said~ I took it Easy today~ just backed off because I did not feel right~ They say it takes about one week, then I will start to feel better~ I sure hope this Idea Works for me!
MenopauseMolly51 Posted January 8, 2013 Author Posted January 8, 2013 I Sure hope I am not harming myself with this! Got to Stop Vaporing~ now~ That freaked me out when he was saying about the Nic OD~ I think I just did way too much again~ Just going to take a Vapor when I just can't stand it no longer~ Sure can't do that all the time~ I have cut down on my Cigarettes quite a bit in the past few months~ At least I am not getting the Fire & other Chemicals that go with the cigarettes~ Someone told me that after you get used to this, if you ever pick up another cig and smoke it it will be so Awful! I am so Mixed up right now~ Just don't know what to do~ Guess I will just take it Real Easy~ And Relax with it~
Viper Ron Posted January 8, 2013 Posted January 8, 2013 It could be that the withdraw from not smoking is effecting you or you could be allergic to VG or PG. Ask the shop where you bought the juice what ratio PG vs. VG you have. MenopauseMolly51 1
Deckyon Posted January 8, 2013 Posted January 8, 2013 It would also not be a bad idea to discuss this with a doctor. MenopauseMolly51 1
MenopauseMolly51 Posted January 8, 2013 Author Posted January 8, 2013 It could be that the withdraw from not smoking is effecting you or you could be allergic to VG or PG. Ask the shop where you bought the juice what ratio PG vs. VG you have. Hello Viper Ron....Yes you are Right On about perhaps being Allergic! That is what I felt myself exp last night & the day before.I have the Sales Receipt in my hand right now...This is what I had bought. 650 mAh Twist Start....1 $80.00 5 Pack Kanger Wicks 1 $15.00 And the this is the 4th day~ I have NOT took a Vapor what so ever~ Actually I am enjoying my french press coffee & creamer along with my morning cigarette~ Virginia Slims Super slims~ They are the regular and very skinny~ I have been smoking these for many years now~ And I have had 2 already with my 2 cups of morning coffee~ I actually feel Better today~ As I have said~ In the morning I will enjoy my coffee and smoke more with my coffee~ Other than that I do not smoke much at all the rest of the day~~~~But I do know that at their Shop, they make their own juice~~~~They are Wonderful people that work there~ And I know if I have a Problem, all I would have to do is go in there and talk to them about my experience with it~ Perhaps they would just give me a Full Refund~ I really like the people who work there and all of their customers are very nice too. They have even talked with me of how they have enjoyed this product and with Success as well~ They said it would take me about one week to start to feel better~ But I am really thinking I am just Highly Allergic to this juice all together~ I sure feel better today~ It kinda disappoints me to know that this product is not working for me~ So I just wonder what I should do~ It is not like I am sitting there Huffing & Puffing on it all the day long~ Just tried it out and got really SICK with the effects of it~
MenopauseMolly51 Posted January 8, 2013 Author Posted January 8, 2013 It would also not be a bad idea to discuss this with a doctor. Hello Deckyon~ What Doctor? I go to the Indian Clinic to get medical check-ups~ for everything else~ But perhaps I could leave a message for the Doctor about this~ They do have free Stop Smoking classes there as well as other things they will give me to Help, just don't want to do the patch, or Gum~ Now the Lounges are on the way since of yesterday with the Online Oklahoma Tobacco Help Line~ As well as to what this Support over the phone Counselor explained to me of how Dangerous the Vapor product is and all~ They are mailing me out some free Lounges, and Information with a work Goal book~ And free Counseling over the phone anytime if I decide to Not ever lit up a real cigarette again~ I am really Confused at this point with all of it~ But I do want to give everything a Chance~ You know? Habits Can be Broken~ It just takes some Major Suffering to get through it~ Right? This is a Life Health Choice for me~ And I now am faced with the Vapor situation~ or the other~ Cold Turkey~ Like the Song by John Lennon~
MenopauseMolly51 Posted January 8, 2013 Author Posted January 8, 2013 It could be that the withdraw from not smoking is effecting you or you could be allergic to VG or PG. Ask the shop where you bought the juice what ratio PG vs. VG you have. Just got off the phone with the other store, and talked with a really Nice man that works there...Explained my Symptoms ~ o him...He told me they use a low dose of the PG~ And I could be having a Allergic Reaction to this all together~ He encouraged me to go to the other store and let them know~ And perhaps they will just give me a full Re-Fund~ The 18mg is what I got~ But as I had explained to him~It kinda Bums me out that this product is giving me Problems~ And I did let him know I am having my coffee & creamer with my reg cigs~and he understood that~ He was very Cool as well and most understanding~ So there you go~ Guess I am not able to handle this Vapor invention~ after all~ Really disappointed about it too! So there you go~ Allergic to the PG~ low dose or not~ Some people are as he said to me~ I Tried~
Viper Ron Posted January 8, 2013 Posted January 8, 2013 The only way to tell if it is the juice your allergic too is to try both VG and PG separately. Meaning 100% VG then 100% PG. I've never heard of a case where the person was allergic to both seeing these ingredients are in a lot of things we use daily. You might be able to still vape but only 100% of one or the other. MenopauseMolly51 1
MenopauseMolly51 Posted January 8, 2013 Author Posted January 8, 2013 The only way to tell if it is the juice your allergic too is to try both VG and PG separately. Meaning 100% VG then 100% PG. I've never heard of a case where the person was allergic to both seeing these ingredients are in a lot of things we use daily. You might be able to still vape but only 100% of one or the other. They use the PG in a low dose for all of their products~ I just asked~ They make this liquid in their store~ He said the VG is 85%________The PG is 15%_________Now what? I am sorry~ I really do not understand it.
Viper Ron Posted January 8, 2013 Posted January 8, 2013 There is juice that is 100% VG (no PG at all!) MenopauseMolly51 1
MenopauseMolly51 Posted January 8, 2013 Author Posted January 8, 2013 There is juice that is 100% VG (no PG at all!) Dear Viper Ron~~Please explain to me what is the VG? I have already been told about the PG~ what they use in 15%______Please forgive me for not understanding this~ I just need to know what is the VG mean? 85% they use~ Seems to me that they make their Juice with both in this way~ I really am New to all of this and I will say~ You all are so Helpful since I found you all yesterday ~ I feel Comfortable with talking with you about this~ Just Bummed that I am experiencing the problem with it~
Viper Ron Posted January 8, 2013 Posted January 8, 2013 See if this helps........... E-liquid is a mixture of varying amounts of about 4 different ingredients. Nicotine, PG (propylene glycol), VG (vegetable glycerin) and flavoring. Some liquids can have additional ingredients, but for the most part, these are the main ingredients to all e-liquid. The amount of nicotine is dependent on the strength of nicotine in your e-liquid, but let’s say it is around 10% nicotine. Somewhere around 10% of your e-liquid will be flavoring. That leaves 80% of the liquid in your bottle for fillers, which dilute the flavoring and the nicotine. This is where PG and VG come in, and depending on how you like your vape, that determines the percentage of PG and VG in your e-liquid. Vegetable Glycerin (VG) is a thick, sweet liquid. VG produces luscious clouds of vapor. VG also imparts a sweeter taste to your liquid. Propylene Glycol (PG) is a much thinner tasteless liquid. PG produces more of a “throat hit” than VG does, which simulates the feel of smoking better. PG also has a higher rate of sensitivity for some people, meaning that some people just can’t use PG in their vape. Tam 1
MenopauseMolly51 Posted January 8, 2013 Author Posted January 8, 2013 See if this helps........... E-liquid is a mixture of varying amounts of about 4 different ingredients. Nicotine, PG (propylene glycol), VG (vegetable glycerin) and flavoring. Some liquids can have additional ingredients, but for the most part, these are the main ingredients to all e-liquid. The amount of nicotine is dependent on the strength of nicotine in your e-liquid, but let’s say it is around 10% nicotine. Somewhere around 10% of your e-liquid will be flavoring. That leaves 80% of the liquid in your bottle for fillers, which dilute the flavoring and the nicotine. This is where PG and VG come in, and depending on how you like your vape, that determines the percentage of PG and VG in your e-liquid. Vegetable Glycerin (VG) is a thick, sweet liquid. VG produces luscious clouds of vapor. VG also imparts a sweeter taste to your liquid. Propylene Glycol (PG) is a much thinner tasteless liquid. PG produces more of a “throat hit” than VG does, which simulates the feel of smoking better. PG also has a higher rate of sensitivity for some people, meaning that some people just can’t use PG in their vape. Yes...the man told me about the PG~ He said some people have had the closing of the inside of their throat and it closes up~And that is Not good~ And he informed me to Stop if that happened's~ And that Metal taste is there also~ And my throat did feel strange as well~ Now they do have some Vapor that has No smoke affect~ But in my case why would I want to do that, when I have been a smoker all of these years~ So Guess I am out of Luck here with them~ Because the way they make it is already Mixed~ And there is no where else I can buy what you are telling me~ Seems there are so many other types of Vapor company's on here to choose from~ Just wanted the Local deal here where I live~ Thank you for all of your Help~ You are Awesome !
MenopauseMolly51 Posted January 8, 2013 Author Posted January 8, 2013 Yes...the man told me about the PG~ He said some people have had the closing of the inside of their throat and it closes up~And that is Not good~ And he informed me to Stop if that happened's~ And that Metal taste is there also~ And my throat did feel strange as well~ Now they do have some Vapor that has No smoke affect~ But in my case why would I want to do that, when I have been a smoker all of these years~ So Guess I am out of Luck here with them~ Because the way they make it is already Mixed~ And there is no where else I can buy what you are telling me~ Seems there are so many other types of Vapor company's on here to choose from~ Just wanted the Local deal here where I live~ Thank you for all of your Help~ You are Awesome ! Smokes, but No Nicotine~ sorry for the mix up~
Viper Ron Posted January 8, 2013 Posted January 8, 2013 Yes I know but if they do in fact make their own juice ask him to make a small amount 100% VG for you to try. That way you know for sure and vaping may still be something you can do. 100% VG will be thicker but it can be thinned with distilled water.
MenopauseMolly51 Posted January 8, 2013 Author Posted January 8, 2013 Yes I know but if they do in fact make their own juice ask him to make a small amount 100% VG for you to try. That way you know for sure and vaping may still be something you can do. 100% VG will be thicker but it can be thinned with distilled water. Yes I just might see if they Can do this~ Because....I just looked up what is the PG~ And it is Not Good! No Wonder~ Very Toxic~ But I sure will go back to this place today and ask them if this can be done and let them know what Serious Reaction this has done in the last 3 days~ Because it is Not worth it to me to be Sick like that~ I want to feel Good and there are may other ways to Kick the Cigarette habit if needed~ For me~ COLD TURKEY~ John Lennon~ Love John Lennon~ It is not like I huff & Puff with my regular cigarettes either~ So All is well~ But I am sure they will explain to me fully about how they do things and if they could make some changes~ And if Not? I will ask for a full Re-Fund~ Have everything else that I bought that has not even been touched~ Even the Vapor I did use is still full~ so wish me good luck and Thank you ever so much for your Help~
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