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When I made the decision a couple weeks ago to quit the Cancer Sticks in favor of vaping, I was quite literally flying blind. This has honestly been the longest period I've had to prepare myself to make another quitting attempt. So, I've made good use of that time, and already have done a lot of homework on PVs, smoking cessation, vaping techniques, etc. Hell, I even took a peek at the scary (for a rank n00b) world of MODs.... :ph34r: To be honest, it has been an enlightening, albeit overwhelming, last couple of weeks. Now, I have a battle plan, and a support system in place. I've made my first PV supply order, and it arrives in the next day or two. Yet, there are still a couple of questions that I cannot find the answers to. 1) Being as I plan on Direct Dripping most of the time, do I need to clean or switch out the attys every time I decide to switch up my flavors? If so, could you please describe the process? 2) I've ordered both an eGo starter kit, and a 510 starter kit as they are interchangeable, and both perfect for my needs. If I ever wanted to upgrade, or play around with my setup, are the eGo batteries also interchangeable with eGo-T / C / eGo-whatever setups? If not, could you please list a couple of cool add-ons for the eGo batts that I could look into? Sorry for the long-winded post. To be quite honest, I am very apprehensive about this endeavor. Also, being new, I really do not know quite yet how to word things for brevity on this subject. Please understand that I just want to be prepared so that things will go as smoothly as possible. Thanks in advance!!! -Steve


All the eGo batteries have the same threading so you can use any 510/eGo type atomizer on any of the eGo batteries. :) With the eGo, you have a very large selection of different atomizers/cartomizers/clearomizers/tanks, etc to chose from. Anything with a 510 or 510/eGo connection will work (it's the most popular threading).

Personally, I was never into cleaning atomizers. Luckily, the flavors I use all mixed pretty well together. I'm sure someone else will give advice on cleaning/switching flavors though. There certainly are some flavors that will linger longer than others.

Your apprehension is understandable, but it sounds like you're headed in the right direction. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how well ecigs work.

Welcome to the forum!


One thing to remember:

When I'm direct dripping, and I decide to swap flavors, I don't bother cleaning anything. This is as long as you are vaping one fruity-type flavor and going to another fruity-type flavor, etc. It's only when going from a tobacco to a fruity flavor that you may want to switch out atomizers/cartomizers. If it doesn't sound appetizing... it might not be a great vape. This is just a basic rule of thumb that I go by... your results may vary. Enjoy!


.I echo the above posters, totally agree with them.

You might want to dedicate an atty for your strong flavors or different flavor groups. Tobacco (like Dayvape mentioned), Cinnamon, Clove, Fruti, Beverages.... when you expand out into more and more flavors to try.

It's easy to keep the atty dedicated, by color coding the atty and the flavor. (colored rubber bands for instance).

Posted (edited)

I'm too lazy to change atties very often. I usually mix the flavors as I want to change. If/when they start to get funky I put them in a small wire mesh strainer and run HOT water through them. As hot as I can get it. I run the water for 3-4 minutes to really clean them out. After that I just blow them out with my mouth blowing from the top and shake them out after that to try and force out any lingering drops. Once I have those small steps completed I just leave them sitting upside down on a napkin overnight. The next day there they are clean and ready for pretty much whatever flavor you want. This method works great like 90% of the time. Strong flavors such as some menthols and cinnamon for sure will remain no matter how you try to clean. Hope that helps. As for the ego batteries they will work with anything that has 510/306/ego threading. Great for about everything especially if you get a twist but even just standard egos are good.

Edited by mse12
This method works great like 90% of the time.
"60% of the time, it works EVERY time," right??? :lol: Great tip....I'll have to try it out once I get some new liquids, and the hang of properly drawing vapor.

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