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when i first got my e cig i spent $38 on 100(3 30mil bottles and one 10) ml of liquid from heathcabin.com. i have sence read some scary things about liquid from china. but i got the order today and i must the flavor is awesome.... i might be a newb but please tell me if you know this company and or if they are ligit...i didnt get into this to suck harmful chem. i would stay on analog if that where the case


Health Cabin is a reputable company. I haven't heard anything bad about Chinese juice.


There is nothing wrong with Chinese liquid. In fact that's what I've always used. They were the first to create e liquid and they do it well. There was some scare topics going around a while back talking about lead which was total and utter crap. In fact, I've been ordering and testing Chinese e liquid for lead for the last 4 years. I've never found a trace.

Here's a thread I creating with a similar topic, you can see the video posted which actually shows the factory which produces most Chinese e Liquid (Dekang)


I recently got a French pipe flavoring that was imported from China and it is the best. Chinese e-liquids are sold by lots of suppliers and some of the best e-liquids, especially tobacco ones, come from China.


Am i the only one that reads newspapers? You guys do realize that up until 2010 china was still shipping childrens toys containing lead & a myriad of other toxic chemicals to the USA. It quite literally took sending our people over, shutting down their production & several people being assasinated in their corporate world to finally get toys without poison in them.

They have almost no controls/regulations/sanitary working conditions (and this is in corporate manufacturing facilities)

Can you think of at least 1 liquid that might have the same consitency/or viscosity of PG/VG that is $0.03 cents cheaper per gallon? Because I can garuntee your e-juice is at some point being cut with that cheaper liquid.

Please I'm being serious...stop for 1 second and THINK...a liquid shop in China trying to keep up with demand. People who will suffer not even a slap on the wrist & just dissapear/come up with another domain name etc. No chance of ever being arrested...might possibly put in their juice?

I'm quite sure what you've been ordering is perfectly safe. But if there's even a 1% chance it's not....is it really worth saving $5, $10, $100? When there are probably 100 Us/Canadian/Western European companies offering comparable tasting liquids. Cmon!

That's just my personal opinion though. I doubt a single person has ever sent their Dekang or whatever into a lab to get it tested for inpurities/pesticides/poisons/detergents/manipulated nicotine levels/ingredients that have been cut/thinned down etc.


thanks for the info .... i really like the product i got. i just tend to research stuff on the heavy side. the liquid i got vapes very nice and the taste is awesome.nice to know the vets use the china liquid also... thanks again for responding... and damn is coffee vape nice!


It's all a gamble,not saying Chinese juice is 100% safe but I haven;t seen

any vids from U.S. vendors showing their clean rooms and USP ingredients either

Just sayin


if the FDA gets involved do the prices reach what people are paying for a pack of analog smokes now? or do they just make sure what we get is safe? not sure how the FDA wants to handle this


i saw a podcast where they were talking about a US company that tested some crazy high nic. levels(think the company was called BE not sure) i know it can happen on both sides of the fence .... just wanted to know what peeps knew about Health Cabin

Posted (edited)

  On 12/18/2012 at 2:31 AM, joe2003 said:
It's all a gamble,not saying Chinese juice is 100% safe but I haven;t seen

any vids from U.S. vendors showing their clean rooms and USP ingredients either

Just sayin

If i order e-juice from VaporPeople llc. (texas)/AlienBooty inc.(california) & it kills me a week later. The juice is turned over to the criminal forensic investigators, who test it...if they find some type of poison/adulterant.. --> the operators go to prison/AND OR --> my family gets all the $/houses/cars/stocks & boats that any of the owners got over the years.. in a 5 year long civil suit. The company is shut-down & is never able to kill another person. Because my CC purchase is traced to the merchant, who then has to turn over the companies info, which is registered to a human being, who ultimately resides in the u.s.a. If the company ends up being a fake/shell, the civil suit is then made against the CC processor, & at least my family gets some sort of piece of mind in the end. Possibly the fda steps in & forces the companies to at least comply with basic rules that all small food proccessors do.

(btw I am not a fan of regulation, because it leads to taxation)

If i order e-juice from china (szchuan province) & it kills me a week later. It's featured in a local newspaper in my town (local tv station if lucky) everyone shakes their head because their not suprised....the company shuts down its website, re-opens under another name. May/or may not change their recipe/ingredients...& Mr. Lee gets to keep rocking his bmw up to Shanghai on the weekends. No one ever even hears about it in China...chinese police/govt/businesses are ranked #3 most corrupt in the world.

So at least the U.S. companies have a legitimate reason to at least SELF REGULATE. It's called keeping their $ & freedom.

Just sayin.....

Edited by Dejavu
Posted (edited)

  On 12/18/2012 at 1:31 AM, Christopher said:
There is nothing wrong with Chinese liquid. In fact that's what I've always used. They were the first to create e liquid and they do it well. There was some scare topics going around a while back talking about lead which was total and utter crap. In fact, I've been ordering and testing Chinese e liquid for lead for the last 4 years. I've never found a trace.

Here's a thread I creating with a similar topic, you can see the video posted which actually shows the factory which produces most Chinese e Liquid (Dekang)

I've never heard a bad thing about chinese e-liquid. Not once & it may very well be completely safe and in fact superior to U.S. e-liquid for all i know. With that said the only way I would ever do business with a chinese company is if very serious/well respected people in the vapor world (such as yourself) publically "vouched" for the company in question. And I would only ever do business with those 1 or 2 companies mentioned. Period. Anyone that's ever spent time in China (I spent 2 years there, my father is a forestry dept professor) knows what I'm talking about. And I'll leave it at that. I didn't sign up here to do any China bashing or to disrespect a product line you may/or may not sell.

And for the record....I have zero background/knowledge/or idea about chinese e-liquid.

Edited by Dejavu

wow jeff... and i thought my ex wife had the smallest chest.... but kinda hot in a not very hot at all kinda way.... but honestly i think that there is on reg in the matter at all so china or the good ol' u s of a could slip bad things in my vape and i am **** outa luck. or my ex wife for that matter.... but don't tell her that... what i see so far is that we seem to regulate our own atm and i just put a question out there i know china sucks ... but i wouldnt put it past some ****** from the good ol' USA to try to make a buck and sell us a lode of hourse **** either..... so just tell me who sells the good juice and i will do the same .... no need to get a soap box going ;)


I've used both Chinese and USA liquids. Both being on the bad and good side of my taste buds. I've been a vaper for 1.5+ years now and I haven't had any ill effects from either liquids. It comes down to preference in my opinion.


It all depends on your tastes. I prefer High Caliber liquid made in the USA. But, I like Dekangs 555 and Ry4 flavors better. The key is to experiment with different vendors and manufacturers to find what you like. If you're worried about safety than go with a US manufacturer like High Caliber that uses FDA approved ingredients. Even though the FDA doesn't "approve" of eliquid the ingredients are food grade so it might give you piece of mind.


I have visions of people mixing liquid in thier basements and garages when it comes to most domestic eliquid.While most of the components DIY folks use are safe for consumption when used as intended funny things happen when you mix things together and heat them up.just sayin....


Lead, arsenic and other heavy metals are not really that bad for you. If that is what the Chinese are putting in e-liquids to get that great tasting vape then that's OK with me. Being a carpenter and working on old houses, I've inhaled and ingested a whole lot of lead paint dust so I must be immune to it by now. But seriously, I think some of you are being a little bit silly about what could be in an e-liquid made in another country. I'd be more concerned about a domestic e-liquid that was made by some American whack-job who was trying to intentionally poison people. I seriously doubt that Chinese e-liquid manufactures are putting anything bad in their juice. There are probably only a couple of major manufactures who make a whole lot of juice to be shipped out world wide and they know that their product is tested by many and tested often for harmful ingredients. I'll bet this e-liquid is more consistent and less contaminated than any e-liquid made anywhere else, except for the e-liquid that I make right here at my desk. So don't worry about what the Chinese could let get into their juice by accident because of poor quality control, if this were to happen it would be be quickly discovered by chemical-geeks and it couldn't possibly be as bad for you as what American tobacco companies intentionally put into their products.(The products that you smoked for years and you didn't care that there were so many harmful and cancer causing chemicals)

  • 5 weeks later...

  On 12/18/2012 at 3:41 AM, Dejavu said:
If i order e-juice from VaporPeople llc. (texas)/AlienBooty inc.(california) & it kills me a week later. The juice is turned over to the criminal forensic investigators, who test it...if they find some type of poison/adulterant.. --> the operators go to prison/AND OR --> my family gets all the $/houses/cars/stocks & boats that any of the owners got over the years.. in a 5 year long civil suit. The company is shut-down & is never able to kill another person. Because my CC purchase is traced to the merchant, who then has to turn over the companies info, which is registered to a human being, who ultimately resides in the u.s.a. If the company ends up being a fake/shell, the civil suit is then made against the CC processor, & at least my family gets some sort of piece of mind in the end. Possibly the fda steps in & forces the companies to at least comply with basic rules that all small food proccessors do.

(btw I am not a fan of regulation, because it leads to taxation)

If i order e-juice from china (szchuan province) & it kills me a week later. It's featured in a local newspaper in my town (local tv station if lucky) everyone shakes their head because their not suprised....the company shuts down its website, re-opens under another name. May/or may not change their recipe/ingredients...& Mr. Lee gets to keep rocking his bmw up to Shanghai on the weekends. No one ever even hears about it in China...chinese police/govt/businesses are ranked #3 most corrupt in the world.

So at least the U.S. companies have a legitimate reason to at least SELF REGULATE. It's called keeping their $ & freedom.

Just sayin...

If you order juice and vape it regardless of where it originates you should be ready to take responsibility of any consequences that arise from its use. The companies did not come to you and force you to vape their product. Its your responsibility to be an informed consumer.

Just sayin...

  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I think we would all do well to consider how we're affecting our own economy by spending money on China products when there are comparable USA products available. For me it's not about who is cheaper, or who is most trustworthy, but how what I put my money in to affects the economy.

E-cigs in general have became a booming new market. There's a ton of potential for Americans to own businesses related to it and add more jobs to the job market. What are we doing for our economy by sending our money overseas for this stuff? Nothing good... after all, it's not like China exactly does fair trade with us. We import their goods, they import NOTHING from us... when we are already in very deep debt to them as it is.

Personally, I'm a lot happier with my USA made juices that are all natural, freshly mixed, custom ordered, and delivered within 3 days. I've tried a lot of China juices but none of them have compared in flavor to some of the USA juices I've found.

  • 3 weeks later...

Short story:

A co-worker who smokes said I was crazy putting something in my body that could cause cancer or problems.

I looked at him and said maybe you should read your cigarette package.

He said he'll take his chances. I said so will I.

A little story that makes me smile


  On 6/10/2013 at 8:48 AM, xladybugx said:

I think we would all do well to consider how we're affecting our own economy by spending money on China products when there are comparable USA products available. For me it's not about who is cheaper, or who is most trustworthy, but how what I put my money in to affects the economy.

E-cigs in general have became a booming new market. There's a ton of potential for Americans to own businesses related to it and add more jobs to the job market. What are we doing for our economy by sending our money overseas for this stuff? Nothing good... after all, it's not like China exactly does fair trade with us. We import their goods, they import NOTHING from us... when we are already in very deep debt to them as it is.

What she said, help our economy by buying american products made by americans.


My experience has been....what you might 'save' on liquid from China based retailers you make up in shipping costs, and shipping time.

The US retailers I've ordered from usually arrive within the week, and many offer free shipping if you order enough.

Just sayin'

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