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Vaping At 400 Watts?


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Seriously why would someone think of doing such a thing? Seems just as crazy as that big *** ecig video I found. But this one is 100% legit. I don't think anyone would want to do something like this unless they want to cough all over the place. So what does everyone else think?

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Seems like a big waste of eliquid if you'd ask me. But heck if I had the money to get big bottles like that all the time I guess it wouldn't matter too much. Heck I wouldn't even have the money to get such a big bottle. And if I did at some point I probably wouldn't as I most likely couldn't use all of it before it expired or started to go bad.

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Well I guess if the company wanted him to do that with it then I guess it wouldn't matter. But if they just gave it to me to do whatever I want with it then I would have just used it with my regular stuff instead of a fog machine. Like really I think it is a little excessive.

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