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E-Cig users will readily agree that the convenience of “vapping” whenever and wherever is a significant benefit. However, the wherever should bear some discipline on our part. Already, in some states, to deter the attraction to children, Big Brother has succeeded in banning their use around schools; next will be public parks, malls, other areas frequented by children. And rightfully so. Today's kids are extremely chancy experimenters, drawn to bizarre activities -choking asphyxiation, cinnamon challenge, boozing, aerosol inhalation, smoking or ingesting literally any pill, powder or fluid found in the home. We won’t change that, but perhaps, with restraint we can avoid becoming an attractive nuisance. In the same vein, some vappers find delight in challenging stores, restaurants, bars, buses, even airlines, by flaunting their E-Cigs, actually inviting confrontation by puffing away until called down, then delighting in putting the authoritarian in his/her place with a combative explanation that they are not smoking. Guaranteed, such an attitude will bring about wider controls. As we all know, there is an element among us that always seems to quetch without substantial reason. Despite the lack of odor or harmful “second smoke” emitted by the E-Cig, rest assured, there are those who will vehemently complain that the “smell” is bothersome, the vapor is pervasive, or the very display of our quasi-smoking is simply annoying. Merchants have every right to refuse service or remove anyone from their premises who, for any reason, creates a disturbance. Let's be discreet. Let's not banner our new found freedom. Let's keep that freedom free.


Well said and I agree, I have only vaped in places that use to allow smoking but always ask before vaping. Most places have not cared as long as I didn't create a scene :cheers:


I had to chuckle at PoppaC's considering the E-Cig as a "hobby" and "fun." And here I thought it was just me! I rather relish getting out the paper clip, tweezers, napkins, juice bottles, and other tools of the trade, refilling and experimenting. It's almost as much fun as learning to fly my RC outdoor helicopter! Having just passed my 79th, the beauty of "advanced age" is that one can do just about anything bizarre and get away with it.


I agree, that discretion is important. But making Vapers hide or feel like junkies is total hogwash. Smokers have a right to see the alternatives to smoking T-cigs, Children also are the biggest spokesmen ever for getting their parents and peers off T-cigs and when they notice a E-cig, they immediately ask questions in hopes of helping their loved ones to switch over too. Children are smarter than grown-ups apparently, because they know that reducing or omitting the TAR and TOXINS and CRAP from T-cigs has GOT to be 99% healthier.

But then, if the E-cigs are forever hidden from view, and nobody knows there is an alternative, then big pharma can't push their Chill Pills when somebody needs a calming dose of nicotine.

If Big Pharma goes broke, so do the many organizations that were formed to get us to quit "smoking T-cigs.

Even so, discretion should be advised no matter if we're vaping an e-cig or mixing a drink. Just don't make us HIDE like Criminals.


Thanks for the post! Sometimes we need to exercise common sense. Are we going to carry around brochures that explain in detail that our e-cigarettes are harmless to others and pass them out in restaurants and airplanes? We need to realize that common courtesy is something we should still be aware of at all times. I wrote a blog about the Smoker's Attitude. I had a pretty bad one myself. I think I have finally grown up. Feel free to read it if you'd like. Again, thanks for the post.



I like Rush Limbaugh's thoughts about it all. It's time to take our freedom back! It's time to stare down the stare people and make THEM use a little common courtesy. It's just VAPOR. They should be dancing in the streets, celebrating the fact that I've found a safer alternative.

So yeh, here's your brochure, do you want me to read it to you too?

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