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Good day Vapers.

Just when things were really looking up for us now "non-smokers" and we have found a perfect substitute in doing something we love so much, the FDA has to come in and rain all over our vaping parade. After all the griping that researchers have done in the last 20 years about how bad cigarettes are, as if we don't know this, they're acting as though the e-cigarette is the devil. But we've finally admitted that to ourselves, yes smoking is bad for our health, we've taken the leap and quit smoking. We chose the e-cigarettes and we LOVE them. New York is already passing laws prohibiting the use of e-cigarettes within 100 feet of any schools. I realize they are trying to keep kids from being curious about our e-cigarettes, but good grief. This is ridiculous. They're all going crazy because they think that kids will be tempted to use the e-cigarette because of the awesome flavors such as bubble gum and chocolate. Well, go to the pony keg on the corner and get yourself some candy dang it! This is making me think I seriously need to stock up on my watermelon e-juice before Uncle Sam squashes my melon. Get ready guys, the laws and the taxes are coming.

ALBANY, N.Y. (CBSNewYork/AP) – It is now illegal in New York State to smoke an electronic cigarette within 100 feet of entrances to public or private schools.

Click here to read the entire article.



I didn't realize this had already been going on for so long. I do realize, however, that the FDA must do its job and regulate anything that we put in our bodies and I can appreciate that to an extent. I'd rather they regulate something like, oh, I don't know, the hormones in the chicken nuggets we're stuffing in little kids every day that have proven to cause cancer? Psht. The nicotine in our e-cigarettes is no more dangerous than a freakin Red Bull. But for governors to start passing laws that we can't smoke the e-cigs outside is just plain ignorant. They griped until we put the analogs out. They won't be happy until we are all Stepford People.


Beware the FDA. Like all governmental agencies, they have an agenda. Example: Every day 3000 young people become regular smokers, 6000 teens under 18 smoke their first cigarette, and more than 1000 adults die prematurely as a result of an adolescent decision. Clearly, a problem to be addressed. Let's recall the November 1998 multi-state tobacco settlement, — estimated at $246 billion over the first 25 years — that was to attack the enormous public health problems posed by tobacco use in the U.S. Well, how’s that working for us?

As of November 30, 2011, states have cut funding for tobacco prevention and cessation programs to the lowest level since 1999, the very first year they received settlement funds. Fiscal Year 2012 will collect $25.6 billion in revenue from the tobacco settlement and tobacco taxes, but will spend only 1.8 % of it - $456.7 million - less than two cents of every dollar in tobacco revenue to fight tobacco use. Where's the FDA? Where has all the money gone? Alien theft? Chewed up by the family pooch? Ask your revered congressman and good luck with an answer. Uncle Sam has absolutely no interest in your health or well being, only in your money, and E-Cig users will continually face his voracious taxation appetite.


Hi Ricketts. I was hoping you'd respond to this. That is an insane amount of money to be unaccounted for. And they keep cutting funding for these advocacy groups, such as The Truth, and we know this because those groups are screaming for more money all the time. When is the last time you saw a commercial with the people in the orange T-shirts throwing around a black lung? I can't remember. If their funding is still coming from the purchase of cigarettes - 2.2 cents a cigarette - why would they ever want anyone to really stop smoking? Yes, definitely a big fat agenda.

Then there's just plain ignorance: "But the San Francisco Health Department says if it looks like a cigarette and acts like a cigarette it is a cigarette and needs the same restrictions. Dr. Tomas Aragon, the city's health officer, says e-cigarettes are just another nicotine delivery system and send a message to youth that some smoking is OK." Here's the article I came across today about San Francisco trying to get in on the e-cig ban:


Someone's always gotta be a hero.

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