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Ok so this originally was a reply I had posted in another thread. However I put SO MUCH TIME into it, I figured it might just deserve its own thread. And I would love for anyone else around here to add their input about my statements/make suggestions/tell me I'm wrong or whatever for fun/educational purposes! Also can somebody please suggest another provider of a flavor that comes close to matching Gorilla Juice or Boba's Bounty...for those times when its impossible to get your hands on the stuff!? Thanks!! <3 <3

:detective: :detective:

So from my giant loss of $ (btw this is my personal taste) and hours of exhaustive testing. I hope to save a few newbies some time. And point you to a few flavors that I consider my 'main-stay'


Gorilla Juice (18-24mg) & Boba's Bounty (18-24mg) both from www.avejuice.com (note you must create an account to view their products..takes 2-3 mins...worth it)

IMO Boba's Bounty (if u smoked reg. full flavors) & Gorilla Juice (if u smoked lights/light menthols). If you smoked less than 1-pack a day start with a 11mg nicotine level. If you smoked 2+ start with 24mg nicotine level. Prices: 30ML = $16.30 ...and they offer a 100ML mega-bottle for $53.00 (with a spot top...$52.00 without)...no price savings ordering a larger amount....but trust me after your first order you'll order 100ml at a time!

Downsides: Seems like a operation run by a family/1-person/or just a couple of employees honestly. Their demand is high & many times they run out/cut off orders after their daily 'limit'. I'm not sure if it's because they run their business more like a hobby than a business...if its to keep demand up like a line outside of a club...or if its because they like staying small to keep quality up. But just assume you may run into issues ordering depending on the month of the year.

Now for a flavor you can enjoy all day long when you're not looking for that 'analog/cig/tabacco or whatever you wanna call it * flavor *....then....I suggest...

Blueberry Waffle (18mg) from www.vaporshark.com

I travel all over the country for both fun + business. I happened to stop into Miami Florida's very first 'storefront' vapor shop. They have a full-time staff of E-liquid Barrista's. And these guys take their business very SERIOUS. This is a talented outfit of nicotine delivery dealers let me tell ya. I tried several of their flavors but the one that 'hit all the marks' was blueberry waffle. And they have the BEST blueberry waffle in America..Period. Also when you order online...at say 3AM...by 7AM when they walk into the office, they get your stuff made & shipped by 7:45AM. For an extra $7 shipping fee you can have your juice in 72 hours. Now the reason I'm suggesting these guys besides great tasting E-liquid/Quality...is the SPEED at which they get it CUSTOM BREWED FOR YOU THAT MORNING & DELIVERED. They are incredibly professional. The 3 day's it takes for USPS to ship it to you leaves just enough time for it to steep properly...so no need to wait over a week for it to taste good...like with many other providers. Lastly they offer their liquids in 8mg, 12mg, 18mg, 24mg & get this...36mg ...omg!?

Downside: Premium pricing. $20 for a 30ML bottle, then add $7 for USPS Priority (1-3 Day) shipping. So you're looking at $27.00, but the turn-around time AKA the time from ordering to showing up in your doorstep...I find it to be the best amongst all providers by a LONG SHOT purely in terms of turn-around time.

Now then....on to novelty flavors & once a day/week kind of stuff. Juices that are good...but you may or may not end up vaping all day. I suggest (IMO)

If I'm looking for a variety of quality 'misc' flavors/great customer service & quick turn-around I typically turn to E-liquids from www.thevaporroom.net

These guys have an incredible 'full selection' of I want to say 50+ flavors. All of which taste exactly as advertised. And all of which are great...the quality is bordering on perfection. Another upside to this provider is that they offer nicotine levels of 0mg, 6mg, 12mg, 18mg, 24mg & then 30mg! Most providers don't offer a 30mg for the heaviest of smokers.

I can personally suggest their Mountain Dew aka Mt. Do (18mg) , Blue Cotton Candy (18mg) , & the 555 Menthol (18mg). The 555 menthol & Mt. Do I could ALMOST vape all day.

Downsides: I just couldn't find a single flavor on their list that ended up being my 'all day vape'. However I've heard many people mention that their RY4 is a perfect all-day vape. Prices are slightly above average (think $1 more per 30ml) but thats worth it for their service/quality & free samples! Also they charge $1 extra for 100% VG mixes however most providers do not even offer a 100% VG option. So its a trade off. Once again though...great e-juice provider IMO and many on this forum agree.

Ok well I hope you enjoyed my book....I spent an hour typing this just trying to help out some newbs OMG!? Well its time well spent considering the hours of questions I first asked when I got on Vapor Talk. Which btw...is by far the BEST/most helpful Electronic Cigarette / Nicotine Vaporizer forum on the internet. And yes I signed up and tried 15 of them before settling on this forum as the absolute best! And a special thanks to all of you here at vapor talk forums that helped me in my life-long mission of finally/officially becoming an EX SMOKER (as of 9/9/2012).

happy vaping


1 love <3

mz dejavu


twerk while i vape :animier:

Edited by Dejavu

Bobas and Gorilla juice is very good. Just ordered some today after not having any in awhile.


I love The Vapor Room. My all-day vape from them is their French Vanilla. I'm not into tobacco flavors.. I like the sweet stuff. But, like everyone says, taste is a personal thing :) Part of the reason I quit analogs is because I was starting to really hate the taste.

Anyway, another great flavor from them that I absolutely LOVE (yes, in caps lol) is their Lemon Meringue. It's like inhaling pie! The lemon is not sour, it's just really light and yummy. The 3 ml sample thing they do with every order is great too. It's saved me from wasting money on a couple juices that I thought I would like but wasn't too crazy about when I tried them. Haven't had a chance to sample their Mtn Do yet... maybe my next order :)


I love The Vapor Room. My all-day vape from them is their French Vanilla. I'm not into tobacco flavors.. I like the sweet stuff. But, like everyone says, taste is a personal thing :) Part of the reason I quit analogs is because I was starting to really hate the taste.

Anyway, another great flavor from them that I absolutely LOVE (yes, in caps lol) is their Lemon Meringue. It's like inhaling pie! The lemon is not sour, it's just really light and yummy. The 3 ml sample thing they do with every order is great too. It's saved me from wasting money on a couple juices that I thought I would like but wasn't too crazy about when I tried them. Haven't had a chance to sample their Mtn Do yet... maybe my next order :)

See now I tried their french vanilla & found it to be yucky. Although now that I think about it perhaps that was the French Vanilla Coffee flavor.

@Jowaddle - yea the mt. do is their best flavor imo (truest to the real taste of an actual soda i've vaped so far)

but i've really got to suggest you pick up/try a 10ml bottle of that blueberry waffle to try from vs...those barristas really kno their sh*t

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