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Posted (edited)

Ok, I am finally getting the hang of this, but can someone explain to me step by step how to clean my atty and how often this should be done?

Also, where do I get the VT Mentha juice?


Edited by mimi

Cleaning the atty can be done may ways

Personally so far the only thing I do to clean the atty

every couple days of use I just twist up a corner of kleenex or paper towel and push into the open end of the atty and let lit over night. This absorbs excess liquid very well.

a couple other options (I would wait until you are sure the atty is dying --that way nothing lost)

1. coke bath--let the atty sit over night in a cup of coke--rinse with hot water and let sit (open sitde down) to dry

2. boil the atty in water for 3-5 minutes, remove and sit to dry.

there are many more theories out there. In 4 months I have lost 2 attys--I am a moderate vaper, so not overly hard on them--but they do get well used.

I'm sure others will be in with more tips for you.


Posted (edited)

Hey mimi, you can get VT Mentha from Dietsmokes.com under Liquid tab. Best way i have found to clean the attys without using an ultrasonic cleaner is to boil them in water for about 5 mins or so. Just be gentle putting them in and taking them out

Make sure you let them dry out before you use them! :thumbsup:

Edited by Sinikal

Forgot to add--no matter how you decide to clean or not to clean--just remember to reprime your atty with 2-3 drops of e-liquid before using again--a dry atty tastes very bad, and isn't good for it.



Thanks for everyones responses. You guys are great.


I find the best way to clean atomizers is by either boiling them in water for about 10 minutes over the stove or by running water through them. I also fill the atomizer with water and blow it out the bottom, this gets most of the gunk and weird taste out. Just make sure you let it dry all the way and 3-4 drops again while it gets back to normal vaping mode. :) (May take about 10 minutes to bring it back to life again)


Another thing you can do to temporarily clean out the atty is put one of the ends up to a paper towel and blow out. This will clear the atty out - It's still suggested that you clean it the conventional ways, but this can be a quick fix or may prolong the time between cleans.


Just to add to this post I just picked up an Ultra Sonic cleaner from Amazon for 20 bucks. Should be here in a few days, I've been talking to a few suppliers who all say that this really get's that weird taste out that the atomizer gets after a while. Some suppliers are reporting using the same atomizer for over 2 months! I'll keep you updated on how well it works.


Thanks for the info. I did order some of the VT Mentha. Can't wait for it to get here. This will be my 4th different menthol ordered. Am still looking for the one that will do the trick. Until I do, I am still going back to my Capri Menthols just to get that flavor. Hope I find one soon.

Posted (edited)

I'm a menthol smoker as well (Marlboro menthol). I don't know what Capris taste like, but I've definitely liked the VT and Janty (janty is almost like candy) menthol flavors obtained from DietSmokes, haven't decided if the belowzero was good or just nice. Awesomevapor was nice, VaporKings was okay. I have a batch coming in (three different varieties of Menthol from Wordup) so I'll let you know how they are, strong, sweet, etc. Problem is, good for one person is horrible for the next so above is a list of possibilities. I'd try a capri for you to see what it's like but it would just taste like an ashtray to me at this point in time, I can never go back to analogues. I hear good things about wicked but they didn't offer any zero nicotine which is where I want to be in a few months.

Edited by FTJoe

Just to add to this post I just picked up an Ultra Sonic cleaner from Amazon for 20 bucks. Should be here in a few days, I've been talking to a few suppliers who all say that this really get's that weird taste out that the atomizer gets after a while. Some suppliers are reporting using the same atomizer for over 2 months! I'll keep you updated on how well it works.

Did you get the cleaner? Any luck? I had ordered more 801 atomizers for my Janty Stick but they are all substandard to the one that came with it. But now I'm getting a burnt/harsh/icky taste even a few minutes after reloading with juice. I should have a few more atomizers (low and regular) coming from awesomevapor, but I really want to know how to clean these to keep the good attys going. I tried soaking it in grain alcohol, and that helped for a little bit it seemed, now right back to icky (and yes icky is a technical term). Guess I'll try the boiling trick and see how that does, but the ultrasonic seemed like a good idea. Might just invest the whole $20 for it sight unseen!!! My atty would be an excellent test case.


Actually I would hold off to be honest. I picked one up and I cleaned out some really bad attys. They honestly tasted even worse after the ultrasonic bath. I'm going to clean some more as week speak to really test it out. But I have a feeling the ultrasonic cleaner just isn't the way to go.


Could just be a burned out atty as well. I've had that taste on a couple atty's that I've ruined, then on others I only sort of get that taste when the juice is running low, but it's not bad at all.


Could just be a burned out atty as well. I've had that taste on a couple atty's that I've ruined, then on others I only sort of get that taste when the juice is running low, but it's not bad at all.

I'm having more issues these days with taste. My best atty is not so good, great plumes, but a bad taste after 10 minutes or so from refilling the cart. Tried another atty, not as good but okay. Now it seems like I'm really going trough the juice quick (using a blank cart). Only good for about 10-20 mins and then the burnt taste and it appears empty. I've had the best luck with pre-filled and then topping off but they have nicotine and I want to cut down on that. I'd direct drip my Janty Stick but that hasn't even come close to working well, almost no smoke at all. I may open a separate thread just on that.


I'm having more issues these days with taste. My best atty is not so good, great plumes, but a bad taste after 10 minutes or so from refilling the cart. Tried another atty, not as good but okay. Now it seems like I'm really going trough the juice quick (using a blank cart). Only good for about 10-20 mins and then the burnt taste and it appears empty. I've had the best luck with pre-filled and then topping off but they have nicotine and I want to cut down on that. I'd direct drip my Janty Stick but that hasn't even come close to working well, almost no smoke at all. I may open a separate thread just on that.

I bought a 5 pack of atty's just so I don't run out of them.. its still cheaper then 2 weeks of smoking 1 pack a day.

as far as cleaning them, I haven't found anything that works well... I've tried rinsing them out with 1. hot water 2. coke bath, then rinse and 3. just blowing air through the battery side into a tissue on the other side.

number 3 seems to work the best without destroying the atty... but if that still doesn't work, then replace the atty :P

I hate being on my last atty and it not working as it should while waiting on more to arrive... so I solved it and started buying in bulk (5 pack). I figure if I keep ordering new atty's every time I get down to 2 left I should be set not to have a dead system.


I just received my Janty stick earlier this week and it wasn't working properly. I had to use a pliers to screw the atty in past where my hands could go, but I had to hold the button to make sure it was blue; because, a couple times it was too tight and the light would show red. It took a while for the Juice to build up. I had to drip, puff/warm of atty, drip, rinse repeat until I was able to drop a couple drops, then vape and continue the standard process.


I just received my Janty stick earlier this week and it wasn't working properly. I had to use a pliers to screw the atty in past where my hands could go, but I had to hold the button to make sure it was blue; because, a couple times it was too tight and the light would show red. It took a while for the Juice to build up. I had to drip, puff/warm of atty, drip, rinse repeat until I was able to drop a couple drops, then vape and continue the standard process.

So you're dripping okay with the janty stick? I'll probably start a new thread but I've tried everything. I drip fine with 510s, not the stick though.


I don't clean the atomizers, they are consumables. I have a few devices that I use so none of the 3 piece units get a lot of work. The smart thing to do is replace them every other month or so. It will seem like you have a new kit without the cost of one. Soaking and playing around with the atomizers have been hit or miss for me so I don't bother with it, and like I said these were designed to be consumables, I think of them like oil filters in our automobiles, just change it out every 3000 puffs.

Posted (edited)

I'm having more issues these days with taste. My best atty is not so good, great plumes, but a bad taste after 10 minutes or so from refilling the cart. Tried another atty, not as good but okay. Now it seems like I'm really going trough the juice quick (using a blank cart). Only good for about 10-20 mins and then the burnt taste and it appears empty. I've had the best luck with pre-filled and then topping off but they have nicotine and I want to cut down on that. I'd direct drip my Janty Stick but that hasn't even come close to working well, almost no smoke at all. I may open a separate thread just on that.

Nevermind - I got my atty order from Awesomevapor. I'm rocking again. These attys are "awesome", I think I have the "low" one (better draw). I think I can drip now as well. I wonder if I actually killed my other attys by using everclear even while they were new? I thought they weren't working well so I dunked them for 24 hours. Yeah!!! I can throw out my original atty from my JantyStick that is definitely seen much better days. Though there is some sadness, I was going to use this as an excuse to get a VPx model, I guess that will wait until XMAS. Though it is funny how my wife alternates between "how much are you spending on this" to "thank god you're not smoking anymore, don't worry about it".

Edited by FTJoe

Exactly, that's the same rational I tell my girlfriend and friends. Ya, I've been dripping on my Janty Stick just fine - You probably did burn them out with the ever clear. I have both the stick and the vp2; and, I find myself switching between them but maybe using my Stick a little more now that it's broken in. There are benefits to both, just don't get discourage is the best advice I can give


That's crazy I've been using everclear on all my atty's and it actually seems to make them work better for me... lol.

I guess it really is personal taste when it comes to cleaning them. :iiam:


That's crazy I've been using everclear on all my atty's and it actually seems to make them work better for me... lol.

I guess it really is personal taste when it comes to cleaning them. :iiam:

Trust me - I know it makes no sense, almost pure alcohol can't hurt something that's metal. I know that, yet...my attys are crud. I have to go with the theory that they are a consumable, now that I found attys that work great I can just dump them. Having said that, how exactly do you clean them?

Posted (edited)

I just get a tall shot glass and depending on how involved I want to be I either...

#1- Just let it soak for 5 min or til I remember I put it in there... lol

#2- I will kind of use the atomizer as a straw and slowly draw the juice up through the mesh, then let it drain back into the shot glass, repeat to your hearts content :)

(EDIT) Try your best not to get any in your mouth, as there is nicotine in the everclear now.

I always blow as much juice as I can get out of it into a towel from the battery side first, then blow the everclear out afterwards. The everclear dries very fast so you can vape about 1 min after you blow it out.

Always remember to prime with alot of juice before trying to vape after this, cause your mesh around the atty will be bone dry.

Very high proof vodka will also work if you are in a state that does not sell everclear.

Edited by MunkusBFunky

So perhaps me leaving it in a shot glass for over a day was an issue? Some of the black and chrome finish started coming off. LOL. Next one that starts tasting bad I will try the "straw" method. Thanx


NP FTJoe hope it helps. :lol:

Yeah I try not to leave a atty in it for more than overnight. You can literally start a car with everclear... :D

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