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Hi all,

I am taking my parents on a cruise this December in the Caribbean. I'm debating either taking an 11 night cruise on Celebrity Cruises departing from San Juan and stopping on a lot of Caribbean Islands, to either a 7 Day Cruise on Princess Cruises departing out of Ft. Lauderdale and stopping on Caribbean Islands as well, but just not as many. the air fares I found are about the same to either destination. At this point I'm totally up in the air on deciding?

Celebrity is owned by Royal Caribbean and as such their smoking policy on board is somewhat strict. NO Smoking in stateroom or Balcony, no smoking in dining room OR even in the casino.

Princess Cruises from the info I have found is a lot less restrictive and more relaxed. I believe you can still smoke on Balconies and in your stateroom as well as in the Casino. Both lines I believe have set smoking and non-smoking ares's in the bars and on deck and by the pool

While as of yet I still have "not' returned back to analog cigarettes, I still would feel annoyed every day if I were to start vaping and every 15 minutes be explaining to some nosy busybody that I'm not smoking but instead just releasing a harmless vapor (And then if they do know about e's,to inform them "really" what they are like). I would LOVE to be able to vape after dinner in the Dining room but know almost with certainty that if I insisted I would no doubt be confronted by both passengers and staff if I did, and as a result might even cause them to say I had to observe analog rules to a TEE if I vaped. How do you all think I should handle it? I'm DEFINITELY going to vape in my room no matter the analog policy because no one can smell it!

Does anyone have any cruise experience with either of these lines? I"ve only been on 1 cruise in my past and that was on Crystal Cruise which is a super-Luxe cruise line, and that was almsot 1o years ago thru the Panama Canal.

I'd be interested in your opinions on vaping in public? should I do it in non-smoking area's of the ship? How do you feel about my decision to Vape in my cabin? I have gotten my mother to switch from Analogs to E-Cigs as well, and I think thats a real positive thing. she's smoked for over 50 years, still totally healthy, but I'm glad she has switched.


few years ago I took the family on a Disney cruise...4 days. You could only smoke on balcony, top deck of the ship, and 1 bar located way down below decks....kind of like a speak easy for us smokers.

I can only guess that vaping in your room would not be a problem..no smell. as for other places some is bound to want to play smoking police and react like your clubbing baby seals to make smoke ....even if you could get then to shut up long enough to explain vaping vs smoking, I do not think they would want to understand.

I tend to follow the guidelines, its easier to get forgiveness than permission :)


Personally I would vape in my state room--have vaped in nonsmoking hotel rooms--like you said, there is no lingering smell.

I am not big on confrontation and vape discreetly in non smoking areas.

hold a finger over the light and hold the vapor a few extra seconds--this results in very minimal exhalation of vapor. I have smoked in many non smoking areas without any difficulty.

So far so good for me, but then again I prefer to stay under the radar. I have vaped on airplanes, in airports, non smoking casinos, work, walmart, target etc. :whistle:

enjoy the cruise !!!!!!


Good topic. Both my wife and I cruise often. Royal Caribbean is our favorite, Regent cruise lines are also top notch.

I vaped on Royal Caribbean and Carnival with no problem. I always go to the smoking side of the ship but I've never had any issue. Both times I took my Janty stick as I thought it looks a little better going through customs. I vaped on the deck and I vaped in my state room with no issues. I would stay away from the smoke alarm, but other than that your good to go! :D


Personally I would vape in my state room--have vaped in nonsmoking hotel rooms--like you said, there is no lingering smell.

I am not big on confrontation and vape discreetly in non smoking areas.

hold a finger over the light and hold the vapor a few extra seconds--this results in very minimal exhalation of vapor. I have smoked in many non smoking areas without any difficulty.

So far so good for me, but then again I prefer to stay under the radar. I have vaped on airplanes, in airports, non smoking casinos, work, walmart, target etc. :whistle:

enjoy the cruise !!!!!!

I have recently vaped in a number of restaurants. I do what Kitsune does, I cup my hand over the end where the light is and hold the vapor in so it is less noticeable upon exhale. Also, all of my e-Cigs are black and don't look like cigarettes. When I have been noticed, many people will ask with heightened interest "What is that?" after I explain, normally to the waitress, they are cool with it. I never get defensive and always act like it's no big deal and I am happy to explain. Happy! happy!

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