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Posted (edited)

So I've finally gotten the hang of direct dripping... mostly. In another thread someone mentioned some equipment that was made for people like me who over drip. Constantly.

Can anyone give me some information about some atomizers, drip shields or anything that will forgive the amount of liquid I keep putting into the atty? It needs to work with eGo batteries.

Edited by Tameiki
Posted (edited)

IMO, the 901 atties from either ikenvape.com or empiremods.com are absolutely the best performing and most overfill-friendly atties on the market, but you'll need to use your eGo drip shields that you got from empiremods.com. BTW, you'll also need a 510-901 thread adapter...I like the sealed shorty (stealth) adapters (cheap from empiremods.com) for use on my eGos.

Edited by Rixter

Okay, brace yourself, Rixter. Here come the questions. :)

Will any of the 901 atties work or does it take a special one?

510-901 thread adapter. Check. Will also look into the "sealed shorty (stealth) adapters. I love empiremods.



Morning, Ron. :coffee: Please bear with me as I'm only just starting on my first cup of java this morning.

I'm currently using 510 atties with my eGo batteries. Oh, and I already have that most excellent drip shield! *bounces*

Is a 306 compatible with the eGo threading or do I need to get an adapter for it?

Posted (edited)

Okay, brace yourself, Rixter. Here come the questions. :)

Will any of the 901 atties work or does it take a special one?

510-901 thread adapter. Check. Will also look into the "sealed shorty (stealth) adapters. I love empiremods.


Just let me know what devices you'll be dripping with and I'll post links on what I think will work best for you. :thumbup:

Edited by Rixter

Just let me know what devices you'll be dripping with and I'll post links on what I think will work best for you. :thumbup:

Rixter, you're a doll!

I alternate between eGo T2 Upgrade 650 mAh passthroughs, eGo C 650 mAh passthrough, eGo 1000 mAh twist, and a Vision Spinner 900 mAh. I guess they're all compatible with the 510 threading... if I understood it correctly.

From your earlier comments (as well as Viper Ron's), I went ahead and ordered the stealth adapter thingy. Well, okay, so my finger slipped and there should be four of the little suckers coming in the mail.

From earlier on I bought 2 of the eGo drip shields from empiremods. Just ordered a few more in different colors that should be here soon.

So, what atties am I looking at for ordering next? With my last order of 510 atties I've discovered I prefer the SR ones for a cooler vapor. Is there anything else I need to get? Ron said something about getting 306 drip tips? They're different from the ones I currently have, right?

Thanks for all the help! :)


dripping is so fun until you finally give up and get a top coil tank :P

miss mine, i used those ultra long 510 atties. like, debridged, but XL carto length - mainly because i just cant aim for my life. :)


Hey Tam !!

if you go 306 and drip shield, don't forget the XL drip tip. Standard 306 drip tips (or 510 drip tips) won't work with the shield.

Personally, When My atties start to leak......I just take the atty off, wipe down the battery and atty threads with a kleenex or towel, use a corner of the kleenex, push into the open end of the atty (gently)..just a few seconds will absorb excess liquid. all told only takes about 30 seconds.

dripping is generally a leaky business, its why I only drip while I am sitting around.

Good luck on your quest.....if you find the right set up, let me know !!!!

Posted (edited)

Tam, if you like the 510SR for cooler vape I would just stick with them because the thing that most people love about the 306,s is that they burn a bit hotter.

Edited by Viper Ron

With my last order of 510 atties I've discovered I prefer the SR ones for a cooler vapor.

Since you prefer SR, I'm going to suggest IkenVape's IKV 901 SR Atomizer 2.5Ω. IkenVape produces some really incredible atties, and are the only place I know of at the moment who have quality SR and HR 901s. The complete IkenVape 901 lineup (LR,SR, & HR) can be found here.

Using an eGo drip shield, I start a fresh 901 atty off by dripping 6-7 drops in, wait about 30 seconds, and add a few more just before vaping. With said shield in place, I usually add 5-6 drops when vapor production starts dropping off.

The 901 is a different beast as it has an air vent hole in it's side, and as you probably already know from your research, the drip shield was invented by Empire Mods specifically for the 901 atty to contain the leaking e-liquid and provide a reserve. The big difference between the 901 and 510s/306s is that the 901 seems to still produces good vapor when it's flooded (coil submerged), where the others don't (in my experience).

Remember to get a couple because for some reason, higher end atties are a little unpredictable as to lifespan...my last one lasted just over 3 weeks, but I think I popped it by accident when I put it on my VV set for a HR atty.

I hope this helps and I'm sure that once you try a good 901, you'll have a hard time going back to anything else. I haven't been able to enjoy my other atties as much since I started using 901s...at least that's where I am now. :yes


Tam, if you like the 510SR for cooler vape I would just stick with them because the thing that most people love about the 306,s is that they burn a bit hotter.

See? This is why I love this place. There are so many wonderful people who really know about this stuff and step up to help others. Thanks, Ron, for the extra bit of information. I'll try to remember that about the 306s. :)


I use a 306 with an XL drip tip and the standard Ego cone. No leaks.

That's just the thing. I've got a couple of eGo cones and used those before getting a drip shield from Empire Mods. In my opinion and experience the shield works better than the cone. It seems to let the atty breathe more so the whole thing doesn't get so hot when I chain vape. And the amount of liquid I keep over dripping into my current set up? It's gonna get messy no matter what I use. :)


Is there anything else I need to get? Ron said something about getting 306 drip tips? They're different from the ones I currently have, right?

If you get a 306 atty, you'll need an XL 306 drip tip...it fits over and covers the atty casing instead of fitting into the top like a 510 drip tip does. The reason for the XL instead of standard 306 drip tip is because the standards are too short to stick out of the top of your drip shield.

If you get a 901, any drip tip you currently use for a 510 will fit. By the way, 901s are about the same length as an XL carto.

Posted (edited)

Okay, I ordered the 2.5 and 3.5 ohm 901 atties from IKV as well as the stealth adapter things. Since I'm not trying the 306s... yet, I won't need the XL tips. I did also order some 901 drip shields from Empire Mods.

I think I want to have a long talk with a friend who's an architect to see about a room addition to house all the stuff for my new obsession. Strangely enough, despite all this spending on e-cig stuff, I'm still saving lots of money. :lol:

Edited by Tameiki

I did also order some 901 drip shields from Empire Mods.

Please tell me that you ordered eGo drip shields. :hope:

Posted (edited)

I think that's what they were. Their site is currently down due to Hurricane Sandy's influence so I can't check the descriptions. No worries if they're not. Guess I'll find out when they get here. If they're not something I can use with my current set up -- maybe it just means I'll have to buy the correct stuff so it'll fit.

Just kidding! :lol:

Edited by Tameiki

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