JBIRMfromPHOENIX Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 I am surprised no one has posted here yet. I have a question, hopefully someone will have some info here. An average cig contains 1mg of nic. I am guessing there initially was some intense chemistry on the nic in the juice we use. I personnaly use 24mg juice. How does that ratio work? I used to smoke a pack and a half a day of mb lights. I figured each smoke at around 13-15 drags right before I got my first ecig in the mail, so that I could try and keep the amount of smoke vs vape ratio equal. But, my question is this. How much nic are we really getting when we drip to have a vape? I am trying to figure the nic that I used to crave for smoking vs the amount I am getting now. So how much nic am I getting now? This is going to be a tough one, but any response with ideas and knowledge would be great. Look forward to hearing back on this one guys, lets stir this section up. --Jason--
Christopher Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 A very good topic to get started! The forums are usually slower on Saturday so that's probably why nobody as posted in the new forum yet Anyway, a manufactured cigarette actually contains about 10mg of nicotine, but only one or two milligrams is actually inhaled by the smoker. Let's break it down, in this case we will say the user is puffing on a 901... Average inhale time 3 seconds Volume of inhale 0.4-0.6L 'Air' Flow 10 litres / minute Approx. puffs / day 200 (10 puffs per cig. x 20 cigs) Approx. puffs / ml 2.5 ml is like 20 cigs. 10 puffs per cig so 200 puff / 2.5 ml So about 75 puff / ml Approx. drops / ml 20 drops / ml Approx puffs / drop 3-4 puffs per drop Approx ml / puff About 0.015 ml per puff ml the mesh can hold A standard (901) atty's mesh can hold about 6 drops That's about 0.2 ml ml / dripping top-up People will top-up when mesh is between half and fully depleted, and add about 3-5 drops; about 0.1-0.2 ml Dripping top-ups / day 15-25 ml / cart 901, 501 : 0.5 ml 301 : 0.3 ml 801 : 1 ml Cart refills / day A 901 cart holds about 0.5ml. Will need refilling after about 0.25-0.4 ml is used So about 7-12 times / day (each refilling being about 2 cigs equivalent of vaping) Puffs / cart About 50 Volume of inhale 0.05 - 0.1L. A 'lung inhale' rather than 'mouth inhale' would be 0.05-0.1L through the PV followed by a further 0.1-0.3L of air. Lung capacity. Total capacity of lungs: 5 - 6L; of which about 1.5L always remains inside after maximal exhale. When deep breathing, volume of inhale and exhale can be something like 2-3L. Normal breathing turns over about 5-10% of the air in the lungs: 0.25 - 0.5L. Battery capacity. Manufacturers are likely to provide a figure closer to total capacity than usable capacity (and that depends on current drain and pattern of use etc.). Not all the capacity can be used. I'd say it is reasonable to knock off a third of the stated capacity to get a truer real-life usable figure for vaping. 'Mini' (510, 901) battery capacity. So taking our 150 mAh battery and applying some reality will give us more like 100 mAh. Life of a 'mini' battery between charges Current will be over 1A (initially), let's call it 1A. So about 6 mins (360 sec.s). 5 second puffs: 75 puffs. 3 second puffs (more common): 120 puffs. Even these figures are 'at best' ones, assuming a new battery. 1A+ is somewhat over-spec for this size of battery, so will not last as long as expected (though this depends a bit on how much 'recovery time' the battery has between activations); the battery will really be struggling, get warm etc. So, real figures are more likely to be 5 second puffs: 50 3 second puffs: 80 between recharges. About 1/2 a pack of analogs equivalent. So the average person will need at least two batteries per day and use about 30 drops (1.5ml) per battery. A very light 'smoker' might get by on one. source* http://www.tji-java-ide.com/e-cigarette/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=175:technical-repository-facts-and-figures&catid=50:mod-basics&Itemid=69
keenan Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 Chris, I failed MISERABLY in science and chemistry and, well, lets just say i failed miserably. If you gave me an atom bomb, I'll definitely go bring pain and hardship on whoever you need me to, If you ask me how it works ..... So, what was the answer, how much nic are we getting ? ( I REALLY mean no disrespect here ) TheSmokingMan 1
Christopher Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 To be honest most of that was copy in paste, I suppose in order to figure out how much nicotine you where taking in you would have to find out how many drops are in a bottle. Then divide the nicotine content by those drops. Again though I'm not a scientist either. I remember reading on another forum that you take in much less nicotine from an ecig than you do from an analog.
kitsune Posted October 11, 2009 Posted October 11, 2009 concensus is that the liquids are in mg/ml. I use 18mg for the most part. I figure I use about 1.5ml/day that would be about 22mg/day for me. I use to smoke 1 1/2 packs per day--about 30 mg or so--I figure I am using less nicotine now than when I smoked. When I origionally started vaping I kept track of how much I was using by using a 1cc syringe. At that time I think the average drop/ml ratio was 3 drops = .1ml, so about 30 drops/ml (give or take) chemistry and or math were not my best subjects either
JBIRMfromPHOENIX Posted October 11, 2009 Author Posted October 11, 2009 Great info Chris. I thought you had a PHD in science, chemistry, biology, and mathematics until I saw the link at the bottom. I'm gonna fool around with this and we'll see what I come up with, math is one thing I am strong in. But like Keenan said, if there is a genius with a straight answer that would take the cake here. Thanks for getting involved in this one guys, this question has plagued me since I quit analogs. Go Cards! --Jason--
SteveD1 Posted October 12, 2009 Posted October 12, 2009 I read somewhere that most vapers use about 1-3 ml a day and i am around 2.5-3 and that puts me at a about 25 analog cigs worth which is what my average was when I smoked..I have been wondering how the E-Juice added up in comparison..Thanks for the info...IF i dont pick up the 510 as much I use less go figure....LOL..I took my RN4081 on the boat with me today and burned through 2 batteries from 6am to 2pm..Got a PCC for the Rn4081 coming to help with the on the go thing..Yes my blu has finally killed the atty that was kicking butt and my other 3 suck..So it is now just my backup to my backup LOL....
TheGreen Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 I think I know where that info came from. I also found something somewhere on the web that not all the the mg of nic in e-liquid is being inhaled. I'll have to find it again.
lilk Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 Love this thread. Chris, I thought you were a scientist too the way everything was spelled out and then I saw the link. I'm going to send the link to my hubby so he can figure it out himself, forget trying to explain that to him. He wants to know, I just like vaping. Thanks,
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