jmhester Posted October 9, 2009 Posted October 9, 2009 I'm just curious as why some of you started vaping and gave up analogs. I'll start with my quick story. I had a couple of cheap PVs back in November. Now I got good ones thanks to vapor talk! The wife went in the hospital for surgery and went down to the smoking area as usual. I started looking around and all I could think was how trashy these people looked. I'm not being judgemental but it just hit me how dumb we all were standing in a hospital killing ourselves. Watching all the doctors walk by, I was embarrased to even be there. I went home, picked up my 801 copy and never looked back. How about you guys?
keenan Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 I just stumbled upon an article and it peaked my interest. So I did some research, and some more, and some more and it just became a no brainer to at least try it. I really WASNT looking to quit smoking, I liked smoking. The week I decided to try vaping, they raised the price of a carton ten bucks, so that helped my decision. But the key was, it had to work. I tried the patch, what a joke. I tried the lozenges, disgusting. The e cig thing just really sold itself as far as the mechanics of it was concerned. I get to smoke without smoking.
doglips Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 $$ as a chain smoker 3 or 4 packs a day at $5 each adds up fast..makes doglips wimper and cry...e-smokes were a less expensive alternative.
kitsune Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 like you Keenan--the final push was the 10$ jump in the price of a carton. prior to that It was actually my Mom that came across the information. One of the physicians she works with was using an e-cig to 'quit'. He and I had a lot in common--we had both tried everything in the book and we were both die hard smokers. stuck the info in a drawer--then came the price hike--some research--my wonderful 510 and the rest is history. smoke free and lovin it. I was actually only thinking maybe e-cigs would help me cut down(nothing was going to get me to quit).......
Christopher Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 Well you've all heard how the site got started so I wont tell the story again. But in all honesty when I first tried the ecig I didn't expect to quit. It just sort of happened. I kept my cigarettes with me for the longest time. I did slip up a few times during the beginning especially because there is a bit of a learning curve with the ecig. Also stepping my MG strength up to 24mg helped quite a bit. Then I just quit. It wasn't until I had stopped smoking after a few months that I couldn't believe just how bad smokers smelled, I mean holy crap I smelled that bad? No wonder my wife would get so irritated and made me wash my hands all the time. Then of course you look at people who smoke...I mean this is with the utmost respect, but you don't usually see successful people smoking, not that there aren't millionaires that smoke, but smokers tend to be the bottom of society. Smoking just seems to make you lazy. Then the looks that people have who have smoked for years. Have you ever looked a blond women who smokes in her 40's? You can always tell by their face right away if they smoke. Anyway I'm glad I vape now, I feel better, breath better and have a ton of new vaping buds on the forum. Can't really complain
Sky Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 I did it mainly for my 5-year old daughter. I have sole custody of her and I always felt guilty about smoking...what if something happened to me? I just felt it wasn't fair for me to continue. When I came across e-cigs, my mind was made up and I quit analogs cold turkey. It's been almost 2 months now and I don't miss them one bit!
MunkusBFunky Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 I'll tell you why I started smoking first. Both of my parents smoke and I hated it so much I decided I would start smoking to show them what it does to you <---- 13 year old thinking there. So at 28 I'm hooked and still hate smoking then I find a E-banner for Luci e-cigs, do some research, VT forums come into play, buy my first E-Cig, never look back.
SteveD1 Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 For me it was becoming the only smoker around most of the time.Family pressure to quit and I felt bad smelling like a ash tray until I aired out..Now the only complaint my family has is are you gonna put that E-Cig down.(probably never!)Happy to Vape guilt free.... 9 weeks analog free!!!
TheSmokingMan Posted October 14, 2009 Posted October 14, 2009 For me it was when my grandson was born back in January of this year, that I decided that I needed to quit smoking cigarettes and go back to the pipe full time. So I called my supplier and had 5 pounds of my favorite pipe tobacco delivered. Trying to make the transition I found that the cigarettes had a tighter grip on me than the last few times I had quit over the years. After this last tax hike, cigarettes here in Texas were at 5.50 per pack. Still wanting to quit, but gripped by a 2.5 pack a day addiction I heard an advertisement on the radio (Dave Ramsey Show or Glen Beck) for Smoke Assassin. I started looking on the Internet at e-Cigs, ended up here and the rest is a month of history. I haven't had a cigarette in a week, since I started vaping I have only smoked a pack of analogues. What chapps my hinie is that e-Cigs have been on the market since 2001 and it took me 8 years to find them!
jmhester Posted October 14, 2009 Author Posted October 14, 2009 About what Chris said. That's really what hit me at the hospital. All the smokers just looked so trashy. And I was one! The way it started was my decision to never smoke in public again and then I found this awesome site and the rest is history. Vaping is cool, though. Everytime I do it in public I get lots of positive feedback. I never have had a single negative reaction yet. People think it's really cool and usually want to know where to get one. I put some cards from various vendors I trust in my wallet and give them out. Does anybody else do that?
Christopher Posted October 14, 2009 Posted October 14, 2009 If I have them I'll give out cards as well, I don't care where people get their ecig so longs as it's a good model and helps them quit.
KansasVaper Posted October 14, 2009 Posted October 14, 2009 For me it was my kids. I have 7 kids and there is all kinds of research on secondhand smoke causing health issues. The big one for me was tooth decay. Growing up with 2 heavy smoking parents that smoked anywhere they felt, I got the wrong end of that stick and had issues with cavities all my life. I could have saved tens of thousands of dollars on all the work I have had done if they would have reduced their smoking around us. I am also involved in a lot of different kinds of businesses and you rarely see the highly successful smoker. Its as the old saying goes. "If you have 9 broke friends, 9 times out of 10, you will become the 10th." So while I am at business training or conventions and a break comes up, you can tell who the smokers are when they let out. Usually they are the first ones out the door. The rest are mingling and building their network of successful non-smokers, while you are out there with the "lazy smokers" smoking and joking.
jmhester Posted October 14, 2009 Author Posted October 14, 2009 Roger that, KansasVaper. I've been pretty successful in life but being a slave to a nasty, unpopular habit has become more and more of a liability. I have a Ph.D. in mathematics and people couldn't believe I was a smoker. It was like they were instantly disappointed in me. Now with vaping, they think it's really cool. It fits in better with the high-tech, super nerd image. I think if we keep this up, we can make vaping really hip! Has anybody heard about celebs vaping? I saw a quick blurb once about Brad Pitt, Tom Petty, and a few others were seen vaping. I also heard Obama smokes and is vaping to give it up. I'm sure there are plenty of smokers in Hollywood, too. Maybe that would go along way to making this a cool thing to do.
TheSmokingMan Posted October 14, 2009 Posted October 14, 2009 Roger that, KansasVaper. I've been pretty successful in life but being a slave to a nasty, unpopular habit has become more and more of a liability. I have a Ph.D. in mathematics and people couldn't believe I was a smoker. It was like they were instantly disappointed in me. Now with vaping, they think it's really cool. It fits in better with the high-tech, super nerd image. I think if we keep this up, we can make vaping really hip! Has anybody heard about celebs vaping? I saw a quick blurb once about Brad Pitt, Tom Petty, and a few others were seen vaping. I also heard Obama smokes and is vaping to give it up. I'm sure there are plenty of smokers in Hollywood, too. Maybe that would go along way to making this a cool thing to do. When I went to work for the radio station in 1989, my employer, Jack Palmore, taught me a few things about image. He was a smoker and a successful radio and TV personality in Houston. His personal rules about smoking were; never let anyone that is a client or audience see you smoke, it can ruin your reputation, if you have to smoke, take your jacket off and stand up wind, never smoke in the car because the smell permeates everything and you carry it with you into an office. Even in 1989 smoking was taboo in business situations. As a business owner, I have to deal with homeowners and contractors. I have rules in my company about smoking. Never smoke in front of a homeowner, even if they are smoking. Never smoke in a home owner's house. Never smoke with or in front of the contractor on the job. I have established these rules because I have had incidents that have initiated each one of these rules to be put in place. I don't smoke in the truck on the way to a client's location unless I have the windows down to avoid the smell. But here again all of this is a moot point because, I don't smoke anymore. I still don't vape in front of homeowners though.
elem187 Posted October 14, 2009 Posted October 14, 2009 (edited) I quit because the huge tobacco tax that was enacted earlier this year to pay for childrens healthcare, a $2.80 pack of marlboro's shot up to $5.80 a pack here in Orlando... I'm all about the children, but I think Obama's idea is going to have a negative effect as more people will look to quit, they will have to find another revenue stream to pay for it. Edited October 14, 2009 by elem187
BirdDog Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 I don't know why I quit, many reasons I guess. Not being able to breath, the stench, dad having a stroke, pets and money. I did start to make changes years ago to my smoking habits some being good and some being very negative. I quit smoking at work, in public and in my car. I was so good at it, a lot of people were shocked to find out that I smoked. I smoked about a pack a day and I usually did this in a 6 hour period at home. I have lived in my house for 10 years and I never invited people over. Scary.
profbeard Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 Basically - I gave up because I had this feeling that, after 43 years of smoking 20-30 cigs a day, I had pushed my luck far enough. I chap I know had bought an e-cig (and ironically didn't like it) so I thought I'd give it a whirl. Quit the day my first e-cig arrived (over 8 months ago)
TheGreen Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 I wanted to quit for years. I tried but failed. One day I stopped by the local liquor store to get a lotto ticket and they had the cartomizer e-cig with an info pamphlet. I looked it over and research the company online. The next week I bought the kit. It was good and I didn't know there where better one's out there. I bought it on 8-4-09 and 8-7-09 was my last analog cig and I haven't looked back. Thank you China
jiffy Posted October 16, 2009 Posted October 16, 2009 The lack of lung capacity that seemed to get worse over the years made me look for an alternative. I heard about e-cigs and found this forum. This forum helped me make an informed decision on the best e-cig for my needs. Joye 510 and a few weeks later I'm off the analog train.
Huffy Posted October 17, 2009 Posted October 17, 2009 For the past couple years I've known that smoking was really affecting how much I could enjoy outdoor stuff that requires good lung function: hiking, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, stuff like that. I made adjustments, though, and could still do those things if I paced myself. Then I joined a gym a couple months ago with the intention of getting back into competitive powerlifting after years away from it. It didn't take long for me to see how my heart was beating like a rabbit when I tried to do squats and deadlifts. Lower body exercises really place a demand on your cardiovascular system, and you need to be able to oxygenate the blood effectively between sets. That was it for me. I knew that until I got rid of cigarettes I was going to make nowhere near the progress in the gym that I need. I started weaning myself from cigarettes and was down from nearly a pack a day to about 10 cigarettes when I saw an ad on a web site for those Blu e-cigs. I had never heard of e-cigs before that. I looked for reviews on line, found several forums about e-cigs, and thought "gee, it seems like a lot of people are actually quitting smoking with these things." I got a couple Joye 510's from (great price) and from the first moment I tried vaping I knew I was done with the analogs. Every good thing everyone had said about vaping was true for me: Instant gratification of the nicotine urge and sufficient simulation of the smoking mechanics - the inhale, the resulting "smoke", the feeling of the throat hit - to let me forget about cigarettes. I have not felt this good in quite some time, both physically and psychologically. Every day I see another example of why this has been a great decision. Like so many others, I knew for a long time that there was nothing truly good about smoking. I just somehow always found a way to justify it. When I found a new goal that was incompatible with being a smoker, I knew that with the right help I could find the willpower to quit. E-cigs are that help, as far as I can tell.
plantlvr Posted October 17, 2009 Posted October 17, 2009 I smoked for 38 years and loved smoking! But was tired of all the 'cons', health, smell, and cost. I stumbled on a Smoking Everywhere site and ordered their starter kit. Then i found these wonderful forums and cancelled my order with them. Still took two weeks for them to refund my money! Got my Joye510 then my vapor king and haven't had a anolog since! Still have 6 unopened packs lying around am not even tempted to smoke.Going to visit relatives this weekend one of whom smokes. I'm taking all my gear with me..
TheSmokingMan Posted October 18, 2009 Posted October 18, 2009 I don't know why I quit, many reasons I guess. Not being able to breath, the stench, dad having a stroke, pets and money. I did start to make changes years ago to my smoking habits some being good and some being very negative. I quit smoking at work, in public and in my car. I was so good at it, a lot of people were shocked to find out that I smoked. I smoked about a pack a day and I usually did this in a 6 hour period at home. Speaking of the stench, I have not smoked an analogue in several weeks. In the past month I have only smoked a pack. Friday afternoon, I met one of my employees to give him his paycheck. He lumbered up to my truck with a cigarette and the wind caught the smoke and blew it right into my face, I like to have hurled. Is that what I used to smell like? Seems that I owe a lot of non-smokers that I have smoked around all of these years a major apology. I have lived in my house for 10 years and I never invited people over. Scary. Why is that scary? We have lived in our current location for the past 5 years and I have less than 10 people who know where we live. We are very private people and enjoy our peace and quiet here in the woods.
TheSmokingMan Posted October 18, 2009 Posted October 18, 2009 I wanted to quit for years. I tried but failed. One day I stopped by the local liquor store to get a lotto ticket and they had the cartomizer e-cig with an info pamphlet. I looked it over and research the company online. The next week I bought the kit. It was good and I didn't know there where better one's out there. I bought it on 8-4-09 and 8-7-09 was my last analog cig and I haven't looked back. Thank you China It's amazing how beneficial the Communists can be when they resort to Capitalism!
BirdDog Posted October 18, 2009 Posted October 18, 2009 Speaking of the stench, I have not smoked an analogue in several weeks. In the past month I have only smoked a pack. Friday afternoon, I met one of my employees to give him his paycheck. He lumbered up to my truck with a cigarette and the wind caught the smoke and blew it right into my face, I like to have hurled. Is that what I used to smell like? Seems that I owe a lot of non-smokers that I have smoked around all of these years a major apology. Why is that scary? We have lived in our current location for the past 5 years and I have less than 10 people who know where we live. We are very private people and enjoy our peace and quiet here in the woods. I was afraid of what my friends might think about the smell and it would give my secret away. I am a very private person - my family complains about it all the time.
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