JQueen21 Posted October 6, 2012 Author Posted October 6, 2012 I took one hit and it gave me a headache and it tastes like burnt plastic - maybe not enough juice ? ??
Poppa Posted October 6, 2012 Posted October 6, 2012 (edited) heh.. http://www.bestecig.com/help.asp?id=47 instructions.. http://altsmoke.com/....html?mode=list - more instructions.. And, a Quote: The last feature to mention is the button on the battery. The eG0 button is a dark grey opaque plastic that lights up white when pushed. There is also a locking feature built into the battery so you can lock the battery when you are not using it to prevent it from inadvertently turning on and damaging your electronic cigarette. To lock the battery, simply click the button 5 times rapidly, and then do the same again to unlock. You will see the button blink a few times to indicate that it is either locked or unlocked Meanwhile, That flavor is traditional to clearomizers and tanks.. Has to do with crappy designs and leftover oils and such on wicks and parts that heat.. For this reason most folks:Dryburn any synthetic wicks on purchase;Rinse-out clearo and tanks with either vodka or everclear (hi-proof). I've also used rubbing-aclohol, but rinse like mad with hot water, too.Rinse with hot water and allow to airdry before filling. Hope that helps! Edited October 6, 2012 by Poppa
JQueen21 Posted October 6, 2012 Author Posted October 6, 2012 Thanks Poppa, that helped, I am searching now for a manual that may help me further. The cartomizers I have are the ones in the kit....... (i haven't gotten my clearomizer yet) - I have no vodka in the house. - I have the worst friggin' headache and I only took one hit........... It's gotta be some nasty juice........ This stuff is so technical, I had no idea there is much involved...... but I'm learning
Jeffb Posted October 6, 2012 Posted October 6, 2012 I took one hit and it gave me a headache and it tastes like burnt plastic - maybe not enough juice ? ?? Yes it sounds as if you may not have enough juice in the carto
JQueen21 Posted October 6, 2012 Author Posted October 6, 2012 t I took one hit and it gave me a headache and it tastes like burnt plastic - maybe not enough juice ? ?? hat was 3 hours ago and I still have a headache, it's bad ..... I haven't messed with vaping since. I got one heck of a throat hit and lots of vaper - but like I said - there is no pg/vg mix info on the bottle all it says is 18mg with the flavor........
Poppa Posted October 6, 2012 Posted October 6, 2012 Hmm. carto - "full" means overflowed. Sounds like the joy of burnt filler/wick.
Tam Posted October 6, 2012 Posted October 6, 2012 Okay, here goes. Click the button five times (not too fast, just steady). The light will flash three times to tell you if it's on or off. How you tell one from the other is to click the button once after the three flashes. If the light turns on while you have the button pressed, that means it's on. If it stays dark = off. When it's on, push the button and hold it down. Take a "drag" nice and slow with the button pressed. Take your finger off the button when you're done drawing from it. At first, you might not want to take a really big puff until you're used to it. Don't worry about keeping the button pressed down too long, it has an automatic cut off after 10 seconds. Draw the vapor into your mouth first, hold a sec and then inhale. That's usually the best way to do it to keep from coughing. The first several hits from any new atomizer, cartomizer, clearomizer, whatever -- will more than likely not taste as good as it will later. If you're using a cartomizer, you'll want to blow into the top with a tissue under the part where the threads attach to the battery to catch the whatever they use. Do that a few times and blot gently before filling with liquid. That'll help with the icky taste of a new cart. If you're using the clearomizer, put liquid into it and swirl it around (tip gently) to let the wick absorb the juice. Let sit for just a little while. I like to give it at least a minute so the wick can get wet enough that it reaches the coil. Otherwise you might get a dry hit and that's not pleasant. :P Hang in there. At first there seems to be a LOT to learn but it gets better and it gets easier! kitsune 1
blucavvy Posted October 6, 2012 Posted October 6, 2012 yeah just sounds like you didn't fill those cartomizers quite enough. if it's a 4ml carto, it'll realistically take more like 3.5ml's of juice. i've always figured that 1ml=about 20 drops (give or take). so if there's 3.5ml's you should get about 70 drops. it may take awhile to fill but after your'e done you won't have to top off very often. if the top part of the filler keeps going bone white after you drip some in and wait a few minutes, then the carto is not full. after you get what you think is enough liquid in there let it sit for at least a few minutes to soak all the way in. if the filler isn't fully saturated then the heating coil will "burn" the polyfill and you'll get that burnt taste and that will not go away. filling the carto is the hardest part but after you do it a few times it becomes second nature. just take your time on the initial fill.
JQueen21 Posted October 7, 2012 Author Posted October 7, 2012 Thanks guys & gals - that helps a lot. I got the on/off thing figured it out, so I'm good on that. I checked my specs on the cartomizer and it is 4 ml. so I will try to add more juice and see how that goes. ( After getting such a bad headache yesterday I think I just might wait until I get my juice order in, then at least I know what I'm putting in the cartridge) I have a couple other questions......... I have a carto with one flavor in it, when that is burned out can I add another flavor to the carto or do I have to use a separate carto for each flavor ? How long does each carto or clearomizer last ? I know it depends on how much use it gets but lets just say what's the average ? a week, two weeks. ? How do you know when to trash it ? - Thanks again everyone - for your knowledge and your patience !
Tam Posted October 7, 2012 Posted October 7, 2012 Speaking for myself, it's easy to have patience because I was where you are now. I still have so much to learn but it's nice to be able to return the favor by helping someone else when I can. From my limited experience with cartos, one flavor = one carto. The wicking seems to really latch onto the flavor. Putting another flavor as a change created a whole new mix. Even when I washed it out, there was still a lingering hint. Sometimes that was pleasant. Other times they were competing flavors and it was nasty! Of course, your experience may be different. Hopefully, other people who are much more experienced with cartos will give you more information. In another thread I saw that you could just pull out the wicking and direct drip into the atomizer... but it all depends on what kind of carto you have. Some you can, others not so much. What kind of carto do you have? Some cartos/clearos work only a few days (or even DOA), while others can work months. I'd say maybe a few weeks on average? For my 2.4 ml CC (changeable coil) clearos, most coils can last months before I have to change it. My rec would be to get them from Brian at The Veteran Vaper. You can buy the coils separately so there's less expense when it goes out. You don't have to buy the whole thing every time, just change the coil. I also find them easier to clean to change flavors. http://www.theveteranvaper.com/ego-2-4ml-cc-changeable-coil-clearomizer-clear/ You'll know when to trash it when it no longer works or no longer works right.
JQueen21 Posted October 10, 2012 Author Posted October 10, 2012 okay guys & dolls - my juice order and clearomizer came in. So far so good, Some of the juice was good off the bat but some of it we didn't use we are going to let it steep for a few days. BF said it didn't smell too good, so those we put in the drawer. Love the clearomizer. It is so smooth, love it.. Thank you guys for recommending that to me. I'm going to order more. My BF is having problems with the cartomizers (the poly fill) - hates it - the hit is way too rough.. It makes him cough. I've been using the clearomzier and smooth sailing so far but I can not smell and or taste anything - but I couldn't smell before, but I could taste. I can taste the candy cane a slight bit but no go on the "extra" flavored vanilla. I did pretty good last night and this morning but I started to feel funny,l been feeling a little funny all day. No headache though like before (quality of the sample juice I'm sure) it sucks that I can't taste anything.. MY Bf 'is like "you can't smell that ?" No, I can't smell it. I 'm using 12 mg and I smoke Marlboro ULTRA lights, so I don't know what the deal is with that. Maybe I'm "hoofing" it too much? Do you guys just take a hit or two or hit like 10 times and then put it down ?. Any thoughts or comments would be greatly appreciated ! Thanks JQ
kitsune Posted October 11, 2012 Posted October 11, 2012 first....it took a least a month after I quit smoking to be able to properly smell and taste things again. second....you may be one of the flavor challenged. There are many of us that have trouble tasting the flavors. I taste food, etc without any problem. I just can't taste standard liquids very well....this is how I ended up mixing my own or adding flavors to premixed liquids. The best for flavor is still dripping. Then the clearomizers take second place for me. The changeable coil clearomizer is quickly moving up the chain to second place (too soon to tell). http://www.mstsbakery.com/ This site has some great, strong flavors. they are mixed when ordered, so shipping time may take a bit longer. I am glad you are liking the clearomizers....hang in there, finding the right flavors is the second challenge...the first was learning to vape !!
JQueen21 Posted October 11, 2012 Author Posted October 11, 2012 I'm still learning to vape...... I feel like I've entered into another universe !!!! It's like the Twilight Zone, or I'm Dorothy and I'm definitely not in Kansas anymore !
kitsune Posted October 11, 2012 Posted October 11, 2012 I gets much easier, I promise !!! having so many options available is a good thing and a bad thing. you've found a setup you like, thats 1/2 the battle. Granted you will find more devices you like, but so long as you have one....you can work on flavors. The clearomizers are really so easy to use and such a great place to start.
JQueen21 Posted October 11, 2012 Author Posted October 11, 2012 It's just so hard on me not being able to taste anything, it sucks. I'm just vaping blahness !
kitsune Posted October 11, 2012 Posted October 11, 2012 time to look into DIY...adding flavoring changed everything for me. Its really pretty east.
JQueen21 Posted October 11, 2012 Author Posted October 11, 2012 How did DIY change things for you ? You say it's easy ? Can you just add flavor to the premade stuff ? My BF has a background in mixing (manufacturing - chemicals) he would probably be really good at it and probably enjoy it. I checked out a couple of DIY posts on other websites. Didn't really teach me anything............. Give me the low down kitsune - I'm all about learning something new ...............
Tam Posted October 12, 2012 Posted October 12, 2012 It's just so hard on me not being able to taste anything, it sucks. I'm just vaping blahness ! When vaping you might also try to open your mouth and also exhale through your nose. I hated doing that with analogs because it burned, but it doesn't hurt with vaping, it helps me to taste the juice a bit better.
kitsune Posted October 13, 2012 Posted October 13, 2012 Mixing is only as complicated as you want it to be. Yes, it really can be just as easy as adding flavoring to the premixed flavors you already have. adding flavoring will dilute the nicotine level, so depending on how much flavoring you use determines your end nicotine mg/ml. or as complicated as mixing from scratch. You can get a few flavors you really like, some 3ml bottles for mixing. add the e-liquid and then add some flavoring....vape, add a bit more flavoring if needed. this will give you some of the basics. I currently get most of my DIY supplies, flavors, nicotine etc from http://www.ecigexpress.com/. personally, mixing is what made vaping significantly more pleasant.
Mike Posted October 13, 2012 Posted October 13, 2012 Change up the flavor you vape! Whether or not you DIY it's helps tremendously to vape several flavors throughout the week or each day. Each time you switch to a new or back to an old one you'll notice you can taste everything a lot better. kitsune 1
JQueen21 Posted October 14, 2012 Author Posted October 14, 2012 Right now the only one I can minutely taste is the candy cane and I'm not a big fan of mint/menthol flavors. I have some more coming this week and I ordered the "double extra flavor" to see if I can taste any of those. I tried the exhaling thru the nose thing and I still couldn't taste anything. We shall see how things go when the new juice comes in. If I can't taste any of those, I'll look into the DIY. I have tried switching up the flavors. - I just can't taste anything. It's really frustrating............. It's hard enough to adjust to all of this not only the physical affects that all of this has on you but the mental also, trying to put the cigs down and if I can't enjoy the vaping it's just going to be twice as hard on me to quit. I haven't got to the point yet so say - but I hope that I don't get there. Also trying to wrap your brain around - "this is not smoking" , it's mind numbing at times ! The physical affects haven't been pleasant at all the past week. It's really been taking a toll on my body. I find myself more tired than usual, utterly exhausted, (& I haven't done anything) feeling off, WAY off, just not myself at all. ..... I'm still smoking some - more days than others - (only because I can't taste anything & I haven't found that nic level that's not too much or not too little yet or I"m vaping too much or too little and then I want to smoke) -but I've had a couple of days it was just like an utter mind & body *@**% ! I KNOW I can do this if I could just enjoy it and right now it's not enjoyable to me AT ALL ! I"m trying though! It taste like I'm sucking on castor oil ! (Try huffing on that flavor all day long - YUK ! ) kitsune 1
JQueen21 Posted October 15, 2012 Author Posted October 15, 2012 Hey Kit, What "brand" of flavorings do you suggest from ecigexpress ? . I thing I'm going to order some to add to what I already have. Thanks, !
JQueen21 Posted October 16, 2012 Author Posted October 16, 2012 Nevermind - on previous question - been reading the DIY posts and I think I have a general idea of what brands and flavors are most suggested.
lindsayfox Posted October 25, 2012 Posted October 25, 2012 When I started using e-cigarettes, I faced the same issue. The amount of information that's out there is overwhelming. Speaking from years of experience and after trying almost every brand out there, here are my top picks for you: 1. V2 Cigs 2. Green Smoke 3. Vapor Couture (for female smokers) 4. Blu Cigs Here's what I think of each brand: 1. V2 Cigs: great vapor production, high cartridge strength, long battery life, great prices. 2. Green Smoke: best cartridge flavor and quality by far, high vapor production, excellent customer service, great quality overall. 3. Vapor Couture: the best and only option for female smokers (made by V2 Cigs). 4. Blu Cigs: low battery life, decent cartridge flavors, Made in USA cartridges, nice product design and feel, smart pack. All the brands mentioned above are very similar as far as quality, design, and pricing. I'd recommend that you order a disposable pack from each of these brands to see which ones you like most. This is the best way to compare the quality and performance of each brand at first hand. Hope this helps Lindsay
Jeffb Posted October 25, 2012 Posted October 25, 2012 Speaking from years of experience and after trying almost every brand out there, here are my top picks for you: 1. V2 Cigs 2. Green Smoke 3. Vapor Couture (for female smokers) 4. Blu Cigs Here's what I think of each brand: 1. V2 Cigs: great vapor production, high cartridge strength, long battery life, great prices. 2. Green Smoke: best cartridge flavor and quality by far, high vapor production, excellent customer service, great quality overall. 3. Vapor Couture: the best and only option for female smokers (made by V2 Cigs). 4. Blu Cigs: low battery life, decent cartridge flavors, Made in USA cartridges, nice product design and feel, smart pack. All the brands mentioned above are very similar as far as quality, design, and pricing. I'd recommend that you order a disposable pack from each of these brands to see which ones you like most. This is the best way to compare the quality and performance of each brand at first hand. Hope this helps Lindsay Speaking from years of experience your recommendations suck! Tam and mega 2
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