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1) DSE084:

-Cost: 40 bucks for a typical starter kit. Extra parts/carts are low in price

-Battery Life: Last about 20-30 drags maybe 2hours

-Atomizer: Exposed bridge,gives a very airy draw ang gets very hot very fast

-Looks: Just like a real cig, maybe even smaller

-Vapor production: very little

-Reliability: Pretty good almost always work when I need it.

-Juice consumption: This is the Toyota Prius of E-cigs, but the carts are extremely small.


-Cost: 80.00(Njoy) for a typical starter kit. Extra parts/carts outrageous(NJOY)

-Battery Life: about 2-3 hours. Automatic battery will shut off on me when I get a couple big draws.

-Atomizer: Gives a very airy draw. Recessed bridge

-Looks: Like a Camel Wide

-Vapor Production: Average

-Reliability: Average...Lets me down once in a while

-Juice Consumption: Not bad ,Carts could be bigger


-Cost: 60.00(Totally Wicked) For a typical starter kit. Extra parts/carts fairly cheap

-Battery Life: About 3-4 hours. I have had a lot of battery failures(automatic)

-Atomizer: Recessed bridge.Very nice flavor but have had a lot of bad atty's that wont give off much of a hit.

-Looks: Very nice sleek pen style

-Vapor Production: Good when its working

-Reliability: Not so much , gives me a damn headache!

-Juice Consumption: Not bad, I have not used the carts

4) Janty Stick:

-Cost: 80.00 for a typical starter kit. replacements/carts A little pricey

-Battery Life: Flat out amazing! I have not been able to drain a single battery in 1 day.Convenient USB charger that charges Fast!

-Atomizer: Recessed bridge. Nice flavor

-Looks: Flat out amazing! small, sleek and just feels great in your hand.

-Vapor Production: Flat out amazing! Huge billowing clouds that sink like a stone they are so dense! WHOO HOO!

-Reliability: Flat out amazing! has not failed to deliver EVER!

-Juice Consumption: High, the carts are huge and I drip like 8-10 drops to refill.

And the winner is?.........................................The Janty Stick! This thing is awesome ! The quest for the holy grail of PV's is over.


Lol glad your lovein your JS :thumbsup: woulda liked to see your perspective on the 510 :rofl:

Nice post. I agree with you on the RN4081, and JS


Lol glad your lovein your JS :thumbsup: woulda liked to see your perspective on the 510 :rofl:

Nice post. I agree with you on the RN4081, and JS

LOL,Well so would I , send me one and Ill review it. This was only a review of " my e-cigs". I dont own a 510
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