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Americans For Nonsmokers' Rights Shamelessly Promotes Continued Smoking; Makes False Claims About Hazards Of Electronic Cigarettes

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E-cigarette users report improvements in their health ranging from a reduction in COPD and asthma symptoms to better markers of cardiovascular health such as blood pressure and lipid measures. Researchers have found no increase in blood pressure or heart rate among smokers trying e-cigarettes for the first time.

"What I find most egregious about the ANR's recent press release," stated Keller, "is their claim that e-cigarettes 'pollute indoor air with detectable levels of carcinogens and other toxic chemicals,' when there is absolutely no indication that e-cigarettes pose any appreciable risk to bystanders. Tragically, these kinds of devious tactics may actually prevent smokers from saving their health and their lives by switching to this low-risk alternative."

The Indoor Air study cited in the ANR press release found such minuscule quantities of six chemicals in vapor that they are measured in parts per BILLION (ppb). For example, formaldehyde was present at 12.86 ppb-the equivalent of 13 out of one billion pennies ($10,000,000) The Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives for formaldehyde is five times higher.

Researchers could detect nicotine only by capturing exhaled vapor before it mixed with air in the chamber. The quantity measured was a mere 1.04 ppb; the OSHA Short Term Exposure Limit is about 1500 times higher. "But the existence of this nicotine is a moot point," stated Keller, "given the fact that the only way a bystander could be exposed to any nicotine at all would be to lock lips with an e-cigarette user and inhale while the user is exhaling.

"ANR claims little is known about the contents of e-cigarettes," said Keller, "but the major ingredients in e liquid are well-known: propylene glycol or glycerin to create the vapor, water, flavoring, and optionally a low concentration-typically less than 2%-of nicotine. Countless tests have been performed on liquid and vapor. So far none of these tests has ever measured toxins or carcinogens anywhere near hazardous levels. This is probably due to the fact that, unlike conventional cigarettes, e-cigarettes are not combusted.

"Discouraging the use of alternatives that are up to 99% less hazardous than smoking for the users, and that are essentially harmless to bystanders, shows an appalling disregard for human health and life on the part of groups like ANR," said Keller.

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