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I’m new to the forum and still fighting to find my way though the tones of information on ecigs. I need to stop smoking asap in order to start a medication, which doesn’t go with smoking. I’ve tried quitting for a day and freaked out, so decided to get an ecig but after a few days research I’m nowhere near to decide where to start…. I would really appreciate an advice as I’m fed up with useless information I can’t process. Need to know what’s usually recommended for a starter, how much liquid would I need for a week/month, does the flavor matter or is it just for fun?

Thanks for your help


Posted (edited)

Welcome to the forum, first things first. Were you a heavy smoker? How many packs a day?

Edited by Viper Ron

Well I could manage with one pack a day - not so heavy I suppose... have recently switched to slims as well..

When I'm drinking it's another story though - I could smoke 2 packs without even noticing... :dizzy:


Ok Helena, I would recommend an eGo e cig kit, preferable the ones with the V2 Vision clearos. I believe sweet-vapes sells a kit like this. The V2's are easy to fill and the eGo battery will give you 8 to 12 hours depending on use. The E Liquid is another story, there are so many choices it's best to start out with sample sizes till you find ones you like. There's a ton of vendors on the site so take your time and ask plenty of questions. Good Luck :cheers:


i recommend http://thevaporroom.net/ for the juice. they have a great selection, their juice is AMAZING, and first time customers get 15ml for free. if you order off the flavors of the week a 30ml bottle is $10 which is crazy cheap. And every order (new or old) gets a 3ml for free. Follow the instructions on the deals/sales area to add the free liquids to your order.

i go through about 10ml's a week. but i'm a light vaper, when i was a smoker i smoked a pack a day. i would figure at least 10-15ml's for you, though it may be more.

viperron gave you good advice for a starter kit, get an eGo. don't get one of the new twists yet, just stick with a standard eGo. get a kit that comes with at least 2 eGo batteries (preferably 900mah or more), a charger, and either some vision clearo's like viperron said or some boge 2.0ohm cartomizers. (510 thread)

http://www.nashvillevapor.com/site/products-page/cartomizersatomizers/ this is a well known vendor on the site. fast shipping and dirt cheap prices. he's got the vision clearo's and boge cartomizers (i recommend the 2.0ohm) and the standard 2 battery ego kit.

for all the carto's, clearo's, batteries, charger and your first order of juice from TVR you would have a killer starter kit for under a $100. and the next order you have to place will be much, much cheaper. just juice and carto's.

anymore questions feel free to ask :)


Welcome to VT. I was wondering what the reason for not smoking with the medication. Just making sure it's not nicotine that the meds interact with. If so, e-cigs are not going to prevent you from intaking nicotine. I am medically inept, so forgive me if this is a silly thought. Either way, no harm in getting off the analogs. Lotsa great folks and good advise here. Best of luck.^^


Nicotine does interact with certain medications.It also inhibits bone grafts from taking.After my neck fusion surgery I had to go no nic.But no nic tasty eliquid is better than going nutz.


Welcome !!! The information really is overwhelming at first.

I'm with Viper Ron. eGo Kits with clearomizers. Many vendors sell them.

A good place to start looking is in our supporting suppliers section. They are great vendors.

If you ever find yourself in the Tucson area (Marana), there is a nice shop. Freedom smoke USA. you can see and touch the items, plus they can help with using the products. http://freedomsmokeusa.com/


Welcome to VT. I was wondering what the reason for not smoking with the medication. Just making sure it's not nicotine that the meds interact with. If so, e-cigs are not going to prevent you from intaking nicotine.

Yeah I know it's still nocitine but I plan to lower the amount and go with 0mg nicotine pretty soon if that's at all possible. Not sure. I can't just quit to nothing, doesn't work :/

I have a heart desease (not too serious but taking madication) and then I have PCOS for which I'm getting contraceptives. The combianation of these two with nocotine puts me in a very high risk of heart attacks, strokes, etc. Not much choice here, I'll just have to give it up.


Thank you all for the suggestions. I'm slowly getting my way around and finding some very useful information acroess the site. Thanks a million. :yes


i go through about 10ml's a week. but i'm a light vaper, when i was a smoker i smoked a pack a day. i would figure at least 10-15ml's for you, though it may be more.

ok, so 10-15 ml per week... does the nicotine level matter? I mean if it's 24mg it would probably last longer than a 6mg? :hope: Can I just jump on a lower one or it will freak me out? hmm..


Honestly, its best to get a few different strengths and find which works for you. You may do fine on the lower nic and then be able to use an 18mg or 24mg when you feel you need a bit more. and work your way down.

with heart disease + contraceptives, the lower the nic the better. Mcquinn is our resident 0nic expert.


Just answered in your other post. vaping with nicotine is still better than smoking !!! smoking includes many more additives that add the issues with heart disease. Nicotine is not the sole culprit when it comes to damage to our bodies.


solid advice from everyone! you would be surprised by just having your ecig to puff on will calm you even if your vaping 0nic. kinda like the placebo effect... but i would step down gradually just so you dont shock your system! good luck!


Just answered in your other post. vaping with nicotine is still better than smoking !!! smoking includes many more additives that add the issues with heart disease. Nicotine is not the sole culprit when it comes to damage to our bodies.

I second that !! Helena, everyhting is better than a real cig. Don't freak out, just get youself together and make the switch. You'll be fine in no time. Good luck


I agree on the placebo effect although there are time you just need nicotine and nothing else helps. Good luck it's a big step. Keep reading the boards and you'll be fine

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