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Have you had any problems with it overheating or pissing out juice. The triple coils base just pops out.

Have you had any problems with it overheating or pissing out juice. The triple coils base just pops out.

And not getting a big vapor production outa it.


Honestly no....quite the opposite.

It helps to know a couple people who have them however. The tank seems to like 55-65 watts with the triples with no problems. I was also told to stay away from the quad coil....popping , dry hits etc.

My ipv4s in the above pic handles it no problem.


After a day of using my TFV4 mini, I am not impressed. Juice leaks out of the air holes every time I fill it. Most of the OEM coils seem to need fairly high wattage to perform, which means a quick battery drain. That combined with the 3.5ml capacity means filling the tank more often too. The positives are: great air flow and good vapor production, but I just can't stand the leaking. I'm sure there's some filling method I could be using which may help with the leaking issue but I hate finicky stuff. I wish I had tried a Uwell Crown instead.

For now I'm going back to my old reliable Subtank Mini. It's smaller (shorter), holds more juice and doesn't leak.

After a day of using my TFV4 mini, I am not impressed. Juice leaks out of the air holes every time I fill it. Most of the OEM coils seem to need fairly high wattage to perform, which means a quick battery drain. That combined with the 3.5ml capacity means filling the tank more often too. The positives are: great air flow and good vapor production, but I just can't stand the leaking. I'm sure there's some filling method I could be using which may help with the leaking issue but I hate finicky stuff. I wish I had tried a Uwell Crown instead.

For now I'm going back to my old reliable Subtank Mini. It's smaller (shorter), holds more juice and doesn't leak.

Mine doesn't leak but meh vapor production lackluster taste.My Starre and Crown tanks put it to shame.


Rattlehead i found with the regular tfv4 tank even with the stock coils you have to leave a pocket of air in the tank when filling. As far as vapor and flavor production, with the tri coil i found they dont really produce until around 80w and up. But this is from my experience.


Just ordered 4 more Kanger Pro Tank II from GotVapes.com. They have the kits for around $12 and Anyvape Davides (both full sized and minis) for $8 - $10. These make great starter tanks of the things I pay forward to new vapers.  :)


Just ordered 4 more Kanger Pro Tank II from GotVapes.com. They have the kits for around $12 and Anyvape Davides (both full sized and minis) for $8 - $10. These make great starter tanks of the things I pay forward to new vapers.  :)

Tam, VapeNW.com still has Anyvape Davide minis and full-size for $6.25 and $5.99 ($6.99 for gold) respectively.  I just ordered a few of the minis for the SO to top her new VV eGo's with for work, and it never hurts to have a few $6 PIF tanks on hand, too :)


Tam, VapeNW.com still has Anyvape Davide minis and full-size for $6.25 and $5.99 ($6.99 for gold) respectively.  I just ordered a few of the minis for the SO to top her new VV eGo's with for work, and it never hurts to have a few $6 PIF tanks on hand, too :)

Cool. Thank you.  :)

On 11/8/2015, 11:33:02, Earthling789 said:

Tam, VapeNW.com still has Anyvape Davide minis and full-size for $6.25 and $5.99 ($6.99 for gold) respectively.  I just ordered a few of the minis for the SO to top her new VV eGo's with for work, and it never hurts to have a few $6 PIF tanks on hand, too :)

Should have looked here first lol. Ordered 4 Full Size to have on hand. Didn't really need them but with everything going to Cloud Cannon style I thought it good to have them on hand and at $9.99 hard to beat (except at VapeNW obv). I generally try to order from Sweet-Vapes only but they stopped carrying them and they are all I use lol.

5 hours ago, bcartervol98 said:

Should have looked here first lol. Ordered 4 Full Size to have on hand. Didn't really need them but with everything going to Cloud Cannon style I thought it good to have them on hand and at $9.99 hard to beat (except at VapeNW obv). I generally try to order from Sweet-Vapes only but they stopped carrying them and they are all I use lol.

Earthling is always on the ball and knows all the good sales going on.  :)

4 minutes ago, Tam said:

Earthling is always on the ball and knows all the good sales going on.  :)

LOL, not always, but I do try :)


Just bought:

1. Reuleaux by JayBo Designs DNA 200

2. Vapor Flask SX350J

3. Uwell crown tank with RBA base

4. Bellus RTA

5. Aromamizer RDTA (6ml version bundle)

6. Six LGHE2 18650 batteries

Still need to buy some juice and kanthal then order is complete. Happy days ahead. 


Color me a masochist, but I just ordered an Aspire Triton V2 from Vapor Royalty and a 5-pack of 1.8 ohm coils from Vapor DNA ($13.99 per 5-pack). I hope they got the center post thing fixed because I really liked this tank otherwise.  :)

On 11/13/2015, 5:54:32, DragonGunner said:

Just bought:

1. Reuleaux by JayBo Designs DNA 200

2. Vapor Flask SX350J

3. Uwell crown tank with RBA base

4. Bellus RTA

5. Aromamizer RDTA (6ml version bundle)

6. Six LGHE2 18650 batteries

Still need to buy some juice and kanthal then order is complete. Happy days ahead. 

Happy days indeed! :)

Looking forward hearing your impression or review on Reuleaux. I ordered one too but won't get mine until Dec.

On 11/15/2015, 11:55:57, iQuit said:

Happy days indeed! :)

Looking forward hearing your impression or review on Reuleaux. I ordered one too but won't get mine until Dec.

Ya that device may be the one stop shop for me. I love my current Vapor Flask dna40 so I ordered the VF sx, but I still hear some owners having some problems. The Reuleaux is meant to be a solid backup for my VF sx but I think it may become the go to mod. Mine has just been delivered from Eciggity (but I won't get it until a friend delivers it to me in Iraq on Dec 5 :( )


Just bought the remainder of my order:

1. 500 ft of 26ga kanthal

2. OBS Crius RTA with the new velocity style deck

3. 1000ml of ejuice

On 11/14/2015, 4:52:35, Tam said:

Color me a masochist, but I just ordered an Aspire Triton V2 from Vapor Royalty and a 5-pack of 1.8 ohm coils from Vapor DNA ($13.99 per 5-pack). I hope they got the center post thing fixed because I really liked this tank otherwise.  :)

Tam, I'm about to order one too... From what I've heard, they've fixed the hit-and-miss issues from the V1, and the V2 has a replaceable Pyrex tank (and comes with a spare, too).

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