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  On 1/31/2014 at 11:57 PM, yeroc1982 said:

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Hello everyone, haven't been around in forever. Just picked this up today, got back into vaping. I kinda fell out of it because I found always ordering stuff was a pain. Just before Christmas someone opened up the first vape store in my city so I can get all my stuff locally now.

I have the SVD as well, very nice device. Mine sadly hasn't been used in about 2 months. I been on a mechanical mod kick lately.


Went ahead ordered my 30 ml apple cider from Fadora rather than waiting for discount codes to be fixed.

Then ordered a total of 30 ml of Grandma's Original Caramel and Crumble Cream, and 15 ml of Poppin' Pineapple from the VT store.


Got some coils 1.6 ohm for my Nautilus. Didn't understand why it came with 1.6 and a 1.8 in the box but had better luck with the 1.6.

Bottle of Sweet Tooth by Alpha.

Evod 900 mah battery for on the go and while charging my other stuff


  On 2/2/2014 at 11:50 AM, Proetus said:

Ordered a Russian 91 $56 couldn't say no!

That's an awesome price. I can get a clone that cheap but not the real thing. Real one I saw for $92


  On 2/3/2014 at 10:58 PM, doodler said:

Just bought a Kanger Pro Tank 3 to put on my Cool Fire. I think it looks good. What about ya'll?


What's your vape time on that cool fire?? ( before the batt dies?')

  On 2/3/2014 at 11:10 PM, Aquatroy said:

What's your vape time on that cool fire?? ( before the batt dies?')

Well I keep alot of batteries on hand. The vape time sucks. No pun intended lol. I can get about 2-3 hours vaping pretty heavy before it completely dies.

  On 2/4/2014 at 12:17 AM, Aquatroy said:

She is cute tho.....

It looks really good. I have an I-Clear 30B I also use with the cool fire. Actually like it better as far as the warmth and taste of the juice but it is a pain in the rear when you have to change the juice and start over again. If you do not get the parts put back together just right it will flood like crazy.


got a fresh bottle of 6mg maple long john in a 32ml bottle. maybe this time it will last more than a week lol. this is the best juice i have tried so far. i love vape dudes juice but nothing beats juice mixed in front of your own eyes when you place the order. since ilast been here several B&M have popped up but only 1 of the 5 we have now is worth going to. excel vapor you rock.

Posted (edited)

Okay, caved and bought an IGO-W4 RDA. Will be trying my hand at building micro coils next. :)

Also got a 5-pack of the new dual coils for KPT3 and four more Anyvape Davide minis.

Now, I go off to stalk the mail carrier on Monday... :evil:

ETA: Oops! Forgot to add that I ordered six more Custom HH.357 in 2.0 ohm the other day.

Edited by Tameiki

Went to Branson Vapor today and bought; (180 mls of various juices 1 iClear 30, 2 ce4's, 1 3hole alum batt stand for the wife), 1 Nimbus atty, 20 mls of VG, 1 rechargeable ohms checker, and another 180mls of various juices for myself.

I absolutely LOVE Branson Vapor in Branson, Missouri! The owner., Charles, is very knowledgeable and friendly. Either answering questions, or just BS-ing, he gives personal attention to everyone who comes in! His staff is well versed in all of vaping and very friendly as well!


From Fadora Vapor:

30 ml Cinnamon Stick with spices

30 ml Mellow Spice with spices

1 blue glass drip tip

1 70 mm blue drip tip

1 70 mm gun metal gray drip tip

1 70 mm purple drip tip

Can't wait to get more Mellow Spice and Cinnamon Stick, its gonna feel like forever while I wait for it to steep. :D


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I bought me one of these. They aren't made anymore and supposedly there are only like 600 of them total.... So I was stoked to get it for the price I did. Wanna know what it is?!?!

Ok I'll tell, it's a Precise Simplicity made by Super T. :)


I also bought a steam machine made by atmomixani. And.....

A poldiac UMA with all the upgrades and pants. :D where is UMA I need to know how to adjust this thingy when it comes in! Lol!

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