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Fresh from the vape mail:

2 vision victory clearos

2 bridge less 510 dripping atomizers

Wire and wick

mocha java

Blueberry waffle

Good day.... Pics on the way. I already like the mouthpiece of the Vision better over the T2

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Which is why i PM every single member and verify their shipping address. Once i provide a Tracking number, it's USPS Problem not mine. They now provide $50 shipping on priority mail as of monday.

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To complete my shopping spree (I was outside of the US for 4 months and need a major resupply... :yes ):


3x 36ml Mr E's RY4 with menthol

2x 36ml RoughNeck with menthol

Greenman Ejuice:

1x 30ml Druids Breath

1x 30ml Special RY4

Alien Vision

1x 100ml Boba's Bounty

Vapor God

1x 50ml Artic Wolf

EC Blend

1x 30ml Dragons Blood

1x 30ml Dragons Tear

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Wow. Didn't realize I didn't finish this post before I went to bed, and firefox crashed overnight. Yesterday, we bought my new Davide. When we got it, hubby showed me how to put it together, and we filled it with the 618 custom blend we ordered. Well, sometime yesterday evening, I decided I wanted to add a little French Vanilla to see what it tasted like (I add Fr Vanilla tobacco blend to the regular 618), tried to open it and couldn't, so called hubby, but he was busy and couldn't open it at the minute (tank was 1/2 gone by this time, standard sized tank thank goodness). So I decided to see if I could figure it out. Well, I unnscrewed it all right, unscrewed the wrong silver part, and it basically came apart in my hand, spillign 1/2 a tank of 618 EVERYWHERE, well, not everywhere, but all over me at least. Between my spilling 1/2 a tank of it (and then refilling to a full tank AGAIN) we've used 1/2 of our 22ml custom order in about 2 days.

Also picked up a bottle of Sweet Tobacco, that probably needs to steep a little while yet, judging by the taste. I'm hoping I like it.

Also picked up another Evod. I would LIKE an evod for every sample I have unless I've already decided I don't like that flavor (color coded, of course), and I would like to pick up another large-ish tank, like the Davide.

One thing we forgot to pick up, since we only had a 10 ml sampler bottle and I almost went all the way through of that: French Vanilla Tobacco. So we will be making a run back out to Jerseyville early next week, as that is the one I spend the second largest amount of time vaping, plus I add it to other vapes sometimes.

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On Rixter's HIGH recommendation I just pulled the trigger on a Custom HH.357 Cisco Spec Hybrid 510 atomizer. Matte black, 2.0 ohm, standard size. Now, I have to wait the 10 - 14 days and then it'll be shipped priority.

After the first ten days of waiting I shall be eagerly stalking the mail delivery person. :D

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On Rixter's HIGH recommendation I just pulled the trigger on a Custom HH.357 Cisco Spec Hybrid 510 atomizer. Matte black, 2.0 ohm, standard size.

"Custom"! You go, girl! :guitar:

By the way, just so everybody knows...I wasn't HIGH when I recommended it to you! :no

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"Custom"! You go, girl! :guitar:

By the way, just so everybody knows...I wasn't HIGH when I recommended it to you! :no

Ha! Are you sure, Rix? :D

On top of being happy to find the most excellent atomizer (if this turns out to be all that everyone says it is), I'm going to be a bit miffed at you if I wind up loving it and having to buy more. Thankfully, they're supposed to last ten times longer than the ones I use now so...

Edited by Tameiki
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Just bought a 15ml. bottle of Mint Choco Fusion from Indigo Vapor. $10.78 shipped using coupon code "TYREDDIT"

From Vapor Rater:

perfect.jpg Indigo Vapor Mint Choco Fusion, US, 50/50 PG/VG
posted 03.15.2013

Indigo has an immaculate record on the website, and a sterling reputation for quality juice. To date, I've reviewed two of their tobacco flavors, Captain Ron and The Duke (both of which received perfect scores), and a handful of their other more fruit forward flavors, but this was the first juice of theirs that I've reviewed that fell so squarely in the dessert category. When I first received the Mint Choco Fusion, as a firm believer that no single vendor can do everything well, I thought that possibly, this juice could reveal a small ***** in their armor. Instead, what I found was another example of a skillfully blended, perfectly balanced blend of rich, creamy chocolate that is stunningly realistic in it's complexity and composition, without so much as a hint of the commonly utilized artificial chocolate flavor I associate with things like chocolate flavored lollipops and hard candies. With the addition of a crisp, cold, sweet mint flavor slicing through the soft, milky chocolate, the overall profile of the juice is full bodied and extraordinarily well-balanced, with a good ratio of creamy chocolate to sweet mint, redolent of an Andes chocolate mint but exponentially more potent and flavorful. I could continue to wax poetically about this juice, but really there's no reason to do so. If you like the creamy and vibrant combination of chocolate and mint, do yourself a favor and try Indigo's take on the classic. One word of caution, this juice is not quite as impervious to heat as some of their other flavors are. I preferred it at 4.9v on a 2.5Ω atomizer,which produces just over 9.5 watts to bring out the best balance of chocolate to mint, while yielding a spectacular throat hit, and Indigo's trademark plumes of thick, dense vapor.

accuracy of flavor
flavor density
throat hit
vapor production
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Just bought a smoktech genesis atomizer and since I dont have a volt meter I decided to but the Sigelei ZMax V3 kit to accompany it (what a way of justifying to buy another mod), a couple of extra batteries, and some wick and wires. Now I'm done for a while other than some juice and another KPT 2 from my B&M with some saved pocket cash. My wife is gonna kill me but rather that than reverting back to stinkies. Now if I could only get her off of them.

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i encourage her daily but she keeps searching for that stinkie taste that i told her doesnt exist because cigs are loaded with chems and juice is flavored from the plant prior to all the chems so it is not like the flaavor she wants. just give up and try flavors she would normaly enjoy in life and stop thinking about that perfect "stinkie" juice that doesnt exist.

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From Discount Vapers:

2 Davide Mini Glassomizers

1 Kanger Pro Tank 2

I so want to like the Pro Tank. With the changeable tip on this one and a few improvements they made, my fingers and toes are crossed that this one is better.

Thanks to Christie for the heads up on the price difference between Gotvapes and Discount Vapers for the Davide Mini. :D

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From Discount Vapers:

2 Davide Mini Glassomizers

1 Kanger Pro Tank 2

I so want to like the Pro Tank. With the changeable tip on this one and a few improvements they made, my fingers and toes are crossed that this one is better.

Thanks to Christie for the heads up on the price difference between Gotvapes and Discount Vapers for the Davide Mini. :D

aquatroy said the hit is not as airy with this model either, but i have gooten used to it so i dont mind. but being able to replace the mouth piece is nice since i prefer ming style tips.

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