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The "anti's" Push Towards Big Pharma

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I came acroos this from www.smokersclubinc.com, Its a very interesting site! Thought some of you would be interested!!!


"A long time ago people either smoked or they didn't. It was no big deal because it wasn't an issue. The people of earth got along fine knowing they had freedom of choice without even knowing they had it.

Then some really smart guys in white coats that work for Big Pharmaceutical got together and said, "Hey, we are always getting slammed when one of our drugs takes a dirt nap." "Wouldn't it be great if everyone in the world had to buy their nicotine from us?!" "Think of the money we could make... wow!"

Unfortunately there wasn't anyone around with two working brain cells to slap them on the knuckles and tell them to go home and thank God they are free citizens.

So it came to pass that Big Pharmaceutical paid groups, now known as "Antis" to make smoking politically incorrect. Antis are very rich people today. (But this backfired on Big Pharmaceutical when they created this monster because as the tobacco money is running out, the Antis are going after other things, like your waistline.)

The Antis made it so horrible to use a legal product that people can be beat up and killed in the name of the Smoking War, and no one will bat an eyelash. After all, smokers don't count, they don't have any rights, and who will stand up for a cause that they created and made taboo? That whole bit about Second Hand Smoke kills went out the window the day they started including smokeless tobacco on the bans. The "For the good of the children" went down the drain when over time not one dime has gone to the children and all the money grabbing is as obvious as the nose on your face.

Have we, as the human race, learned anything from all of this? Nope. It's all about the money. It won't stop until all freedom-loving citizens of the planet stand up and say they have had enough. Stop this and spend money on serious stuff like feeding starving children instead of taking rights with a legal product away from adults. Don't allow the Antis to create a problem where there was none for their own gain.

As for those guys in the white coats... way to go Bubba! Not since Hitler have we seen a bigger and more messed up attempt to change the human race".

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Back when the Antis were first coming down on cigs, many tobacco users were going, "yeah, OK, smoking may be bad for you, and you're all up in arms against smokers... but just wait until the same intolerance you're promoting here comes back to haunt you. After all, if we can bust adult smokers, eventually we can bust anybody."

The warnings, of course, fell on deaf ears.

Now there's proposed bans against trans-fat and proposed bans against God knows what else popping to the surface... but are we hearing any "ya know, you were right. Bust smokers, set precedent, and eventually any personal liberty you can name is fair game for busting. Whoa, we screwed up.".... Are we hearing that? Not so much.

As usual, the Libertarians are correct. Limit the powers of the friggin' government... a LOT... or eventually pay the piper.

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