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Well there are a couple of ways

1. When they don't produce vapor anymore

2. When the draw gets really tight and nothing you do seems to fix it

3. For me it's when they start to taste weird. They liquid taste just doesn't really come through anymore

To be honest I don't really have attys die on me, I just change them every few weeks.


If an atomizer starts to taste funny, burned fiber taste it is not bad, just dirty.

Then there a few things you can do:

1. Blow out from battery side hole. This gets rid of the excess old liquid

that has been heated and reheated numerous times. You can use a

air hose, or blow with your mouth, but not as effective. Then wipe liquid

with paper towel, including up in the cartridge end.

2. The best method is to use a ultrasonic cleaner with Distilled water.

you can use a jewel ultrasonic cleaner. Place in for 5 minutes, blow out,

and repeat second time.

I have used this method and still using the same atomizer for 2 months.

A true bad atomizer is one that doesn't heat at all, the case of atomizer

doesn't even get warm.

I hope this helped!



What ultrasonic cleaner do you use?

I have a industrial size unit, but a jewelry $20 one will work just as good.

Seariouly, try to find one, and you can save your atomizers and money!



I canh hear my atty sizzle a little but no vapor. Tried soaking and everything but still no vapor. Gets luke warm. Anyway to bring it back,or trash it?


I've heard a lot about these ultrasonic cleaners and all good things. I may pick one up and try it out. You can't beat 20 bucks!

If you purchase one, you might want to do a video review/demonstration of how well it works.


If the atty is sizzling, it probably is still OK. I brought one back that was not producing much vapor at all using the denture cleaner method. Get some denture cleaner (it doesn't matter what kind) and soak the atty overnight. Here's the process:


Just remember to drip 4-5 drops in it before vaping and be patient. It takes probably 3-4 times before it starts working right again. It's going to gurgle and make all kinds of racket. You may even suck in some juice at first (for God's sake spit it out!) but usually it will start back vaping in a few tries.

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