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i haven't been vaping for about 4 months now, what all new has come out? what about suppliers? big ones still the same?


For me things are pretty much the same.I have started using Vision clearomisers.Variable voltage seems to be where the money is flowing right now.


ya, not much changes for me. Ego or Ego type battery with clearomizer, DCT or dripping. still rotate them around.

I think clearomizers are the newest thing......


The twist c battery has been the biggest game changer allowing vapers to experience variable voltage at relatively cheap price and with a battery that is familiar to eGo users. Clearos have been getting better; Vision has V3 which is a long wick changeable coil but my new favorite is the eGo 2.4 ml cc(changeable coil), also called the T2 and made by Kanger.


Keep hearing ppl talk a lot of hybrid attys and rebuildables, although i've never tried either and am perfectly happy w/ my DCT and boge carto tanks. Why the stop in vaping? You aren't back on the analogs are you?


i was, should be getting my order from v4l either today or tomorrow at the latest and i can kiss the analogues goodbye again :)


Welcome home, BluCavvy!

The ego-c-TWIST is a big win, as was mentioned, as well as the new vision clearomizer thingies that were mentioned. Check out Brian's new store, TheVeteranVapor .

Lots of Rebuildable Attys out now, (DID, HellFire, Zatty, etc) including bottom fed ones. (Chalise, Era).

The Speroid(sp) is a brand new rebuildable carto type, but the filling never ever touches the coil itself. Great for tobacco flavors.

Smoktek(sp) is coming out with a ZMAX... VW plus VV both in one.

Chameleon x Dancer is a new mod with changeable outter ring skin. It's the size of an 19350 but holds an 18650 batt!

So much is new, can't even begin to cover it.

Have fun catching up! .

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