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I have a standard ego battery and twist on the way. I recently bought a few stardust clearomizers and they work awesome, no leaks or anything. I want to see what else is out there and would like to try something new with my twist. I know there is the Vivi Nova, herd a bit of leaking issues with them. What else is there that works well, no leaks, and all around great performance? Thanks!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


You can explore the wonderfull world of dripping and or carts with Ego,306 and 510 atomisers.You can use Ego,306 and 510 cartomisers in all the iterations.


You can explore the wonderfull world of dripping and or carts with Ego,306 and 510 atomisers.You can use Ego,306 and 510 cartomisers in all the iterations.

Yeah I tried dripping before, not for me when I'm on the go. Would like something similar to stardust but different, if that makes any sense.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Posted (edited)

I use the Vision Ego clearomisers which are the same thing as the Stardust and they are ok .I still prefer Boge cartomisers for out and about and I carry a bottle of liquid for topping off.I would imagine any tank type has the potential for leakage.

Edited by mcquinn

I use the Vision Ego clearomisers which are the same thing as the Stardust and they are ok .I still prefer Boge cartomisers for out and about and I carry a bottle of liquid for topping off.I would imagine any tank type has the potential for leakage.

You have a link to the boge carts? I'd like to see them

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Posted (edited)

Without using any adapters, I have very successfully used many 510-thread delivery devices on my eGo batteries, including (but not limited to) CCV 1.7Ω SC Resurrector Cartomizers, Boge 2Ω SC Cartos, a SmokTech 1.7Ω SC eGo Cone Carto, a Smok Tech 510 2Ω Atomizer, a Vision ViVi Nova 1.8Ω Tank Atomizer (never leaked a drop), and Vision V2 and V3 (rebuildable) 1.8Ω Clearomizers (never a leak here, either).

Using various adapters, your choices are virtually endless. With the standard eGo batteries, you'll probably want to go with a low resistance carto, tank, or atty, because of the lower voltage that device provides. With the Twist, you can use pretty much anything you want, provided it's 510, or you have purchased the proper adapters for the various other threadings out there. I have used 510-eGo, 510-KR808D-1, 510-RN4081, 510-510 (riser).

Just remember, you'll probably want to vape at somewhere between 6 and 8 watts of power if you're just starting out (so you don't pop a coil), so you'll need to decide on what the resistance needs to be for the carto/tank/atty you purchase for your standard eGo battery. You can use the online calculator here by simply filling in your battery's voltage and desired wattage...click "calculate" and you will be provided with the resistance in ohms for the device you'll need to buy. I prefer 1.7-2Ω delivery devices on my 3.7v batteries, so that puts me at 6.8-8 watts of power.

Edited by Rixter
Posted (edited)

Lol OK. I'm all new to all these little gadgets so bare with me. How do these work, the small part goes inside the chrome peice and then screws to my battery? Also, do you use the ego atomizer for these?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Edited by yeroc1982
Posted (edited)

A cartomizer is an atomizer with a built-in cartridge, so it's all self-contained and disposable...you won't be using the eGo's atomizer.

Here's how I fill them. Just pop out the carto's soft white end cap and while holding the carto at an angle, drip your e-liquid into the white filler material (not the center air flu) until a drop or two of juice falls from the hole in the center of the threaded end. Then wipe off the carto's threads with a tissue or paper towel to remove any excess liquid, and screw it into your battery. By the way...you can remove the eGo's screw-on cone if you need to see what's going on or to clean juice from the battery's threads.

There's several ways you can fill cartos, like with a syringe or by using the "condom method" (which sounds worse than it is - lol), but dripping the e-juice in seems to be the easiest method for me. You can find video tutorials on YouTube that describe the various methods of filling cartomizers.

Edited by Rixter

What I like with my eGo T2 passthrough and eGo C passthrough is the eGo 2.4 ml changeable coil clearomizer. It holds a lot of liquid, the inside coil can be changed, there are different ohms to choose from and I can vape on this all day.

Once the e-liquid gets dark and... icky (usually near the end of my chain vaping episodes), I just take the top off, unscrew the atomizer, rinse everything with warm water and let dry overnight. Once the atomizer doesn't work like I want, I just replace that part only. I think most places sell packs of five atomizers for around $3.99?


Thanks. Would these also work?


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These are the same thing with the CCV logo on them, but at a substantially lower price...$7.80 + free shipping. I prefer buying the 3 Box Bundle Deal of the 510 Smok Tech 1.7 ohm XL (15 Resurrectors), because the XL is slightly longer and holds more e-liquid, you save a little buying multiple boxes, and Crystal Clear Vaping doesn't charge for shipping. You can also just buy 1 box of XLs (5 cartos), too They come in black, stainless steel, or clear, but the clear ones aren't very durable.

Posted (edited)

What I like with my eGo T2 passthrough and eGo C passthrough is the eGo 2.4 ml changeable coil clearomizer.Once the atomizer doesn't work like I want, I just replace that part only. I think most places sell packs of five atomizers for around $3.99?

Although I haven't tried one yet, I'm sure that the Kanger T2 / eGo 2.4ml CC (Changeable Coil) Clearomizer is on par with the Vision V3 Ego Clearomizer for value, quality, and performance, but I don't think you'll find a 5-pack of replacement atomizers for $3.99 ($.80 a piece). I found single eGo CC Replacement Coil's here for $2.49 each, which is about the same price as the Vision eGo V3 Clearomizer and Vision ViVi Nova replacement coils.

Edited by Rixter

Im new here. But thought id share where i buy my cartos

I get mine at vaporgod.com

With a 5 pack of cartos you get a free 5ml of juice.

They have alot of ego stuff as well

Posted (edited)

Although I haven't tried one yet, I'm sure that the Kanger T2 / eGo 2.4ml CC (Changeable Coil) Clearomizer is on par with the Vision V3 Ego Clearomizer for value, quality, and performance, but I don't think you'll find a 5-pack of replacement atomizers for $3.99 ($.80 a piece). I found single eGo CC Replacement Coil's here for $2.49 each, which is about the same price as the Vision eGo V3 Clearomizer and Vision ViVi Nova replacement coils.

If you order 10 or more T2 replacement coils from theveteranvaper.com they are $2.00 a piece. The T2 is my new favorite clearo, it works great and easy to fill, easy to replace coils, easy to rinse and change flavor, holds enough juice to get me through a work day, etc, etc, blah, blah, any who..... I like 'em!!!

...back on topic, with or without adapters of all types you could put just about anything on an eGo battery. Drip attys and clearos are my favs but just between those 2 things I might use Stardust, V3. T2, 510, 306, 901, etc. and there are different resistances also to match up with the eGo type battery that you have or for your vaping preference.

Edited by Mike
  • 2 weeks later...

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