thedouglenz Posted August 16, 2012 Posted August 16, 2012 I've noticed so many users on here claim that they've been analog free for however many days, months or years. I wish to have a similar claim to make, but I have returned to analogs so many times since starting to vape regularly... Especially around my analog smoking friends. I can't put my finger on what it is that still draws me back. If anyone has struggled with this and overcome it, what did you do differently? Or, what gave you the ultimate motivation to stick to vaping in the end? I would absolutely love to only vape... Everything about it is better, health-wise and even psychologically, it is more pleasing, I can be more energetic, etc. So why do you think I break down and get a pack every now and then? I get the same urge to go buy a pack that I did before I vaped whenever I was out of cigs. Thanks for any and all tips/comments. daleron and GreenKnight 2
wendallb Posted August 16, 2012 Posted August 16, 2012 It is a mental thing, you have not set it in your mind to really quit. It does take some will power to make it work. You may be letting your friends and alcohol weaken your resolve. Wanting to quit and being determined to quit are very different.. tim2breathe, Mark and MSmom601 3
kitsune Posted August 16, 2012 Posted August 16, 2012 Sorry you have been having so much trouble quitting. I wish I could tell you there is some magic answer. What nicotine strength do you use? Cigarettes have so many chemicals in them that keep us addicted and vaping liquid is devoid of all those chemicals. For me, I would just vape until the craving subsided...eventually the cravings just went away. TheSmokingMan 1
Mark Posted August 16, 2012 Posted August 16, 2012 I agree with Wendall. You have to really want to quit and stick to it. If you fail a few times just think of how many analogs you avoided and build on that. daleron 1
danpio1217 Posted August 17, 2012 Posted August 17, 2012 Doug, when you say return to analogs do you mean you bum a smoke here and there or you buy a pack and return to analogs for several days? IMO, having a cig now and then, especially when you're around other smokers and can smell it isn't the end of the world, as long as it's not a regular thing. As long as you're committed to vaping and don't feel tempted to buy a pack. I defnitely went through something similar when i first started, usually when i'd go out to a bar or something and was around other smokers. The smell def. made me want one even tho i knew how gross they taste to me now. My advice is to just pick a more cigar flavored juice, or whatever resembles an analog the best, and chain vape it until you're not around the analogs anymore. Hang tough! daleron 1
thedouglenz Posted August 17, 2012 Author Posted August 17, 2012 @ danpio1217, 1st, thank you for the encouragement/advice. I do end up going out and getting a pack of cigarettes which I end up saving for when I'm with friends, drinking any kind of alcohol, or both. I will go through the pack in about four days this way. And come to think of it, getting a juice that tastes much closer to cigs/cigars sounds like a very good idea considering I'm using vaping things like caramel or raspberry. Thank you all for the comments. You're right, I probably want badly to quit but am simply not determined enough to do so. I remember occasions where a fight with my girlfriend or something else negative led to buying another pack..
danpio1217 Posted August 18, 2012 Posted August 18, 2012 It definitely happens, i still struggle with being out a bar surrounded by analog smokers. I haven't tried epipemods' epipe sauce line but it gets great reviews on being a muskier stronger tobacco flavor. I'd like to pick some up for just these sort of occasions. My current 'musky strong cigar/tobacco' flavor is DK Tobacco from a local shop here in Ohio called buckeye vapors. They operate mostly out of their storefront but the do have an ecommerce store, although it doesn't have their flavors online. They do ship tho and you just have to write the flavor you want in the comments. So far it works well for me. Give it a shot if you feel inclined. Bottom line tho, you're healthier now than you were smoking only analogs so don't beat yourself up too much for the occasional slip up. Stay the course! kitsune and Rixter 2
Uma Posted August 19, 2012 Posted August 19, 2012 I agree with the others. It also might be a chemical that you're lacking. We get addicted to more than just the nic when we're smoking. Also, some people need a few of the chemicals that are found in smoking that relieve depression, ADD, and so forth. With that said, you might want to look into the WTA eliquids. So far, I've tried Aromaejuice's P-38 which is really good, and the cream brulee is nice, etc.. Some need to steep, some are fine right out of the box. Another place that is even more popular is Vapelicious, especially their RY4. But they're always out of stock on purchase day. Keep trying! (notice the spelling, it's Vapelicious with an "e") Use them only during the strong craving times, like after eating or during work breaks. Best of luck to you! Julz 1
yeroc1982 Posted August 19, 2012 Posted August 19, 2012 Iv been vaping for two weeks now, still smoke cigs but waaay less now and each one I do have, turns me off alittle more each time. It will take abit for some, even if your smoking less, still better than you were doing. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Wolfie303 Posted August 20, 2012 Posted August 20, 2012 I get the urge to buy a pack every now and then. It really is very mental and just tell yourself no. That's what works for me, anyway. I am one of those folks who bought an e-cig, smoked one last cigarette, and never looked back. I have people ask me all the time how I did it. Easy... I'm cheap. I forced myself to skip the $20 ones at the gas station and went right for the eGo starter kit. $75 later, I looked at that box and said, "For $75 this $%^! better work!" It did... because I wasn't willing to throw away $75. And it helped that I had a bike sitting in the garage that I had to pass every day, wanting like crazy to ride it, but couldn't get more than a mile or two without having to come home. Now I'm way past $75, but every time I want to buy a pack of cigarettes I look at the bike wrack on my car. I also have the 22 mile marker photographed and up as my cell phone wallpaper. The urge goes away pretty fast.
thedouglenz Posted August 21, 2012 Author Posted August 21, 2012 (edited) Again, thank you all for the encouragement. I definitely am.thankful for the analogs I've avoided, sad to say of course, I have a nearly full pack of them sitting on my desk alongside my vape gear.. I'll be honest, I told myself when I bought this latest pack I'djust finish them off and put my best efforts into vaping from then on but I told myself the same thing a lot of times. I'll definitely take all advice and know I have some work to do to get there but will stay resilient. I'm awaiting the day I can only vape and be utterly content with that alone! Edited August 21, 2012 by thedouglenz
kitsune Posted August 21, 2012 Posted August 21, 2012 The more we tell ourselves we can't have something, the more we want it...... you will quit when the time is right. currently you smoke less than you did before...thats an acheivement in itself. daleron and Uma 2
mcquinn Posted August 22, 2012 Posted August 22, 2012 You hast get the "want to" to get all the way off the analogs.Once I accepted I would never find a liquid and device that were just like smoking it got a whole lot easier.I tried quite a few different manufacturers of liquid and went back and revisited some as my tastebuds were restored.I have found some very tasty liquids that I look forward to and have gotten to where the nic is not an issue I can vape no nic and enjoy it just as good as low nic.One thing that helped me was to clean the house and van and get rid of all the smoke that coated everything .I washed all the curtains and coats ,repainted .And now I am at the point I can smell a smoker from across the room and cannot beleive I smelled like that all the time.Now I am noticing that the vapor is coating stuff and causing a different smell.Not as bad but I may have to deal with that.I have been vaping over three years now and pretty much vape like I smoked.I keep the cost down as low as possible and just keep it around for those moments I need to take a break . kitsune and nana 2
Wolfie303 Posted August 22, 2012 Posted August 22, 2012 I always tell people... go to the dentist. Have the stains removed. That helps. I don't know about anyone else, but the backs of my bottom teeth turned dark brown. There was nothing wrong with them, it was just stains. And there are stains on the front of my teeth, too. I have not had a smoke in 6 months and I want so badly to get to the dentist and get those stains removed to make it 100% official. So I've been saving money so I can go to the dentist for a good cleaning. Once that's done, I'll be golden.
Rixter Posted August 23, 2012 Posted August 23, 2012 (edited) My current 'musky strong cigar/tobacco' flavor is DK Tobacco Dude...24 mg. DK Tobacco should CRUSH any cravings for a cigarette straight away! Good call, bud! I LOVE that stuff... and DK-TAB (Turkish/American blend), too! Edited August 23, 2012 by Rixter
danpio1217 Posted August 24, 2012 Posted August 24, 2012 Hits the spot everytime! Cept i'm currently out lol Turkish Tobacco from TVR will have to do for now, suprisingly tastes pretty similar to what I remember a Camel cigarette tasting like
Rixter Posted August 25, 2012 Posted August 25, 2012 Hits the spot everytime! Cept i'm currently out lol has 50 ml. (5-pack of 10 ml. bottles) of 24 mg. and 18 mg. DK-Tobacco and DK-TAB for $10 + $3 shipping. I think it's 80/20 PG/VG.
SABOTEUR Posted August 26, 2012 Posted August 26, 2012 I think I was predisposed toward vaping prior to knowing anything about it. First off, I'm a gadget freak. I love anything that requires pushing or clicking a button to do something else. So ecigs had a built in appeal for me. Secondly, I wasn't getting much satisfaction from smoking anymore. I'd continue to go through a pack a day, but it was more habit than enjoyment. When the price jumped $1 overnight, I decided to find a cheaper cigarette source. Put out some online queries and someone recommended an electronic cigarette. Purchased one and "that was all she wrote". But I'm not you. And you're not the people who share their vape experiences online, so it's unfair to rate what you experience against everyone else. If your goal is to quit smoking and you smoke one less cigarette than you normally would, that's PROGRESS. Before long you'll be smoking TWO less. If you toss your ecig in the trash and say, "to hell with it"... ...CONGRATULATE YOURSELF for at least giving it a try. Rixter, Tam and daleron 3
Ricketts Posted December 4, 2012 Posted December 4, 2012 (edited) The absolute best, bottom line advice in the above replies is to use TOBACCO flavored E-Juice. For the life of me, I just cannot understand the flavored E-Juices -strawberry, banana, caramel, etc. Were your analogs strawberry, banana or caramel flavored? Decidedly not, so what's with the candy? What we're trying to achieve here is to safely replace that marvelous analog "hit" and my 16mg E-CIG does just that! In my 70 years of smoking, never once did I eat a Snicker's bar in place of a cigarette. Edited December 4, 2012 by Ricketts thedouglenz 1
GreenKnight Posted January 2, 2013 Posted January 2, 2013 I don't know how late I am but I'll say what I need to say. For me it's finding what works, hopefully by now you've found what works for you and if you went back, then I hope you find what does help you.
TheSmokingMan Posted January 3, 2013 Posted January 3, 2013 Sorry you have been having so much trouble quitting. I wish I could tell you there is some magic answer. What nicotine strength do you use? Cigarettes have so many chemicals in them that keep us addicted and vaping liquid is devoid of all those chemicals. For me, I would just vape until the craving subsided...eventually the cravings just went away. In 2009 when I started vaping, it took me about a week to completely quit the analogues. That was in August, by January 2010 I was smoke free and only vaping. I started with a very high strength juice (36mg) and weened my self down to Zero. I vaped more when I had cravings, that is how I got through the rough spots. I have again quit smoking (2 days now), I have been just vaping through the cravings, which have been fewer and fewer. I made a deliberate and conscious decision to quit this time, cold turkey with no hidden analogues on the property to fall back on. Since I am not mixing analogues with vaping, the vapor tastes better (in my opinion). In the past when I have "played" with quitting, I'd vape a little and then smoke. The vapor tasted kind of funky, but now that I am not smoking analogues and vaping, I'm just vaping, there is not that funky taste. Another thing that I also have going for me is, I don't go to bars and I don't hang around friends and family that smoke. I was the lone smoker in my circle of friends and family that I regularly see socially, so it isn't difficult for me to distance myself from smokers. If you are really serious about quitting smoking, then set a date and smoke your last analogue and just vape. Try not to hang aroung your smoking friends for a few weeks, until you are firmly off the analogues and just vaping for awhile. That's my advice, for what it is worth. We'll see how it goes for me these next few weeks. Tam 1
benio Posted January 20, 2013 Posted January 20, 2013 I'm probably joining the conversation really late. When I first started vaping I continued to smoke at the same time and it was hard to just stick to vaping. I asked my self the same exact question and really wanted to just vape and bin the fags. I quickly realized that it was the throat hit that I really liked from smoking and was missing from vaping. Mind you when I started vaping the e-liqs and e-cigs were not what they are today. I did some research into the throat hit experience and found a mod and hack one could do on an atomizer to make it have that really good throat hit. When I modded my atomizer and tried the e-liq again the awesome throat hit was there. At times it was even a bit overwhelming so I lowered my e-liq nicotine dosage. Anyway today I am on 6ml strength... tried to vape 0ml but no matter what I do I don't get a hit from 0ml I guess the nicotine is what gives you the throat hit.
kerk Posted July 16, 2013 Posted July 16, 2013 I found it amazingly easy after a pack a day. I still have an unopened pack and NO desire to open it. To me there is no comparison, vaping easily substitutes for analogs. Hopefully you've tried good gear. I mention that as I tried a disposable the other day that was horrible, and if that was my only choice, I would have run back to analogs. But to me, no analog comes close to quality gear and juice. And compared with the money you save, quality gear is cheap.
kerk Posted July 16, 2013 Posted July 16, 2013 BTW, I think that the worst thing someone can do is to try a gradual switch to vaping. I say either switch, or don't.
bcartervol98 Posted July 16, 2013 Posted July 16, 2013 After almost three months, even if it were proven analogs and ecigs were identical health risks I would still continue to vape over analogs. I wish I could say I understand, but for me vaping is far more satisfying, calming, and pretty sure I get more nicotine now than before just not all the other garbage. I struggle however with calling my switch to vaping "quitting smoking" but rather a switch to a much healthier alternative I prefer anyway. jonnoh and Love2VapeDaily 2
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