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hi everybody i have a friend who smokes marlboro special blend 100s and she was thinking about switching to an eciggerate wat woud be the best and the less expensive and shes a fairly heavy smoker.


Vaping is not smoking but rather a good alternative.So make sure your friend knows up front it is not burning leaves but a better way to get the nic fix and the hand to mouth gratification.I have used most of the popular ecigs and you can get good vapor from any of them.I would recomend sticking with a Joye ,DSE or Kanger (KR) product as they will find it easier to get replacements and advice.A KR808 or Joye 510 would be an inexpensive way to try it out.And an assortment of liquids ,as that is the hard part .Finding a liquid you like and look forward to vaping.As i posted earlier you can get your nic fix from any of it.After they find liquids they like and decide to stick with it ,moving up to a bigger battery would be the progression.For starters avoid tanks and low resistance and all the gimmicks.While they do provide better vapor for longer,the frustration for a noob can make it all a bad experience.


I totally agree with mcquinn, it's more about finding the right liquid, than the right vape. At least for me anyways...and especially when first starting out. Some places have deals on sampler packs of eliquid which might be good for starting.

When I first started out, I got the tobacco blends from dfw vapor,they are pretty well known, and their juice is good quality. Pretty good place to start off IMO



Congrats on your friend switching over!

I would seriously consider an eGo Twist. It is a Variable Volt, which means she can dial in the right heat for each particular juice she vapes. VG likes a hotter vape, for instance, as do certain flavors. It's pretty much subjective on flavor, and being able to dial in a flavor is a huge plus.

I got mine from TheVeteranVapor (they're listed here in the forum under the suppliers area). I also picked up some Kanger clear cartomizers with changeable coils and they are really nice and easy to use. They have great flavor and vapor, they don't hinder or mute flavors. I'm very impressed with these new to me gadgets and love the vendor to boot. (you can find them in a lot of places, but not with such a great vendor!).

Have fun and good luck!

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