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I have a Vision eGo/510 clearomizer V2 on the ego-c twist. Its starting to leak from the bottom of the clearomizer on my batt. Only filled 3 times. When I look under the clearo its looks dry. What is going on? Can this damage my batt? What can I do to stop this? Please help!


Could be condensation .Fill it up and stand it on a peice of paper towel or newspaper to see if the tank is leaking.If it is sideways during hot weather I would think any tank could leak as there is always an opening or two from the tank to atmosphere .I would try to keep it tip up when not in use.


I keep them up all the time and dont see any leaks anywhere. Still I see juice on my batt just a bit on the little heating part. Can this do anything to my batt or is it safe?


If it just looks a little damp i wouldn't quite attribute that to leakage, i get a little moisture in there as well from time to time. Is affecting the vape? If not just wipe it out regularly with a paper towel, especially when you're swapping flavors and it'll be fine.


I would guess it is just what vapor is left in it condensing and running down the tube.As long as it is working I wouldn't worry aboutit.A lot of liquid there could cause a short which would cause it to not get as hot as it should.

  • 4 weeks later...

All of mine pour out juice. There was one day that I went through 15ml..Its a plastic tube with holes in the top and bottom filled with liquid..


I just use mine @ home and keep it tip up when not in use.Boge carto's for away.


Mine are all good. 2 went bad already, but I still have 6 more that I have filled and is still going strong.


  On 7/4/2012 at 5:56 AM, johnnyaaj said:

I have a Vision eGo/510 clearomizer V2 on the ego-c twist. Its starting to leak from the bottom of the clearomizer on my batt. Only filled 3 times. When I look under the clearo its looks dry. What is going on? Can this damage my batt? What can I do to stop this? Please help!

The post is dry but the battery is wet and sticky?

Have you been vaping a juice that contains cinnamon, citrus or clove? Lemon Coconut Cookie mix just cracked one of my clearo's, and the crack was so small I couldn't see it, but my battery was so sticky wet I knew it was a gonner. Replaced with a new clearo, different juice and all is well again. There's a long list of known suspects floating around the internet, if I run across it again, I'll try to remember to post it.

Refrain from those types of juices unless you have lots of clearo's and/or polytubes on hand. Then go hog wild! The flavors are so worth the extra clearo's in da house.


I've only had issues with a batch of new V2 colored clearo's leaking the way you described. It looked as though I was pouring juice down the port at the top of the atty portion. Those same clearo's went bad quickly as well. I switched over to the new rebuildable clearo's and all is well.

  • 1 month later...

When filling try to ensure you do not overfill,(up to base of rubber max). Also don't let fluid pour into small tube which is under drip tip.

If you are getting excessive leakage, make sure fluid doesn't leak into button area of the battery. It is not sealed and will short out the chip.


I've been nothing but disappointed with all the Vision products I've tried, actually.

I have a V2 Clearo on my I-Pro right now and this thing sucks. Doesn't like to wick. Burny hits more often than not.

I've also used the stardust/whatever ego-style clearos and experienced worse performance than a stock 510 kit with a cart.

I have one of their rebuildable tanks as well and it clogs, gurgles, delivers dry hits even when half-flooded, and the threading is so poor on the 510 connection that it can pop out without warning.

I'm done buying things from that company. I'm convinced they don't know what they're doing over there.


They will all leak eventually. I gave up on those and went to cartomizers. No leaks or headaches. Clearomizers are a waste of money, I have 5 and they all leak and gurgle.

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