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Lol nice, Its been a while since ive been out to the range. I got my new Glock Model 27 last Christmas. Powerful little sucker for its size. .40cal :showoff:


(not my arm...i dont wear sweaters B) )


I've always enjoyed shooting unopened soda cans. a few years ago wifee poo got me a 458 Win Mag for xmass. I figured 500grain slug would be a serious can killer...it did ok. I also expected major recoil...even factory loads were not too bad to shoot...but I got to tell u a 17HRM ....little tiny thing....will flat out destroy a soda can...talking impressive destruction.

About 6 years ago I picked up a USSR surplus Moisan Nagant. (7.62x54R...about like a 308)I had the super long barrel model. On a shooting form, everyone kept talking about muzzle blast and recoil. I would post mine was a pussycat to shoot...tried different ammo and never got the mule kick they were posting about....then picked up the Calvary version, short barrel.....WOW what a difference. I would shot it just to watch the muzzle blast. Looked like one of them WWII atomic weapons test movies. I could not hit the brood side of a barn with it...but was cool to watch others shoot. :dribble:


You know, if you use the icon that looks like 3 little pictures in the quick reply you can embed the Youtube video right onto the forums :)

I've edited the links for you :D


You know, if you use the icon that looks like 3 little pictures in the quick reply you can embed the Youtube video right onto the forums :)

I've edited the links for you :D

Thanks Chris! I was wondering how to do that.


While Arnold may have vetoed the e-cig bill he managed to sign one about finger prints, personal information and purchasing ammo.

I can see the logic, but we all know it won't work. How many gang members actually buy the ammo?

Story link: http://www.redding.com/news/2009/oct/12/gov-signs-ammunition-sales-bill/

Schwarzenegger signs ammunition sales bill

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger today signed into law a bill that requires buyers of handgun ammunition to leave thumbprints and detailed personal information with registered ammo sellers, as well as put restrictions on online bullet sales.

“Assembly Bill 962 reasonably regulates access to ammunition and improves public safety without placing undue burdens on consumers,” Schwarzenegger said in a letter explaining his decision.

The new restrictions will take effect Feb. 1, 2011.

Authored by Assemblyman Kevin de Leon, D-Los Angeles, the bill bans direct shipping to Californians who buy bullets via mail order or over the Internet.

Instead, any ammo they buy would need to be picked up at a licensed handgun ammunition dealer, similar to the way guns are currently bought and sold.

The bill doesn’t require a waiting period to pick up ammunition as there is when purchasing firearms. All handgun ammunition must be kept behind store counters.

Ammunition that can be used in both pistols and rifles — like the popular .22 caliber round used by target shooters and small game hunters — fall under the new restrictions.

The bill also would require that those purchasing ammunition provide photo ID and a thumbprint.

The information would be kept on file and made available to law enforcement agencies.

Around a dozen gang-plagued cities in California have enacted similar local ordinances, geared to keep gang members from buying ammunition or tracking them down when they do.

De Leon spokesman Dan Reeves has said the local laws have helped police track down 200 criminals who bought handgun ammunition. Some were drug dealers and many had large caches of illegal guns or explosives.

Under the law, anyone who knowingly sells handgun ammunition to a felon would be committing a misdemeanor. The law also would make it a misdemeanor for documented gang members to possess handgun ammunition.

The bill has been criticized by gun rights advocates, online ammunition retailers and Republicans.

John Moffett, a clerk at Jones’ Fort gun store in Redding, said today that the bill will put an extra regulatory hurdle on consumers and ammunition dealers.

“It’s going to be a hassle on both ends,” Moffett said.

Though Schwarzenegger vetoed a similar bill in 2004, saying the federal government’s attempt at similar legislation proved to be “unworkable and offered no public safety benefit,” the governor today said that De Leon’s bill struck a fair balance between public safety and didn’t put undue burdens on bullet vendors and firearms dealers.


While Arnold may have vetoed the e-cig bill he managed to sign one about finger prints, personal information and purchasing ammo.

I can see the logic, but we all know it won't work. How many gang members actually buy the ammo?

What a stupid law ... California doesn't seem to be too gun friendly.... Time to move to Florida, the Gunshine state.

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