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So here is another very simple copy and paste email. It will only take 2 minutes of your time

Subject: Please veto Senate Bill 400.

Senate Bill 400 is designed to ban electronic cigarettes which are, according to all preliminary studies performed by the Food and Drug Administration, a safer alternate to tobacco cigarettes. Placing a ban on them now will force many users to go back to regular cigarettes at the expense of their health, their loved ones health, and the health of those around them. Rather than banning them at the request of Big Tobacco, we should embrace them, regulate them, and help forward their acceptance for their positive health benefits.


--Your Name Here--

That could be the easiest email for you to copy and paste. It's not to late and we still have a little time.

Use this link to email the Governor: Click Here

When choosing a subject from the drop down menu use "Governor"

Let's fight this before it's to late.


Anyone in California, please call 916-445-2841 (the Governors office) and request him to veto the bill. Don't be afraid to call, he's an elected official and it is his duty to serve the people. From personal experience with calling elected officials, you'll likely be handled by an army of staff, but be kind, and make sure you get your opinion known. If you can, talk to the Governor himself.

If we can get the staff talking about SB400 you can bet he will hear about it!


(Special Thanks to Bornbjorg)


Christopher, I've signed everything I can and copied and pasted all day, but in the end, if it doesn't help, what are you and everyone else in CA going to do? Can this be appealed and if so, will be ban be put on hold until a "final decision"? I can already see this barreling across the country in a wave of Panic, thereby affecting many many more states than CA. (I wish more people knew this) But at the end of the day, I'm just curious as to what you and others intend on doing? Will this also BAN your selling of the e-juice? I find it horrible that the government is taking away jobs and trying to dictate everyday behavior in its citizens. We no longer live in a free society in my opinion, instead we live in a society of if you're rich and powerful you get what you want, at the full expense of everyone else. IN fact everyone else be damned. This has to be one of the most un-just things I have ever heard of and can't even believe this is actually happening.


Chris in all honesty, I'm not sure yet. I suppose that's the big question. There are suppliers trying to see what they can do behind the scenes, on the flip side their are supplier bailing out. Some of the new suppliers will probably fold as well, most don't realize the work that goes behind selling this product.

Can the law be appealed? Of course, but it's going to take a lot more than a few hundred members. People will REALLY have to kick and scream about it. In all honesty I have a feeling it will take an all out ban before many more people will join in. Thank god the members on this forum are doing there part, but many other forums have members who are just hoping someone will take care of all this.

If this bill does become law I will be meeting with my lawyer to figure out just what Vapor Talk can and cannot do. If this sweeps across the country (and it will) in so few words and to be blunt we are screwed. Plain and simple. Will their be way to get the product into the states? Sure, but you will have to take the risk. Will you go to jail for importing 2 bottles of liquid? Probably not. Is there a chance? Absolutely.


Will it help for those of us who do not live in California to send an email? And if there is a ban what about selling on the internet? Will that be effected also?


I'm from Nevada and I've been sending out these emails. I also got one of my coworkers to send an email as well. It can only help because it shows that other states show concern also.


Will it help for those of us who do not live in California to send an email? And if there is a ban what about selling on the internet? Will that be effected also?

YES IT WILL HELP FOR ANYONE IN ANY STATE TO EMAIL THE GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA ABOUT THIS E-CIG PROPOSED BAN. As far as other states being able to buy off the net, that should "not' be affected by the CA proposed ban, suppliers just won't be able to ship to CA. But Christopher is right, this will sweep across the country and if people dont start to react to this, the power of the few will affect the will of the people.


Yes, its going to take EVERYONES voice to make this work. The odds are against us as it is, but that doesnt mean this cant be done. And theres NO law that says I cant ship presents to my friend Chris in California from Florida ! :thumbsup:


Well, the so-called "war on drugs" being such a resounding failure, I don't think there's too much to worry about as far as acquiring hardware or juice... IF you're willing to risk it. A legal ban in CA is certainly bad news, and could set the movement back years.

On the other hand, I can think of no product ever threatened by a ban which is, in point of fact, so benign and harmless in nature. It would be a stinging indictment of our loss of liberty in this country if the powerful few manage to ram this ban down our collective throat.

This thread could get my rant going about how the America we grew up in is no longer a reality, that we may have already lost the essence of what "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" is all about, thanks to the machinations of the monied. But I'll restrain myself at the moment.

I can tell you this -- if e-cigs and/or e-juice become impossible to acquire, I will NOT go back to smoking, I'll quit instead (I believe it would be much easier now that I've lost my taste for tobacco). I'll never again pay their goddamn sin taxes, nor allow the manipulations of corporations to force me back into that habit.

Canada is looking better every day. :thumbsdown:


I have sent 4 emails to Calif. over the last month hope some one over there has a little common sense and puts a stop to this. I'm thinking any state that looks at legalizing pot wouldn't have such a hard line on vaping. wtf.gif


That's what Sean and I where saying. There is a weed bank opening up only about 20 miles away from us, in a very nice city I might add. Since the federal ban on Marijuana has be lifted, all is a go in California. Right now I can walk down to my doctors office, tell him I have a headache and get a prescription for weed. Really, it's that easy. .

  • 1 month later...

Thanks Chris

I'm From Chicago.

I have prepare that and will sent in few mins and i will pass this to my friend also


Modern Vapor


That's what Sean and I where saying. There is a weed bank opening up only about 20 miles away from us, in a very nice city I might add. Since the federal ban on Marijuana has be lifted, all is a go in California. Right now I can walk down to my doctors office, tell him I have a headache and get a prescription for weed. Really, it's that easy. .

Are you serious!!

Now at work can they fire you for testing positive if its a prescription????

I bet more people will be vacationing in California now!!..


Well, the so-called "war on drugs" being such a resounding failure, I don't think there's too much to worry about as far as acquiring hardware or juice... IF you're willing to risk it. A legal ban in CA is certainly bad news, and could set the movement back years.

On the other hand, I can think of no product ever threatened by a ban which is, in point of fact, so benign and harmless in nature. It would be a stinging indictment of our loss of liberty in this country if the powerful few manage to ram this ban down our collective throat.

This thread could get my rant going about how the America we grew up in is no longer a reality, that we may have already lost the essence of what "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" is all about, thanks to the machinations of the monied. But I'll restrain myself at the moment.

I can tell you this -- if e-cigs and/or e-juice become impossible to acquire, I will NOT go back to smoking, I'll quit instead (I believe it would be much easier now that I've lost my taste for tobacco). I'll never again pay their goddamn sin taxes, nor allow the manipulations of corporations to force me back into that habit.

Canada is looking better every day. :thumbsdown:

Dude, I think either e-cigs or juice IS banned in Canada


I bet more people will be vacationing in California now!!..

Ok, everyone come out to California, we need to improve the economy here. We have the ocean, mountains, and the desert and some nice weed houses for ya!


The Southern California Tourism Board



Dude, I think either e-cigs or juice IS banned in Canada

Canada is sooooo strict on tobacco control. I was in Toronto in July (when smoking analogs) and you cannot even drink at a bar which has an outdoor patio, and still smoke!!! No, we had to walk out completely out of the club and smoke like 50 feet away. Crazy... Trust me, they will treat e-cigs just like analogs, just because the vapor "looks" like smoke.

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