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About a year ago when I started vaping, my fiancé gave me a kit with a little auto draw 510 and an ego. It was my first kit. Since then I've gone through various egos, big honkin vapes (I had a Gentleman's executive kit for a bit but it was like holding the relay baton in a race - haha!) and all kinds of mods and random little guys (spark plug, rough stack etc) until I found my current pride and joy. A few months ago, I finally got a super t by precise plus, I love the weight and the size, The quality is unmatchable IMO (and its made in the US!) and I can't see myself ever really wanting another vape, but who knows...

I don't know of anyone else that has used one before (super t)

Am I missing out on good stuff?

When do you all "settle" if at all


During the 1st year of vaping I never thought I'd see the day when I didn't want a new mod. However, I settled when I got my Provari. I was vaping at 6V on a Silver Bullet, but after getting the Provari I was able to start reducing the voltage. Most of the time now I'm vaping at 4.1V or just using an eGo battery. I had been vaping just over a year when I got my Provari. I think since I've been vaping so long now, I'm much easier to be satisfied. I never get cravings any more like I did in the 1st year.

I've always thought of getting a Precise from Super-T, but never thought I'd like the bottom button. No doubt they are beautiful pieces.


You has to have some spares just in case, but it is possible to go overboard.

i agree with backups. but it is possible to go overboard. my coworker is a living example... although he still smokes analogs he has 3 ego's an ego twist, a lava tube, a bolt, and 5 stick batts. not to mention all the crap juice he doesnt vape... i myself have 2 stick batts(which i RARELY use), 2 kgos and 1 ego twist... which imo is about a good setup. im looking for a lavatube type (removable batt) device... but yes you can over due it! now its all based on your income and money disposal.. to each their own!


I almost feel like I'm in the wrong place. LOL Overboard? I won't even mention what I have...or what I've tried and no longer have. I'm sticking to my orginial train of thought...backups, backups, and more backups - and then backups for my backups. :yes


I keep 3 different eGo batteries and use LR Carto's. So far it seems to be all I need to stay away from tobacco. Seems like 3 is a good number for eGo's. Sometimes I wonder if I'd prefer a 5volt mod but I don't want to keep obsessing about this stuff like I have been. I am working my way to 18 or 16 mg nic. now and will one day quit this too I think. I enjoy it too much for now though.


I think it all comes with the learning curve.I now have just my 2 KGOs and 2 LT clones.I like tanks on my VVs and vision clearomizers on my KGOs.I drip with 306 attys and have a half dozen favorite juices.Life is good!hehe


Wow, thanks everybody! It seems like I am somewhat like minded with the majority of users then. Faves, with a few backups. I guess as time goes on more will come, right?

@brian my fiancé has a provari that he now uses exclusively, that he really loves a lot. I love all the super techy features it has but it's way too bulky for my small hands. I feel like I'm in a relay race or something, hahah

I agree, having the button on the bottom is definitely something to get used to. I guess I just like it, I can push it in a closed fist which is pretty nifty


Jeez, i'm like a PV horder then. I've got a couple of stick batteries laying around somewhere, 5 ego batteries (a couple out on extended "loan"), 2 LTs, a Mark's Mod, a reo grand (sold my other one), and a GVM mod.

After the loss of my first LT, i had to buy a backup in case one ever turned up missing again.

I have an entire huge kitchen drawer (one for the pots and pans, not the little junk drawer) full of supplies. I've got clearos for days, tank atomizers, repetitious tank attys, empty tanks, a variety of attys, hybrid attys, and cartos in standard, LR, and HR. I've got a bunch of DIY flavors, nic, and mixers, empty bottles, pipettes, and syringes. Also a huge mass of 3-6ml sample bottle of crap juice i didn't like. Not to mention the bunches of batteries!

'eh. At least its better than smokin. :geek:


I've definitely got eliq supplies ALL over my house, and cartos, and tanks... Hahaha!


I almost feel like I'm in the wrong place. LOL Overboard? I won't even mention what I have...or what I've tried and no longer have. I'm sticking to my orginial train of thought...backups, backups, and more backups - and then backups for my backups. :yes

I've spent my vaping life following Nana's credo and don't regret a single purchase. I've got some catching up to do, but overall I am very satisfied. At the moment I'm investing in Rebuildable Atomizers to prepare for the zombie days (FDA/Senators) and then I hope to invest in DIY liquid attempts, a mini Provari, a purple BuzzPro, a purple SB, a purple ... hmmm, wait, as long as there is a purple anything out there, it's on my list and I'll never be satisfied until I own em all. There's no such thing as "too many" when it comes to purple non-cancer sticks.


In my book, there is no such thing as "too many" of anything when it comes to vaping supplies. :thumbup:

It's so good to hear your voice again Nana! Especially when you chant those magical words "back ups backups backups!" You've been sorely missed you dear sweet Queen of Backups.

I hope to one day catch up with you.

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