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Hi everyone! I'll try to get straight to the point since I've got a terribly bad habit of going off on tangents...

Ok, first of all, I've been vaping for less than a week now with the Blu e-cigs and I got excited cuz I ordered the kit on a Wed night and received it THAT sat. morning!!! And here I had resigned myself to a wait time of 6-8 weeks. Of course, now the thing with the bad charge pack and they say the new packs won't be ready for at least 4-6 weeks!!! They never sound too apologetic either, but I definitely think Blu customers should get a freebie of some sort or a big discount... *sigh*

Anyway, for that past 6 weeks I've been doing so much research on which e-cigs are the best because my parents are giving me a certain amount of $ since my b-day is coming up on Nov. 1st, but I can only use the $ on e-cig kits. So, I finally got it down to 5 and I really, REALLY need the advice of all of you on this forum as to wich you think are best!

1. The Dragon 401 from True Smoker (manual or auto?)

2. Green Smoke (most expensive but I've heard they're vapor monsters)

3. The Side Sho from Modern Vapor Does anyone know what model number this is? i.e. 401, 510, or??? (Wonder what Blu thinks of their PCC? hehe.

4. The Vapor King Ultimate Ultimatum Kit (is this a KR808d-1 or something like that? It's the ones with V4L all over the batts) Never thought the day would come where I can match my PVs with my purse, LOL.

5.TECC 510 Titan Platinum Kit from TECC.

So, please! I'd appreciate any and all input because I'm just cross-eyed and spinning in circles. It seems that the more "research" I do, the more confused I get!

P.S. Does anyone know if the Blu batts fit any other kind of atty or cartridge? I'm almost possible that I read in this forum somewhere that the Blu model is just another 401 or something and that there are attys and carts that will fit it. And hey! How will I know if there are any replies to my post? Thanks in advance for your help!

~Cade :wacko:

Posted (edited)

I personally would go with the 401 Dragon with the manual batteries or the 510, it really depends on if you want a PPC, as far as I know the 510 has one but the Dragon does not.

The reason I would suggest these two are that I personally have never heard of the other models, or the people that sell them, I tend to stick with the trusted suppliers on this site for my e-cig parts.

I have purchased the Dragon, it is a very good starter model as it is the closest size to a analog.

I also have a 510 atomizer on the mod I built and it is a vapor beast. (EDIT) But at the same time the 510 does use more juice than a Dragon.

My two cents, I hope that helps some. :)

Edited by MunkusBFunky

Wow! Thanks to all of you who took the time out to give me your two cents worth, all of which has been extremely helpful. I have a feeling I'm gonna like it here... Thanks again! :thumbsup:

~ Cade


I have 2 dragons and 2 dragon passthru's and they are FANTASTIC!!! And DEFINITELY get yourself a Pass Thru, because then you can vape at your computer without having to worry about running out of batts (At Truesmoker)

Also, IF you are not in a hurry, you can get direct from China, and it will Not take more than a week to arrive, some people say they get their orders 5 days after they order. Its: heaven-gifts.com and they have the 510 Kit for 30 bucks and the 901 kit in manual or auto for only 26.50 and juice 4 only $9 for 30ml with 46 flavors. ALL E-Cigs are made in China, but if you do order there, be aware they are on holiday until the 8th, so that is when they will start shipping again.


I'm very happy with my dragon, I have the auto batteries, but expect the manual battery to be in the mail tomorrow. Really couldn't wait to do my own comparison between manual and auto batteries.


I agree with biezman, I would go with the 510 AND get it from awesomevapor.com

I have several 510's and the PCC is a MUST. The batteries on any of the minis is horrible. You have to be able to charge it on the go.

Arno at awesome vapor has been by far the best vendor I have dealt with. He will answer any email you send him quickly. He will immediatley get parts that do not work to you immediatley with no hassle. As Chrishax mentioned ALL e-cigs come from China, so all of the vendors are going to get boxes that have duds in them. The important thing is to find a vendor who cares.

With any e-cig you choose it IS going to wear out and break, especialy the atomizer. You WILL have to replace these, and having a vendor that will respond to you and ship quickly is important.

I also saw that you asked Auto or Manual. The Manual is another must. The juice can leak into the battery from the atomizer and the manual batteries are sealed, plus yuo have more control.


although im a noob still myself. I did a fair amount of research before i purchased anything and i have to say i would go with a 510 and either get it from arno at awesomevapor.com or jeffery at wordupecig.com cant go wrong with either guy in my opinion. just remeber for the most part a brand name dosent mean much its the vendor behind your purchase that mean everything. will they repalce the inevitable dud? Will they over night stuff if needed. can you call them? How long do they take to answer email? think of them (the vendor) as the investment. You need them and they need to be there for you. Not just for your cash.

Ok thats my 2 cents and btw happy b-day scorpios rock

happy vaping



I have been down your path and spent the last month educating myself and others and testing a wide variety of E-Cigs. I have had a Dragon/m401 which is what I started with and it got me off tobacco cigarettes. The 510 came next and I don't care for that as others do, the carts are a pain in the butt, the battery sucks, the vapor is harsh which I think many people confuse with throat hit since they really don't know any better, not because they are stupid or anything. It takes a few days to break in and it does mellow over time but never matches the others in taste until you bump up the voltage with a mod magnummod.jpgThat one there cost about $25 to build and is a beast. It uses either 2 CR2 3v batteries for a day of use or one 18500 3.7v for a couple of days at with no drop off in vapor really.

I then went to the KR808D-1 and loved it! I was leery about the cartomizers at first because I just flat out did not believe that they were worth the few extra dollars because no cart that I seen would last the equal of a pack of cigarettes as so many people claimed. I finally bought one and I enjoyed it the brief time I had it since it only took the one charge and I returned it and got the GreenCig 220 kit instead. Why you ask? Well there was a little more to the story. The first KR808D-1 I received didn't charge at all, it was DOA. The supplier was cool and sent the replacement immediately without waiting for me to return the bad one, which is rare let me tell you. The second battery he sent me I think had a charge on it already because it was green in the charger upon plugging it in so I used it to vape for 24 hours with ONE cartridge, when I went to recharge it, it would not recharge which led me to believe it was the charger perhaps but I don't know for sure. After that happened I said ah the heck with it, I had been eyeballing the GreenCig kit since day one and I just asked if I could upgrade to that and the supplier had no problem with it.

I also know that most of us end up with more than one type of kit. 98% of the people I see that vape have multiple kits, they really aren't all that expensive compared to buying 3-4 cartons of cigarettes in a month at $60 a carton. If you only want to buy one kit and have the best possible kit I would say either the KR808D-1 or the GreenCig. Cartomizers can be refilled and it's not that hard really. In fact, the KR808D-1 is easier, cleaner and faster to fill than the 3pc models and the GreenCig is not so hard to refill either. Long term cost the difference between the two styles is really not that much all things considered. I didn't say a whole lot about the GreenCig cartomizer in this post because I have some pics to share that will blow you away that will show you how much more there is to the technology of the GreenCig compared to others. Hope this helps with your choice but don't sweat it too much like I said most people end up with multiple kits.


Sorry for the double post I see the pic didn't post perhaps I don't have permission I will put it in a file here if people wish to see it. I will add it as an attachment here.


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