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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to wear a CPAP at night while sleeping. Sadly even with a humidifier it dries me out pretty badly so it's common for me to wake up either to re moisten my mouth and throat or because i've developed a leak ( My pressure is pretty high at 19). So i stop the machine take off the mask and start to moisten. Naturally i reach over and get a fix of nicotine when i do this.

Before i wore the cpap i kept it in bed with me because i woke up 10 to 20 times per night gasping for breath. so each time i woke up i'd reach over and grab the nic stick and fell all better lol. the joys of having a big bed and sleeping alone is that i can store all kinds of things on the bed next to me while sleeping.

Sometimes i think the big bed might have been a mistake. After serving as a submariner in the military and now working offshore i only use 1/5 of my bed for sleeping. I don't roll over to the other portion of my bed. If it wasn't for turning my mattresses the other portion of my bed would be like new lol.


No I do not take the pv to bed.too many other things to occupy self with -lol besides the mods kind of look like vibrators---besides that company sometimes uses my bedroom to get to the other bathroom and i do not want them thinking she sure has lots of sex toys etc, If I have used the pro tank that day right before bed I will wash it out, do the dry burn and let if finish drying during my sleep so I have a fresh one for the waking hours. I do get at least 2 battery's charged up before bed time so I can just grab and go I still find that once awake I really need a higher nic to get some nic in my body and say after about an hour of vaping I am fine with 18 nic versus 24. i vape within 15 minutes to 30 minutes upon feet hitting floor.

  On 6/2/2012 at 10:16 PM, jeffb said:

I usually dont vape until I get up and get a cup of coffee. :)

same here .


I am a fall asleep on the couch kinda guy. So, I guess that I kind of do keep it on the night stand (so to speak, coffee table). But I do not vape around my kids (just like smoking). It is nice to take a few toots while waiting for dreamland to come.

For the morning, I will vape first thing once I get into the car for the drive to work, but not before. On the weekends, daddy needs to take a trip to the garage for my morning nic needs (so much nicer now that I don't come back in stinking to high hell). I still have my smoking lounge/ Man Cave out there. Its got cable TV, so I get stuck watching a game or shows for hours at night. In the fall (just about this time of year), I move the nice patio furniture (couches, arm chairs, coffee table) into the garage and have a pretty nice setup. I guess it will be my new Vape Lounge. Taste Test Tuesdays coming soon. J/K.


When I started Vaping it was to get away from smoking cigarettes. I am a heavy vaper, of that there is no doubt, in fact too heavy. BUT it is more of a habit I think then need for nicotine. My E-Juice has very little Nicotine in it. I will have a toot before going into the bedroom, but the Mod stays in the living room at night. My first toot is when drinking my first cup of coffee, not during the night.


Yup. We generally go up anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour and half or more before actually going to bed, so of course, I'm vaping then. Also, I take sleeping meds, and I can't take those until lights out, because I can't go to sleep before hubby, or my snoring would keep him awake, so I lie in bed vaping and playing a game on my phone, or watching TV with the sound muted and closed captions on. There have been a couple times where I have fallen asleep with it in my hand, or well, I rest it on my body when I'm reading my Nook, picking it up only to vape, and hubby flipped out on me in the middle of night one night, because I woke up after having dozed off to use the bathroom, and he rolled over on to it. If I wake up in the middle of the night (I almost always do) I take a couple hits, or take it to the bathroom with me. And of course, the first thing I do after I sit up is take a hit.

The nice thing about vaping and not smoking, as far as the bedroom is concerned? If I wake up in the middle of the night and want a nic fix, or in the morning, I don't have to worry about doing it if hubby's asleep, or isn't "awake" enough to be around smoke. If I woke up in the middle of the night and wanted a smoke while I was up, I would have to smoke it in the bathroom (and of course stay there until I was done with it), and in the mornings, I generally would either have to be up before him to smoke when I got up, or wait usually about 15 minutes before it was "okay" for me to light up. I don't know if it was his sinuses or what. It never stopped him from smoking when I was asleep, but I never objected to it, either.


I do not Vape in the bed very often, but mainly because the way our home is set up we have a 600 square foot bedroom- couple cave in the basement and thats where we hang out and watch TV and stuff after my son goes to bed. Going to bed just means a short walk to the bed and my APV stays on the dresser. It IS however the first thing I grab in the morning along with my phone and a Diet Dr Pepper and head to my porcelain throne! (TMI I know)

  • 4 weeks later...

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