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Hello everyone!!

I have been vaping for about a month now. Im using the ego-t type b 1000mah setup: http://www.vaporslounge.com/24-joyetech-ego-t-type-b-1100mah.html

Question #1 - What is the most powerful, best vapor production atomizer that uses a tank system I can buy for my ego-t? Dont want to worry about the dripping method .. Alot of trouble.

#2 - A friend of mine has a VV battery mod ... hes using the ego transparent clear-o-mizer:

http://www.litecigusa.net/EgO_transparent_Clear_o_mizer_p/egovisionclearomizer.htm If he goes over 4.5volts or so he gets a VERY burnt taste .. Extremely distorting the vapor taste. Would a High RES atomizer fix this? A of the best HR atomizer thats made for around 5-6.5volts would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!

I want a VV but need to be sure his burnt taste issue can be fixed before I spend the money.

Thanks in advance my friends!! Keep it up!!


#1 I would just use Boge standard and low resistance carto's

#2 some liquids work better at higher temperatures than others.That is kind of the reason for VV,if it tastes like funk dial it down.

Keep it simple unless you just have too much money.All that is required is getting the liquid heated to the point it becomes a vapor ,not enough heat= no or low vapor too much heat = funk and excess liquid useage.Overly complicated equipment =posts in the help it broke section of the forum.


I've used eGo type B for many months and had great results. I would get the lr cylinder shaped attys. These produced huge amounts of vapor and th and great flavor. Also much less leaking and dry hits than I now have with eGo C. I had great flavor and overall performance for over a month with an atty and sometimes I would use the same one twice that long. I still have attys from last year that still work but like I said the flavor is best for the first month. Low res makes a huge difference when it comes to eGo type B attys.

If you do find a better tank or delivery system let me know but I'm thinking of changing back to type B. I've pretty much had it with eGo C and also with clearos and cartos.


Don't get caught up in all the hype about VV, the main purpose of VV is to make your batteries last longer. Exp vape at low voltage untill you feel like you are loosing a little power,then bump your voltage up a little to bring your vapor production back up. If you do this right the last drag will be as good as your first. If you are are getting a VV just to be cool and cook your eliquid at high temps it's just overkill.


VV is the way to go!!! You can use any type atty on it and just dial in the voltage to a perfect vape. This is the main purpose of VV, not battery life.


Any opinions on the duel coil atomizers for my ego-t type b? Do they produce more vapor? It would have to double the vapor for me to give up alot of battery life imo.

Dont get me wrong ... The stock atomizer is going the job. I just would like to experiment with different things and eventually having the "best setup for me" i guess?


Looks as if Joyetech eGo Atomizer Type B (Cylinder Shaped) - Low Resistance is the best atomizer for now? I seen these in duel coil I think ... Any opinions/reviews?


Looks as if Joyetech eGo Atomizer Type B (Cylinder Shaped) - Low Resistance is the best atomizer for now? I seen these in duel coil I think ... Any opinions/reviews?

the dual coil tank imho is the best! the simplicty of the device and that fact you dont have to worry about dripping or topping off all day! great if you are always out and dont have the time to drip. the tank can be reused over and over but the cartos need to be replaced like any other carto. and can be bought in different ohms. if your running an ego, "MY" recomendation is a 1.5 - 1.8ohm carto. i run a kgo 1100mah battery. which is almost identical to the ego with one diff. the ego is a regulated battery, meaning it pushes around 3.7v from full charge to dead. and then kgo is unregulated, meaning when fully charged it will push close to 4.2v fully charged and the last puff will be down to 3.2. hope this helps and happy vaping!

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